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Essex Highways NRSWA 22 nd August 2014. In event of an emergency Fire alarm? Electronic bell in the Childerditch Depot (No alarm test due today) Emergency.

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Presentation on theme: "Essex Highways NRSWA 22 nd August 2014. In event of an emergency Fire alarm? Electronic bell in the Childerditch Depot (No alarm test due today) Emergency."— Presentation transcript:

1 Essex Highways NRSWA 22 nd August 2014

2 In event of an emergency Fire alarm? Electronic bell in the Childerditch Depot (No alarm test due today) Emergency assembly point? This is located within the main car park Emergency exit points?

3 Provision of First Aid First aid boxes are located in various locations within the offices, Depot and within sites vehicles. Your guides will advise if required. Report all accidents/near misses to your guides

4 Meeting Agenda NRWSA Team 1000Introductions and H&S brief 1010Agenda Item 1 – Sampled Inspections 1030Agenda Item 2 – Self Defects 1100Agenda Item 3 – Staffing 1200Lunch 1230The Essex Permit Scheme - Update 1430Close

5 NRSWA Team Meeting Short 30 minute Lunch Break

6 The Essex Permit Scheme

7 Background to Essex County Council Essex County Council is responsible for some 8,000 Km of road network Essex County Council Serves almost 1.4m residents across Essex Essex County Council is the 2 nd largest non- metropolitan county in England

8 Background to Essex County Council RankCountyPopulation Area (in km²) Density (people/km²) 1Kent1,466,5003,544414 2Essex1,396,6003,464403 3Hampshire1,322,3003,679359 4Lancashire1,171,6002,903404 5Surrey1,135,5001,663683 6Hertfordshire1,119,8001,643682 7Norfolk859,4005,371160 9West Sussex808,9001,990406 10Nottinghamshire786,7002,085377 This is a list of top ten two-tier counties of England by population. (non-metropolitan counties also known as shire counties)

9 District Overview Southend - Unitary Thurrock - Unitary

10 Briefing Session Agenda Permit Charges Application Process Introduction to Permit Schemes Conditions and Permit Scheme Basics Any questions The Journey (Phase 1 & 2)

11 Introduction to Permit Schemes Permit schemes were introduced by Part 3 of the Traffic Management Act 2004 (TMA) to improve authorities’ abilities to minimise disruption from street and highway works. Permit Schemes provide a new way to manage activities in certain streets in the Public Highway.

12 Introduction to Permit Schemes In permit streets, instead of informing a Street Authority about their intentions to carry out works in the area, all works promoters will need to obtain a permit for their works. Permit schemes provide a change to the ‘Notification System’ under the New Roads and Street Works Act, 1991 (NRSWA).

13 The Strategic Objective The strategic objective for the Permit scheme is to provide a capability to manage and maintain the local highway network for the safe and efficient use of road space, whilst allowing Promoters access to maintain their services and assets

14 The Permit Scheme Sub-Objectives To proactively manage the local highway network to maximise the safe and efficient use of road space. To improve the quality and timeliness of information and compliance with highway legislation from all activity promoters To ensure the safety of those using the street and those working on activities that fall under the scheme, with particular emphasis on people with disabilities. To protect the structure of the street and the integrity of the apparatus in it. To ensure parity of treatment for all activity promoters particularly between statutory undertakers and highway authority works and activities.

15 Key Points to Permit Schemes A permit is only valid for the period of time stated on the permit in TSS Streets. A late start on site means duration lost. The end date cannot be ‘stretched’ without an approved variation. The start and end dates will be in calendar days, even though many aspects of the scheme will operate on working days. Where a permit allows weekend and Bank Holiday work, then the permit start and end dates will accommodate that. No Permit No Work !!

16 Key Points to Permit Schemes

17 Permit Schemes in England What is happening out there ? The view from ECC How ECC made the decision to proceed With an application for a scheme

18 LOPS Scheme Went live on 2010 Phase 4 2013 Kent Scheme Northants Scheme St Helens Scheme Yorkshire Scheme East of England The Current Permit Scene Other schemes on the way Lane Rental TfL and Kent GMRAPS 22 more applied DfT localism Agenda Bucks/Norfolk etc

19 The Journey Scrutiny Report to Feasibility Study The Project idea was presented to Paul Bird Started Phase 1 – Started on the 7 th May 2014 Deadline Phase 1 – Deadline 31 st July 2014 (DfT) Completed Phase 1 – Completed on 28 th July 2014 Started Phase 2 – Started 1 st August 2014 Ends Phase 2 – Ends 1 st April 2015 (Start to finish = 11 weeks/3 months | average 18 months for this phase)

20 Application Process Consultation Process Apply For Statutory Instrument DfT Application Give 1 month of Starting June 14 – April 15 2013/14 Feasibility Study/ Develop Scheme 2012 Could have joined EEPS

21 Scheme Document Outlines the Scheme Part of DfT Application It forms the Permit Schemes SI

22 EToN Compliance Data Requirements EToN Compliance mandatory EToN Developers initial check Full check and sign off was obtained

23 Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) The Permit Matrix (Volumes & Costs) Congestion data Traffic Flow data The CBA Looked at the following Accident data Set up costs Entered into a QUADRO model to give a Cost Benefit Ratio: The Essex Permit Scheme = 20.16 Net Present Value (NPV) = £1 billion +

24 Permit Matrix (Fees) DfT Permit Matrix (Mandatory) Lighter touch on Non-TSS DfT Guidance on fees 2013 Looked at Activity Volumes Looked at current time to do checks Looked at over & above time to do checks

25 Maximum Permit Fees

26 Essex Permit Fees Fee levels per Permit or Provisional Advanced Authorisation Road Category 0-2 Strategic or Traffic Sensitive Road Category 3 & 4 Non- Traffic Sensitive Provisional Advanced Authorisation £100£50 Major Activity – over 10 days £201£80 Major Activity – 4 to 10 days £125£40 Major Activity – up to 3 days £60£25 Standard Activity £125£40 Minor Activity £60£25 Immediate Activity £50£35

27 Variations For permit variations, the Permit Authority will charge:- £45 for all works on category 0, 1 and 2 streets and category 3 and 4 streets that are traffic-sensitive. £35 for all works on category 3 and 4 non traffic-sensitive streets

28 Discounts Suggested discounts in Scheme document Coring Performance First Time Permanent ratio Collaboration

29 Permit Scheme Requirements Regulation 19 provides that it is a criminal offence for an undertaker or someone acting on its behalf to undertake works without a permit. Regulation 20 provides that it is a criminal offence for undertaker or someone acting on its behalf to undertake works in breach of a condition. For the first time, the field force are affected !!

30 Conditions (HAUC UK) English HAUC National Condition Text Consistency across new schemes Currently draft version 14 Sign off expected early Sep 14 Future changes possible via HAUC

31 NRSWA Timescales Table 1: Matrix of notice periods and response times Notice PeriodValidity PeriodResponse Time S 54Ss 55/57S 54Ss 55/57S54Ss55/57S 74 Major 3 months10 days15 days5 days 1 month 5 days Standard 10 days5 days Minor 3 days2 days Immediate 2 hours after any time during works 2 days New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 Code of Practice for the Co-ordination of Street Works and Works for Road Purposes and Related Matters. Third Edition - Revised August 2009

32 Permit Timescales Works Type Minimum Notice Period Validity PeriodResponse Period PAAAppl’nPAA*Appl’n*PAAAppl’ n Var’n Major3m10d15d5d1m5d2d Standard10d5d 2d Minor3d2d Immediate – Urgent/ Emergency -2h2d *The validity periods only apply to permits in Category 3 or 4 Non Traffic Sensitive streets; Otherwise the permit start and end dates cannot be varied.

33 Basic MAJOR Works PERMIT Life Cycle Provisional Advanced Authorisation Send FORWARD PLANNING Notice more than 3 months in advance (optional) Permit Application Send Section 74 WORKS STOP Notice Send Section 74 ACTUAL START Notice Send Section 70 REGISTRATION Notice Permit Authority 100% Response Maybe YES Maybe NO

34 Basic MINOR Works PERMIT Life Cycle Three Day Permit Application Send Section 74 WORKS STOP Notice Send Section 74 ACTUAL START Notice Send Section 70 REGISTRATION Notice Permit Authority 100% Response GRANT? REFUSE?

35 Basic STANDARD Works PERMIT Life Cycle Ten Day Application Send Section 74 WORKS STOP Notice Send Section 74 ACTUAL START Notice Send Section 70 REGISTRATION Notice Permit Authority 100% Response

36 Existing NRSWA Structure Traffic Manager NRSWA Manager Co-Ordinators Inspectors Data Officers High level overview Covers main job roles

37 New Structure Traffic Manager Streetworks Manager (operational) Co-Ordinators Inspectors Defect Officer FPN/S74 Officer Permit Manager (Permit Scheme) Senior Performance Officer Performance Officer Invoicing Officer Senior Permit Officer Permit Officers

38 Any Questions?

39 The Essex Permit Scheme

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