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PERSPECTIVE J O U R N A L Name:___________________ Art address:_______________.

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Presentation on theme: "PERSPECTIVE J O U R N A L Name:___________________ Art address:_______________."— Presentation transcript:

1 PERSPECTIVE J O U R N A L Name:___________________ Art address:_______________

2 Perspective: Artwork in which the _____________________and _____________________between objects look familiar or “real”. ____________________, ____________________, ____________________ and _______________ are used to help create the effect of realism or _______________ SIZE/PROPORTION PLACEMENT


4 Parallel Lines: Lines that stay an ____________________ distance apart and never ____________________. Parallel lines can go any ____________________Parallel lines can ____________________. Draw parallel lines

5 DIRECTIONAL LINES _______________: Lines that go from ____________________ to ____________________and are parallel to the ____________________ edge of the paper. ___________________: Lines that go from the ____________________ of the page to the ____________________ and are parallel to the ____________________of the paper. ___________________: Lines that ____________________ from one ____________________ to the opposite corner or appear to be ____________________.

6 DRAWING WITH PERSPECTIVE ___________ ____________: The Horizon Line is the place where the ____________________ and ____________________ seem to meet. The Horizon Line is ____________________. The Horizon Line represents the viewer’s _______________ ____________________. The Horizon Line can be placed anywhere on the paper: ____________________, ____________________ or ____________________. __________ ___________: The Vanishing Point is a _______________ on the Horizon Line. The Vanishing Point can be placed anywhere on the Horizon Line: _______________, ________________ or _______________ side. As objects get closer to the Vanishing Point they get ____________________ until they appear to ____________________. Draw a Horizon Line and put a Vanishing point on it.

7 Use a ruler to draw lines from the points on each of the sides, the top, and the bottom of the page to the Vanishing Point. Vanishing Point

8 Using a ruler, draw lines from the dots below to the Vanishing Point. Follow the teacher’s directions to complete the drawing. Vanishing Point

9 Using a ruler, draw lines from the dots below to the Vanishing Point. Follow the teacher’s directions to complete the drawing. Vanishing Point

10 Find and draw in the Horizon Line. How does the perspective change when the Horizon Line is higher/lower on the paper?

11 Use a ruler to draw a Horizon Line and a Vanishing Point in the box below. Follow the teacher’s directions to make the ____________________ into ___________________.

12 Use a ruler to draw a Horizon Line and a Vanishing Point in the box below. Follow the teacher’s directions to make the ____________________ into ___________________ or __________________ __________________.

13 Use a ruler to draw a Horizon Line and a Vanishing Point in the box below. Follow the teacher’s directions to make the shapes into ____________________ (3-D).

14 Use a ruler to draw a Horizon Line and a Vanishing Point in the box below. Follow the teacher’s directions to make the ____________________ into ____________________.

15 Challenge yourself to these shapes:

16 Draw a Horizon Line on your paper. Follow the directions given by the teacher to complete the drawing.

17 The Power of Perspective Color and cut out the trees on this page. Place one in the foreground and one in the background of your drawing.


19 Let’s Practice: Farm Scene

20 Let’s Practice: City Street

21 Let’s Practice: Birds Eye View

22 Let’s Practice: Your Bedroom/Classroom

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