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The Early Republic Pre-Class Coach McCage. The Early Republic 0 All of the following are defining characteristics of the era of the Early Republic EXCEPT.

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Presentation on theme: "The Early Republic Pre-Class Coach McCage. The Early Republic 0 All of the following are defining characteristics of the era of the Early Republic EXCEPT."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Early Republic Pre-Class Coach McCage

2 The Early Republic 0 All of the following are defining characteristics of the era of the Early Republic EXCEPT — 0 A closing of the national bank 0 B the purchase of Louisiana 0 C expansion of national power 0 D the War of 1812 0 Why is the year 1803 significant to U.S. history? 0 F Washington wrote his "Farewell Address." 0 G England declared war on the United States. 0 H The United States doubled in size. 0 J Congress passed the Naturalization Act.

3 The Early Republic 0 All of the following were problems faced by leaders during the early years of the republic EXCEPT — 0 A defining authority of the national government 0 B conducting a war against Spain 0 C maintaining national security 0 D creating a stable economic system 0 What resulted from the passage of the Judiciary Act during the Washington administration? 0 F Judicial review was established. 0 G Federal courts system was set up. 0 H States' role in federal courts was redefined. 0 J The Supreme Court gained impeachment powers.

4 The Early Republic 0 During the Early Republic period, why were some Americans in favor of protective tariffs? 0 A The federal government could then lower the income tax rate. 0 B Businesses in the North thought it would help them compete with European imports. 0 C It would allow Southern plantation owners to borrow money from banks. 0 D It would enable Americans to buy foreign products. 0 Which issue would be supported by Thomas Jefferson, but rejected by Alexander Hamilton? 0 F a national bank 0 G a strong business culture 0 H an anti-French policy 0 J an expansion of states' rights

5 The Early Republic 0 Which issue is one reason for the development of political parties in the early republic? 0 A There was an agreement over the war with Great Britain in 1812. 0 B The Founding Fathers were split over including the Bill of Rights in the Constitution. 0 C There was disagreement over the Louisiana Purchase. 0 D There was disagreement over the role and strength of the national government. 0 Which action contributed to the beginning of the War of 1812? 0 F attacks on American ships by Barbary Coast pirates 0 G violations of American fishing rights on the Great Lakes 0 H impressment of American sailors into the British navy 0 J seizure of American ships by the Spanish navy

6 The Early Republic 0 How did the War of 1812 affect the standing of the United States in world affairs? 0 A European nations invited the United States to join the fight against Napoleon. 0 B The United States was viewed as being the leader of the Western Hemisphere. 0 C Foreign governments agreed to make loans to repair war damage. 0 D The United States established its identity as an independent and powerful nation. 0 Which controversial legislation of President John Adams' administration restricted citizens from criticizing the government? 0 F the Judiciary Act 0 G the Monroe Doctrine 0 H the Alien and Sedition Acts 0 J the Embargo Act

7 The Early Republic 0 Which of the following stated that the United States would not tolerate European intervention in Latin America? 0 A Alien and Sedition Acts 0 B XYZ Affair 0 C Treaty of Ghent 0 D Monroe Doctrine 0 How did Washington's Farewell Address influence American foreign policy? 0 F The United States attempted to remain neutral with foreign powers through the 19th century. 0 G The United States attempted to gain territory across the Americas. 0 H The United States led attempts to form international organizations that would seek peace. 0 J The United States sought new trading relationships with Asian powers.


9 The Early Republic 18. First Vice President of the United States; Second President of the United States; Promoted the cause of independence at the Continental Congress. Which Founding Father's contributions are being described? 0 F George Washington 0 G Thomas Jefferson 0 H John Adams 0 J James Madison 19. How did President James Monroe contribute to American foreign policy? 0 A The United States would use international organizations to seek peaceful solutions to conflict. 0 B The United States would resist any nation attempting to interfere in the affairs of nations in the Western Hemisphere. 0 C The United States would use the military to topple dictators that threaten peaceful democracies. 0 D The United States would persuade Asian powers to increase commerce with American traders.

10 The Early Republic 21. How did Federalists interpret the text of the Constitution? 0 A The Constitution should be interpreted using precedents from international court cases. 0 B The Constitution should be interpreted strictly by following the text closely. 0 C The Constitution should be interpreted using the Bill of Rights. 0 D The Constitution should be interpreted loosely according to historical and social changes.

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