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Abstract Expressionism By: Christy Balewski & Sam Bush.

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1 Abstract Expressionism By: Christy Balewski & Sam Bush

2 What it is… Abstract Expressionism is a painting movement in which artists typically applied paint rapidly, and with force to their huge canvases in an effort to show feelings and emotions. - sometimes applying paint with large brushes, and looks as if to be an accident but is really quite planned.

3 History… European artists began moving to America during WW II. The main result of the new American fascination with Surrealism was the emergence of Abstract Expressionism. Produced in New York roughly between 1940- 1960. Jackson Pollack Ocean Greyness 1953

4 Made New York the center of the art world, and was often called the “New York School”. Abstract Expressionism was the first art movement to influence artists over seas, rather than vice versa. Artists wanted to establish their independence from European surrealists and other art trends.

5 European Influence European Surrealists obtained their notion of the unconscious mind, from Sigmund Freud. Many Americans at this time, derived Carl Jung’s theory- the “collective unconscious” holds that beneath ones private memories, is a store house of feelings and symbolic thoughts. With all the European influence, Abstract Expressionists sought universal themes within themselves.

6 Action/Gestural Painting One of the two techniques for Abstract Expressionism was known as Action Painting. – A style of painting which paint is spontaneously dripped, splashed or smeared onto the canvas, rather then being carefully applied. Willem de Kooning- Paris Review 1979

7 Jackson Pollock (1912-1956) Influenced by Mexican muralist painters, and Surrealism. Canvases were usually on the floor, or the wall where he dripped or poured on the paint. Used knives, sticks, or towels instead of brushes. Occasionally putting sand, broken glass, or other matter, into his paintings. Resulted in direct expression and “Action Painting”.

8 Jackson Pollock Shimmering Substance 1946

9 Jackson Pollock Enchanted Forest 1947

10 Jackson Pollock Lavender Mist 1950

11 “I have no fears about making changes, destroying the image… because the painting has a life of its own.” Jackson Pollock

12 Willem de Kooning A pioneer in Abstract Expressionism. Tried to capture energy and emotion through Action Painting. Alternated between abstract and figural painting. Blended traditional forms, with a sense of uncertainty.

13 Never abandoned the use of figures Influenced by Picasso’s cubism Willem de Kooning Woman I 1950-1952

14 Willem de Kooning Pink Angels 1945

15 Willem de Kooning Black Friday 1948

16 Willem de Kooning Women III 1952 Died in 1997 From Alzheimers

17 Willem de Kooning Excavation 1950

18 Franz Kline (1910-1962) His works around 1946 had a Cubist structure, or were abstract. Around 1950, he made large calligraphic paintings in black and white. In 1958, Kline introduced color in some of his works.

19 Franz Kline Figure Eight 1952

20 Franz Kline New York, N.Y. 1952

21 Franz Kline Untitled 1958

22 Color Field/Chromatic Painting The Second Type of Abstract Expressionism paintings. Paintings with solid area of color covering the whole canvas. Meant to be seen up close, so the viewer is immersed in color.

23 Mark Rothko (1903-1970) Asymmetrical blocks of color, and painted the edges of his canvases, then displayed them without frames. Titles were unimaginative leaving the interpretation up to the viewer.

24 Mark Rothko Red, Orange, Tan and Purple 1949

25 Mark Rothko Orange and Red on Red 1957

26 Mark Rothko No. 61 (Rust and Blue) 1953 Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles

27 Influences Of Abstract Expressionism Created a whole new way to look at art Influenced later art movements – Pop Art – Minimalism

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