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AMERICAN HISTORY “ I won because I learned!”. AMERICAN HISTORY The Civil War.

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1 AMERICAN HISTORY “ I won because I learned!”


3 If you are looking for some other ways to review, check these out! Here is an extra test! _rand=757781751 _rand=757781751 Step by Step visuals of what happens in the war! /index.cfm Sherman’s March Interactive: sherman/interactives/shermans-march Overall interactive with Civil War information! war-150#/home Another Fun Extra! Who am I? militaryhistory/resources/wh oami/whoami.html Civil War Battleship! All kinds of Civil War Games!

4 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 18611862 Mystery 18631864-65

5 1861 - $100 QUESTION: QUESTION: Why did the South secede?

6 1861 - $100 QUESTION: QUESTION: Why did the South secede? ANSWER: 1) They are fighting to protect their way of life including slavery. 2) To have states rights since they feel they have little say in the National government. 3) To protect their homes and families once they realize war will be on their land.

7 1861 - $200 QUESTION: QUESTION: Why doesn’t the Union simply let the South leave?

8 1861 - $200 QUESTION: QUESTION: Why doesn’t the Union simply let the South leave? ANSWER: - They have to fight to preserve the Union because if you let one state leave, where will this end? You can’t let states leave if you want to be a stable country. - They have to fight to preserve the Union because if you let one state leave, where will this end? You can’t let states leave if you want to be a stable country.

9 1861 - 300 QUESTION: QUESTION: What are border states?

10 1861 - $300 QUESTION: QUESTION: What are border states? ANSWER: ANSWER: Slave states on the border of rebelling states that Lincoln is attempting to keep in the Union.

11 1861 - $400 QUESTION: QUESTION: What was the significance (or importance) of the first battle of Bull Run? What was the significance (or importance) of the first battle of Bull Run?

12 1861 - $400 QUESTION: QUESTION: What was the significance (or importance) of the first battle of Bull Run? ANSWER: ANSWER: - Both sides realize the other is very serious about fighting and it won’t be the short war they expected. - Both sides realize the other is very serious about fighting and it won’t be the short war they expected. - The war appears it will be long, hard, and ugly based on the losses and effort of both sides. - The war appears it will be long, hard, and ugly based on the losses and effort of both sides.

13 1861 - $500 QUESTION: QUESTION: How does Lincoln force the confederacy to start the war at Ft. Sumter, but intensify it as a result?

14 1861 - $500 QUESTION: QUESTION: How does Lincoln force the confederacy to start the war at Ft. Sumter, but intensify it as a result? ANSWER: ANSWER: Lincoln makes them start the fighting by only sending in food supplies to Ft. Sumter (non – threatening). Lincoln makes VA, NC, AK and TN secede when he calls troops (75,000 for 90 days) to fight against our own people (the rebelling south).

15 1862 - $100 QUESTION: QUESTION: The siege of this town, the CSA’s biggest manufacturing city, helped the Union strengthen their blockade of Southern supply lines.

16 1862 - $100 QUESTION: QUESTION: The siege of this town, the CSA’s biggest manufacturing city, helped the Union strengthen their blockade of Southern supply lines. ANSWER: New Orleans New Orleans

17 1862 - $200 QUESTION: QUESTION: This attempt by George McClellan and the Union to take Richmond failed even though they had ten times the men at the time.

18 1862 - $200 QUESTION: QUESTION: This attempt by George McClellan and the Union to take Richmond failed even though they had ten times the men at the time. ANSWER: ANSWER: Peninsula Campaign

19 1862 - $300 QUESTION: QUESTION: What battle saw the CSA lose Albert Sidney Johnston, had more casualties than all American Wars, and gave the Union control of the Tennessee River?

20 1862 - $300 QUESTION: QUESTION: What battle saw the CSA lose Albert Sidney Johnston, had more casualties than all American Wars, and gave the Union control of the Tennessee River? ANSWER: ANSWER:Shiloh

21 1862 - $800 Question: Question: What was the importance of the Monitor versus the Merrimack?

22 1862 - $800 Question: Question: What was the importance of the Monitor versus the Merrimack? ANSWER: ANSWER: It started a new age of naval warfare that scared Europe because their ships were obsolete! It started a new age of naval warfare that scared Europe because their ships were obsolete!

23 1862 - $500 QUESTION: QUESTION: What are three reasons why the Emancipation Proclamation changed the war?

24 1862 - $500 QUESTION: QUESTION: What are three reasons why the Emancipation Proclamation changed the war? What are three reasons why the Emancipation Proclamation changed the war?ANSWER: 1 ) It stopped England from entering the war (against slavery). 2) It gave soldiers another cause to fight (freedom along with protecting democracy). 3) It encourages slaves in the CSA to run away or stop working (confederate would have to stop fighting to deal with them). 4) African Americans could now fight for the Union giving the Union thousands of new soldiers. 4) African Americans could now fight for the Union giving the Union thousands of new soldiers.

25 1863 - $100 Question: Question: What was the purpose of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address?

26 1863 - $100 Question: Question: What was the purpose of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address? ANSWER: To commemorate the Gettysburg Cemetery, honor those who died at the battle AND inspire the Union to fight on to win or else those who had lost their lives had done so for no reason.

27 1863 - $200 Question: Question: Where was Stonewall Jackson mortally wounded?

28 1863 - $200 Question: Question: Where was Stonewall Jackson mortally wounded? ANSWER: ANSWER: Chancellorsville Chancellorsville

29 1863 - $300 QUESTION: QUESTION: Why did people riot or protest the draft in places like New York? Why did people riot or protest the draft in places like New York?

30 1863 - $300 QUESTION: QUESTION: Why did people riot or protest the draft in places like New York? ANSWER: ANSWER: Because many resented the fact that in the Union army, they would be fighting to free people that would take their jobs and that rich people could get out of the war by owning 20 + slaves in the south or paying $300 in the north.

31 1863 - $400 Question: Question: What are two details about the battle of Vicksburg?

32 1863 - $400 Question: Question: What are two details about the battle of Vicksburg? ANSWER: ANSWER: - the Union blocks Rebels into the city to starve them out - the Union blocks Rebels into the city to starve them out - The Rebels give up on the 4 th of July - Ships endure bombing to pass the city - Grant marches men through swamps to get there winning battle after battle

33 1863 - $500 QUESTION: QUESTION: Why was the siege of Vicksburg key to winning the war for both sides?

34 1863 - $500 QUESTION: QUESTION: Why was the siege of Vicksburg key to winning the war for both sides? Why was the siege of Vicksburg key to winning the war for both sides?Answer: It allowed the Union to move troops, goods, and information up and down the Mississippi River (and not the South). The South is now split into east and west

35 1864-65 - $100 QUESTION: QUESTION: What was the significance of the Lincoln Assassination?

36 1864-65 - $100 QUESTION: QUESTION: What was the significance of the Lincoln Assassination? ANSWER: ANSWER: It threw Reconstruction Plans into confusion and made the nation mourn the loss of a great leader.

37 1864-65 - $200 QUESTION: QUESTION: While many personal belongings of the South were destroyed during the Union’s march through the South, what was the most important thing that was destroyed in the process?

38 1864-65 - $200 QUESTION: QUESTION: While many personal belongings of the South were destroyed during the Union’s march through the South, what was the most important thing that was destroyed in the process? ANSWER: Southern will to continue the war ANSWER: Southern will to continue the war

39 1864-65 - $300 QUESTION: QUESTION: Who was Lincoln’s opponent in the 1864 election and what helped Lincoln win?

40 1864-65 - $300 QUESTION: QUESTION: Who was Lincoln’s opponent in the 1864 election and what helped Lincoln win? ANSWER: ANSWER: - - George McClellan; - Soldier votes because they want to finish what they started; Atlanta Victory because this makes people think the Union is close to winning now that they control the largest remaining CSA supply hub.

41 1864-65 - $400 QUESTION: QUESTION: After battle at Chattanooga, this general took over all of the Union Army because “He fights”.

42 1864-65 - $400 QUESTION: QUESTION: After battle at Chattanooga, this general took over all of the Union Army because “He fights”. ANSWERS: ANSWERS: Ulysses S. Grant Ulysses S. Grant

43 1864-65 - $500 QUESTION: QUESTION: The process of reeking havoc on all of civilian life (destroying anything useful) is called what?

44 1864-65 - $500 QUESTION: QUESTION: The process of reeking havoc on all of civilian life (destroying anything useful) is called what? ANSWER: ANSWER: Total War

45 Mystery Map - $100 QUESTION: QUESTION: Which event is shown in the following? a. The battle of Shiloh b. The battle of Seven Pines c. The battle of Gettysburg

46 Mystery Map - $100 QUESTION: QUESTION: ANSWER: ANSWER: c) Gettysburg

47 Mystery Map - $400 QUESTION: QUESTION: Which event is shown in the following? a. The battle of Shiloh b. The attack at Fort Sumter c. The battle of Gettysburg

48 Mystery Map - $400 QUESTION: QUESTION: ANSWER: ANSWER: The Attack at Fort Sumter

49 Mystery Map - $300 QUESTION: QUESTION: Which event is shown in the following? a. The battle of Gettysburg b. The attack at Fort Sumter c. The battle of Shiloh

50 Mystery Map - $300 QUESTION: QUESTION: ANSWER: ANSWER:Shiloh

51 Mystery Map - $400 QUESTION: QUESTION: Which event is shown in the following? a. The battle of Antietam b. The attack at New Orleans c. The siege of Atlanta.

52 Mystery Map - $400 QUESTION: QUESTION: ANSWER: ANSWER: Siege of Atlanta

53 Mystery Map - $500 QUESTION: QUESTION: Which event is shown in the following? Which event is shown in the following? a. The siege of New Orleans b. The siege of Vicksburg c. The siege of Atlanta

54 Mystery Map - $500 QUESTION: QUESTION: ANSWER: ANSWER: Siege of Vicksburg

55 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 1861 1862 18631864-65Mystery

56 1861 - $200 QUESTION: QUESTION: What border states would Lincoln keep in the Union and why were they important?

57 1861 - $200 QUESTION: QUESTION: What border states would Lincoln keep in the Union and why were they important? ANSWER: ANSWER: Delaware = manufacturing area for war supplies Delaware = manufacturing area for war supplies Missouri and Kentucky= Mississippi and Ohio River access for troop, supply and information movement Maryland = access to D.C. and railroads

58 1861 - $400 Question: Question: What was the Confederate plan for winning the war? (give three parts) What was the Confederate plan for winning the war? (give three parts)

59 1861 - $400 Question: Question: What was the Confederate plan for winning the war? (give three parts) Answer: 1) To defend as much as possible, dragging the war out making the Union run up a huge debt. 2) Timely offensive strikes in the North! If they could threaten D.C. or Union land, they could scare the Union into quitting. 3) Get Europe to help since the South has low numbers. The U.S. would have more to worry about if they have to fight them too!

60 1861 - $600 Question: Question: What are three strengths of the Union going into war (explain!) What are three strengths of the Union going into war (explain!)

61 1861 - $600 Question: Question: What are three strengths of the Union going into war (explain!) Answer: Answer: - More Money (pay soldiers, buy goods) - More Money (pay soldiers, buy goods) - More Manufacturing (make goods, weapons) - More Manufacturing (make goods, weapons) - Abraham Lincoln (won’t stop till re-unified ) - Abraham Lincoln (won’t stop till re-unified ) - More People (can afford to lose more men in battle) - More People (can afford to lose more men in battle) - Better Technology (more trains, hot air balloons) - Better Technology (more trains, hot air balloons)

62 1861 - $1600 Question: Question: What are three strengths of the confederacy going into war? (explain) What are three strengths of the confederacy going into war? (explain)

63 1861 - $1600 Question: Question: What are three strengths of the confederacy going into war? (explain) Answer: Answer: - Passion (fighting to keep lifestyle) - Passion (fighting to keep lifestyle) - know land ( Fought in South; easier to travel and fight) - know land ( Fought in South; easier to travel and fight) - better generals (experience from Mexican War) - better generals (experience from Mexican War) - Easier to win (if the USA leaves they win) - Easier to win (if the USA leaves they win) - supplies and help are close by since they are fighting in the South! - supplies and help are close by since they are fighting in the South!

64 1861 - $1000 Question: Question: What were three pieces of the Anaconda Plan?

65 1861 - $1000 Question: Question: What were three pieces of the Anaconda Plan? Answer: Answer: 1) Control the Mississippi River 1) Control the Mississippi River 2) Blockade Southern Ports 2) Blockade Southern Ports 3) Capture Richmond 3) Capture Richmond

66 1862 - $200 Question: What does the Confederate draft starting in 1862, a year ahead of the Union, tell you about the war?

67 1862 - $200 Question: What does the Confederate draft starting in 1862, a year ahead of the Union, tell you about the war? Answer: They are in greater need of soldiers because their population is much lower than the Union.

68 1862 - $400 Question: Question: Why do Union troops chant Fredericksburg for the remainder of the war?

69 1862 - $400 Question: Question: Why do Union troops chant Fredericksburg for the remainder of the war? Answer: Answer: To remember those who fought so hard, but lost there. (the 69 th Irish brigade and others fought valiantly charging Marye’s Heights.)

70 1862 - $600 Question: Question: Why did Lincoln suspend the writ of Habeas Corpus resulting in the jailing of many northerners without, bail or trial?

71 1862 - $600 Question: Question: Why did Lincoln suspend the writ of Habeas Corpus resulting in the jailing of many northerners without, bail or trial? Answer: Because the people he jailed were going to influence the border states to leave the Union. He was breaking the Constitution to protect the Constitution. Answer: Because the people he jailed were going to influence the border states to leave the Union. He was breaking the Constitution to protect the Constitution.

72 1862 - $800 Question: Question: Why did the Confederates head to Sharpsburg, Maryland to fight the battle of Antietam? Why did the Confederates head to Sharpsburg, Maryland to fight the battle of Antietam?

73 1862 - $800 Question: Question: Why did the Confederates head to Sharpsburg, Maryland to fight the battle of Antietam? Answer: Answer: - They were hoping to win a sizeable battle in the north so that Europe would think that they had a chance of winning and they would join them in the war effort.

74 1862 - $1000 Question: Question: Why was the battle of Antietam so important to the Union winning the war?

75 1862 - $1000 1862 - $1000 Question: Question: Why was the battle of Antietam so important to the Union winning the war? Answer: Answer: - The Union stops the rebels from winning a northern battle that may have broken Union spirit - It gives Lincoln a chance to push for Emancipation and not look desperate

76 1863 - $200 Question: Question: What does the fact that the Confederates changed their draft ages from 18 – 35 year olds to 17 – 50 tell you about the war?

77 1863 - $200 Question: Question: What does the fact that the Confederates changed their draft ages from 18 – 35 year olds to 17 – 50 tell you about the war? Answer: Answer: The CSA became desperate for soldiers and were running out of men.

78 1863 - $400 Question: Question: What cause inflation in the confederacy? What cause inflation in the confederacy?

79 1863 - $400 Question: Question: What cause inflation in the confederacy? Answer: - Northern blockades made it so Southern people couldn’t get certain goods driving up prices. - The CSA printed too much money making people lose faith in their currency. - The Union troops destroyed crops and supplies as they marched through the south adding to the scarcity of certain goods.

80 1863 - $1200 Question: Question: Why is the battle of Gettysburg such a devastating loss for the rebels?

81 1863 - $1200 Question: Question: Why is the battle of Gettysburg such a devastating loss for the rebels? Answer: Answer: - Lee loses 40% of his army making it virtually impossible to make a large offensive attack again, because they would loose too many more men with that type of agression. - Lee loses 40% of his army making it virtually impossible to make a large offensive attack again, because they would loose too many more men with that type of agression.

82 1863 - $800 Question: Question: What are two details of the Battle of Gettysburg? What are two details of the Battle of Gettysburg?

83 1863 - $800 Question: Question: What are two details of the Battle of Gettysburg? Answer: - The Rebels win Day 1 but the Union keeps high ground. - The Rebels win Day 1 but the Union keeps high ground. - The Union wins day two thanks to a bayonet charge at Little Round Top. - The Union wins day two thanks to a bayonet charge at Little Round Top. -The Union is the sizable victor after winning Day 3 when Pickett’s Charge fails the Rebels.

84 1863 - $1000 Question: Question: Why was the Battle of Gettysburg so important? (2 reasons)

85 1863 - $1000 Question: Question: How people in the North respond to the battle of Gettysburg? How people in the North respond to the battle of Gettysburg?Answer: - They were relieved that the Union was able to protect Northern soil. A loss here may have scared them into quitting.

86 1864-65 - $200 Question: Question: When the Union captures _________, Virginia the third stage of the __________ plan is completed.

87 1864-65 - $200 Question: Question: When the Union captures _________, the third stage of the __________ plan is completed. Answer: Answer: Richmond; Anaconda Richmond; Anaconda

88 1864-65 - $400 Question: Question: Why would Lincoln be concerned that he would not be re-elected in 1864? Why would Lincoln be concerned that he would not be re-elected in 1864?

89 1864-65 - $400 Question: Question: Why would Lincoln be concerned that he would not be re-elected in 1864? Answer: People were tired of war because of high casualties, high taxes, the draft. People also blamed Lincoln for starting the war by calling troops and disagreed with emancipation and his king like ways.

90 1864-65 - $600 Question: Question: Sherman’s March devastates the South making Civilians victims of war from __________, Georgia to the Atlantic and on into the first state to secede, _____________.

91 1864-65 - $600 1864-65 - $600 Question: Question: Sherman’s March devastates the South making Civilians victims of war from __________, Georgia to the Atlantic and on into the first state to secede, _____________. Answer: Atlanta ; South Carolina Answer: Atlanta ; South Carolina

92 1864-65 - $800 Question: Question: At _______________, Virginia, ______’s rebel army surrenders to _______ the head of the Union army ending the civil war.

93 1864-65 - $800 Question: Question: At _______________, Virginia, ______’s rebel army surrenders to _______ the head of the Union army ending the civil war. Answer: Answer: Appomattox Courthouse; Lee; Grant

94 1864-65 - $1000 Question: Question: What is the impact of the re-election of Lincoln on the Confederacy?

95 1864-65 - $1000 Question: Question: What is the impact of the re-election of Lincoln on the Confederacy? Answer: Answer: Lincoln will not give up until he has preserved the Union and since the North has many more troops, they fear they will lose the war eventually. Lincoln will not give up until he has preserved the Union and since the North has many more troops, they fear they will lose the war eventually.

96 Mystery Mapping $200 Question: Which event is shown in the following? The battle of Shiloh The attack at Antietam The battle of Bull Run

97 Mystery Mapping $200 Question: Which event is shown in the following? The battle of Shiloh The battle of Antietam The battle of Bull Run ANSWER: Bull Run Bull Run

98 Mystery Mapping $400 Question: Question: What order do the following events go in? What order do the following events go in? The battle of Shiloh The battle of Shiloh The siege of Richmond The siege of Richmond The battle of Bull Run I The battle of Bull Run I Attack at Fort Sumter Attack at Fort Sumter

99 Mystery Mapping $400 Question: Question: Battle orders… ANSWER: ANSWER: 1) Fort Sumter 2) Bull Run 1 3) Shiloh 4) Siege of Richmond

100 Mystery Mapping $600 QUESTION: Which event is shown in the following? The battle of Shiloh The Shenandoah battles The Battle of Gettysburg

101 Mystery Mapping $600 QUESTION: Which battle… ANSWER:Shenandoah

102 Mystery Mapping $800. Question: Place the following events in order. -Siege of New Orleans -Siege of Fort Sumter -Siege of Atlanta -Surrender of Appomattox

103 Mystery Mapping $800 Question: Place the following events in order. Siege of New Orleans Siege of Fort Sumter Siege of Atlanta Surrender of Appomattox ANSWER: 1) Fort Sumter 2) New Orleans 3) Atlanta 4) Appomattox Courthouse

104 Mystery Mapping $1000 QUESTION: What order did the following events happen in? -Siege of Atlanta -Antietam -Shiloh -Gettysburg

105 Mystery Mapping $1000 QUESTION: QUESTION: What order did the following events happen in? -Siege of Atlanta -Antietam-Shiloh - Gettysburg ANSWER: 1) Shiloh, 2) Antietam, 3)Gettysburg and then 4) Atlanta

106 Daily Double!! Daily Double!! NOW WORTH $800!!!

107 Daily Double!! Daily Double!! NOW WORTH $400!!!

108 Daily Double!! Daily Double!! NOW WORTH $1600!!!

109 Daily Double!! Daily Double!! NOW WORTH $1200!!!

110 Final Jeopardy! Final Jeopardy!

111 Final Jeopardy Question What are three major events that that occurred during the war that led the Union to victory?

112 Final Jeopardy Question What are three major events that that occurred during the war that led the Union to victory? Antietam Emancipation Proclamation Gettysburg Vicksburg Election of 1864 Sherman’s March

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