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A social web 2.0 mapping solution generating and leveraging on the brand “EGNOS Powered” Exploiting EGNOS in leisure activities: the WalkEGNOS project.

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Presentation on theme: "A social web 2.0 mapping solution generating and leveraging on the brand “EGNOS Powered” Exploiting EGNOS in leisure activities: the WalkEGNOS project."— Presentation transcript:

1 a social web 2.0 mapping solution generating and leveraging on the brand “EGNOS Powered” Exploiting EGNOS in leisure activities: the WalkEGNOS project Marco Pini, Antonio Defina, Dieter Meinhard, Emiliano Spaltro and Olivier Boyer

2 Outline WalkEGNOS project, partners and objectives; Motivation and problem statement; WalkEGNOS system overview: – Website – Post processing engine – Custom devices Results of preliminary tests on field: – Assessment of EGNOS added values Business and exploitation analysis; Conclusions 24/04/2013European Navigation Conference 2013 – April 23-25, Vienna2

3 WalkEGNOS Consortium 24/04/2013European Navigation Conference 2013 – April 23-25, Vienna3 WalkEGNOS is a two years (2012-2013) collaborative European project funded by the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° 277656-2. WalkEGNOS investigates the possibility to generate a data base of accurate and reliable GNSS tracks, collected on field with low cost devices and augmented off line with EGNOS and EDAS data. Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (Italy): no profit research centre in the field of ICT. Coordinator, role in the system definition, prototypes development and tests Brimatech Services GmbH (Austria): market research and consulting. Role in market analysis, commercial feasibility and business plan Alpha Consult s.r.l (Italy): strategic consulting in GNSS. Role in requirements management, creation of web site and WalkEGNOS community M3 Systems (France): independent SME, specialized in space, ATM and transport applications. Role in system design and EGNOS augmentation engine

4 Motivation and Current Limits 24/04/2013European Navigation Conference 2013 – April 23-25, Vienna4 Problems addressed by WalkEGNOS: 1.Available maps are often not up to date and/or inaccurate; 2.Mapping on a voluntary basis in not validated; 3.Professional mapping is expensive

5 24/04/2013European Navigation Conference 2013 – April 23-25, Vienna5 Expected Major Outcomes The database containing information on reliable routes will: open new opportunities for high quality leisure/touristic services be of great value for search and rescue operations (needs confirmed during the interviews with stakeholders in the first part of the project) useful for Organisations entrusted with the maintenance of paths

6 WalkEGNOS System Overview 24/04/2013European Navigation Conference 2013 – April 23-25, Vienna6 Post Processing Engine VIRAL MARKETING VIRAL MARKETING TRACKS STORAGE TRACKS STORAGE WALKEGNOS.NET APIs Website Back Office Website Back Office Website Front-end Website Front-end COMMERCIAL DEVICES CUSTOM USER DEVICE Rinex Data Upload Social Networks Other Web Portals Other Web Portals Services

7 WalkEGNOS WebSite 24/04/2013European Navigation Conference 2013 – April 23-25, Vienna7 USERS EGNOS/ ESA-FTP WalkEGNOS Engine Data upload Personal information Personal data storage Tracks uploaded Powered Tracks Powered Tracks Storage (displayed on a map) Powered Tracks download Website EXTERNAL WEB PORTALS Data upload The site will allow access to external website/ portals in order to share tracks and provide services

8 WalkEGNOS WebSite 24/04/2013European Navigation Conference 2013 – April 23-25, Vienna8

9 WalkEGNOS WebSite 24/04/2013European Navigation Conference 2013 – April 23-25, Vienna9

10 WalkEGNOS WebSite 24/04/2013European Navigation Conference 2013 – April 23-25, Vienna10

11 Online/ Web 2.0 marketing tools 24/04/2013European Navigation Conference 2013 – April 23-25, Vienna11 WP TasksStatusAchievementNext steps Online/ Web 2.0 marketing tools operational development and implementation On-going Facebook and twitter pages Ads campaigns Forum and blog viral participation Facebook page Twitter account

12 Post Processing Engine 24/04/2013European Navigation Conference 2013 – April 23-25, Vienna12 Independent remote unit able to post process RINEX files and provide in output EGNOS powered tracks; Tracks will be more accurate respect to standalone GPS receivers; Tracks will be provided with associated quality index based on computed Protection Levels (PLs) PLs are used by the PPE to select the best track, when comparing 2 different tracks related to the same path

13 Custom Device 24/04/2013European Navigation Conference 2013 – April 23-25, Vienna13 WalkEGNOS relies on the post processing of raw GNSS observables (i.e.: pseudoranges), that are not provided by portable commercial devices equipped with GNSS receivers (e.g. smartphones, personal navigator); The project includes the development of prototypal device to demonstrate advantages offered by EGNOS/EDAS; Wearable, embedding a commercial GNSS module, able to store RINEX files required for post processing; Open platform (the software package is based on Microsoft.NET Micro Framework) connected to communities of developers; Matches user requirements identified in the first phase of the project: Portability Low cost Easiness of use Battery lifetime SD card interface

14 Data Collection 24/04/2013European Navigation Conference 2013 – April 23-25, Vienna14 Data collection was performed in a real mountain environment 1.a path in a clearing on the valley side with good sky visibility, canopy coverage almost absent. 2.a path in a wood on the mountainside with fair sky visibility and medium canopy coverage Reference path surveyed with geodetic GPS receiver (dual freq, DGPS, RTK) OPEN WOOD

15 Path 1: Accuracy Comparison 24/04/2013European Navigation Conference 2013 – April 23-25, Vienna15 Reference Reference Commercial rx Commercial rx WalkEGNOS WalkEGNOS

16 Path 2: Results Under Tree Canopy 24/04/2013European Navigation Conference 2013 – April 23-25, Vienna16 100m SAME POINT ! Rx1WE Mean (m) 5.71.8 Max (m) 109.3 One of the commercial receivers showed an anomalous (erroneous) trend. WalkEGNOS is able to estimate the user position, even if the accuracy is degraded.

17 PLs Used as Track Confidence Intervals 24/04/2013European Navigation Conference 2013 – April 23-25, Vienna17 Protection Level varies according to signals received and EGNOS integrity information

18 Analysis of Commercial Applications 24/04/2013European Navigation Conference 2013 – April 23-25, Vienna18 3 rd party services 3 rd party services WalkEGNOS fields of application: 1.Provision of a WalkEGNOS service portal to leisure users 2.Provision of EGNOS/EDAS powered tracks to third-party service providers 3.Provision of EGNOS-powered professional solutions to business users 4.Provision of WalkEGNOS tracks to third-party solution providers 5.WalkEGNOS custom device WalkEGNOS service portal WalkEGNOS service portal WalkEGNOS engine & DB Leisure users (e.g. hikers) 12 3 rd party solutions 3 rd party solutions WalkEGNOS professional solution WalkEGNOS professional solution WalkEGNOS engine & DB Professional users (e.g. SAR) 34

19 Conclusions WalkEGNOS project creates a flexible web 2.0 platform for mapping service to enhance the quality of tracks currently available; The system improves track accuracy, post processing GNSS raw measurements collected with low cost terminals (Custom Devices), and enhance the results with EGNOS\EDAS information; WalkEGNOS investigates the use of the EGNOS Protection Levels applied in pedestrian navigation; Preliminary tests confirm promising results with enhanced accuracy and tracks reliability; WalkEGNOS outputs can be addressed to different fields of application, such as leisure (e.g. hikers) or professional (e.g. SAR) uses. Furthermore, WalkEGNOS architecture foresees the integration with third party technologies. 24/04/2013European Navigation Conference 2013 – April 23-25, Vienna19

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