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P REPOSITIONS A brief overview for honors. D O N OW Write down the following sentences and identify if they are active or passive. If they are written.

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Presentation on theme: "P REPOSITIONS A brief overview for honors. D O N OW Write down the following sentences and identify if they are active or passive. If they are written."— Presentation transcript:

1 P REPOSITIONS A brief overview for honors

2 D O N OW Write down the following sentences and identify if they are active or passive. If they are written in passive please rewrite them in active: 1) I was called by a representative of the company and invited for an interview. 2) The stage was exited by me only after a long standing ovation 3) The American drama and horror television series, Supernatural, was created by Eric Kripke.

3 O BJECTIVE FOR TODAY SWBAT practice identifying prepositional phrases to ensure proper usage in editing and revising session

4 W HAT ARE D IRECT O BJECTS ? Noun(s) that come after the verb Answer the question who? Or what? WHICH OF THESE SENTENCES DO NOT HAVE A DIRECT OBJECT??? I looked up. George grabbed his cellphone. Chino shot Tony. Beverly asked for a large milkshake.

5 OBJECTS REVIEW Ms. Silva corrected the papers. Melquann scored points in the game. Jada borrowed a pencil. Freddy bit the sandwich. Gina sang a song.

6 M ORE EXAMPLES Andrea grabbed her friend’s sweater by accident. Aaron gave his brother a pet snake. Shineika told Billy a joke. The boys brought their mother their gym clothes.

7 W HAT IS A PREPOSITION ? A word that shows position, direction, or how two words/ideas are related to each other. Which word below do you think is the preposition? Raul hid under the stairs.

8 E XAMPLES OF P REPOSITIONS after against along amid among around as at atop after against along amid among around as at atop before behind below beneath beside between beyond by despite down during for from in inside into like near of off on onto out outside over past regarding round since than through throughout till to toward under unlike until up upon with within without

9 P REPOSITIONS K EEP THEIR OWN O BJECTS Beverly asked for a large milkshake. Subject? Verb? __________ who? Or what? Preposition word direction, position, relationship Object of preposition? Prepositional Phrase?

10 E VERY P REPOSITION NEEDS AN O BJECT ! Preps are greedy and clingy; they must have an object, or they are not prepositions. Formula: Prep + Object of Prep = Prepositional Phrase Here is a regular direct object Greg answered the phone. Here is an object of a preposition. Greg answered the phone [in the kitchen ].

11 Q UICK PRACTICE ^_^ Find the prepositional phrases. 1. I like tropical fish from the Caribbean Sea. 2. The newest playlist on my iPod is called “Christmas Tunes.” 3. We’ve been best friends since kindergarten. 4. The meatball rolled down the street into the neighbor’s front yard.

12 After school, the boys played a game of baseball at the park. We hid our canoe in the bushes and set up camp by the river. Candy signed her name on the line and passed the paper across the table. Without any warning, the dog dashed to the door and barked loudly. The storm caused the tree in our front yard to fall against the house.

13 L ET ’ S R EVIEW P REPOSITIONS Write whether the following examples contain prepositional phrases. If so, what are they? I sat down. Johnny looked out the window. Devon jumped into the car. Mike searched around. Kim bought a puppy for her children.

14 R E - CAP What are two things a prepositional phrase must have?

15 F IND ANY D IRECT O BJECTS. T HEN, FIND THE P REPOSITIONAL P HRASES. Bob and Mary walked to school. Frank ate his entire cake at his birthday party. Rihanna tripped on the stage and cried in front of the audience. Allen gave a report about the causes of WWI.

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