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WEPS Database Management Mike Sporcic, National Wind Erosion Specialist.

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Presentation on theme: "WEPS Database Management Mike Sporcic, National Wind Erosion Specialist."— Presentation transcript:

1 WEPS Database Management Mike Sporcic, National Wind Erosion Specialist

2 WEPS Databases  WEPS Databases are comprised of actual computer files located in specific file folders.  No importing or exporting required!  They will remain Zipped though

3 WEPS Databases  All user database files are located in the C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\USDA\WEPS\Dat abases\nrcs directory

4 WEPS Databases  Database updates can be performed by simply downloading or automatically “pushing” a new set of Crop, Operations or CMZ Management Template files and adding Zipped folder to the correct location.

5 WEPS Databases  There are only three user set locations for databases to reside.  1. Man Template Open (national mgt CMZs)  2. Man Template Save (user made mgt “local” files)  3. Soil Database (xxx.mdb files from soil data mart)

6 WEPS Crop and Operations Data  To the extent possible the operations and crop names match those in RUSLE2.

7 WEPS Crop and Operations Data  Some data elements are the same as RUSLE2 but since WEPS is processed based, many more data elements exist and many data elements are different.

8 WEPS Crop and Operations Data  Crop data records are significantly more complex than those in RUSLE2 in order to supply data to the WEPS crop growth model.

9 WEPS Soils Data

10  WEPS reads soils data directly from a SSURGO download file.  It is NASIS soils data formatted by MS Access. (*.mdb files)  It is the same soils file as used by Customer Service Toolkit.  It is also the same file that we import soils data from when creating the RUSLE2 soils data.

11 WEPS Soils Data  We also have the ability to use the NRCS Soils Data Mart website and access the currently posted NASIS soils data directly  This requires the computer be logged onto the internet in order to access this soils data directly over the internet.  There may be some issues to deal with, in terms of versions of soils data used for specific USDA programs and whether the current SDM data set is appropriate for that application.

12 WEPS Soils Data  The WEPS configuration setting points the model to the location of the soils data.  At the field office this will be changed (mapped to) to the location where the SSURGO files are located  Users will use the yellow folder to change the location the location of the file.

13 WEPS Soils Data  Soils data will be kept current at the field offices by utilizing current policy on updating the soils file used by Customer Service Toolkit.  WEPS will always be in sync with Toolkit since WEPS simply maps to the same soils file.

14 WEPS Management files  Management templates converted from RUSLE2 will be provided in the same CMZ file structure as you are familiar with in RUSLE2.  CMZ folders, Single year or single crop management templates  Multi-year rotation templates  Construction Site templates

15 WEPS Management files  However, instead of the “C. Other local managements” folder within each CMZ, we will utilize a single Local Managements folder to house managements built locally or modified from the templates.

16 National WEPS Databases  A website: based at WERU in Manhattan, KS has been developed like the RUSLE2 site at Purdue to serve up WEPS Operations data Crops data and CMZ sets of Management Templates.  Mike Sporcic and Gene Hardee manage the data posted there.  Eventually all RUSLE2 and WEPS data will migrate to the NRCS webfarm like the Soil DataMart for NASIS soils data




20 WEPS Databases  Exercise:  Access the WEPS Website   Download one or more of your CMZ sets of converted managements  Place it in the C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\USDA\WEPS\Databases\nrcs\man  Try loading one in MCREW

21 WEPS Run files

22  A ”WEPS Runs” folder is created on the C:\Documents and Settings\michael.spor cic\My Documents\My WEPS Files\Runs  The WEPS interface is “configured” to that location.

23 WEPS Run files  Subfolders can be created when making a run in order to organize and store multiple runs for the same producer, field or simulation area.

24 WEPS Run files  The configuration setting can be over- ridden to direct runs to a specific subfolder.  Additional runs are saved in that subfolder until you tell it to save elsewhere or reset to the default location.

25 WEPS Run files  In the WEPS interface a file management drill down dialog allows the user to manage these runs in the designated Runs folder and subfolders.

26 WEPS Run files  In the WEPS interface a WEPS Multiple Run Manager drill down dialog allows the user to view a summary of multiple runs in a folder and drill into these previous runs.

27 WEPS Run files  By opening the “Runs” dialog and selecting “Add Directory” you can……

28 WEPS Run files  By opening the “Runs” dialog and selecting “Add Directory” you can navigate to the folder where your specific set of runs are located.

29 WEPS Run files  At this point a summary of the various runs in the folder is displayed.  You can also:  Add the runs from another directory  Add another single run  Restore a selected run  Print the run summary

30 Questions  What was the crop?  Hint: It is WA  Onions

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