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Swiss Life Sciences Database c/o Venture Valuation | Kasernenstrasse 11 | 8004 Zürich | | Biotech Industry.

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Presentation on theme: "Swiss Life Sciences Database c/o Venture Valuation | Kasernenstrasse 11 | 8004 Zürich | | Biotech Industry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Swiss Life Sciences Database c/o Venture Valuation | Kasernenstrasse 11 | 8004 Zürich | | Biotech Industry in Switzerland Swiss Life Sciences Survey 2007 Provided by Swiss Life Sciences Database c/o Venture Valuation |

2 Swiss Life Sciences Database c/o Venture Valuation | Kasernenstrasse 11 | 8004 Zürich | | Biotech Industry In Switzerland Swiss Life Sciences Survey 2007 Swiss Biotech Companies - Breakdown by Biotech Clusters Comments: Total of 258 companies. BioValley Basel 60 Greater Zurich Area 70 BioAlps 59 Other 55 Bioplolo Ticino 14

3 Swiss Life Sciences Database c/o Venture Valuation | Kasernenstrasse 11 | 8004 Zürich | | Biotech Industry In Switzerland Swiss Life Sciences Survey 2007 Swiss Biotech Companies - Breakdown by Subcategories Comments: Based on the categorization of the Swiss Life Sciences Database; Total of 258 companies.

4 Swiss Life Sciences Database c/o Venture Valuation | Kasernenstrasse 11 | 8004 Zürich | | Biotech Industry In Switzerland Swiss Life Sciences Survey 2007 Product Development of Swiss Biotech Companies - Breakdown by Development Phases Comments: Based on the company profiles categorized as „Biotechnology - Therapeutics“ (73 companies).

5 Swiss Life Sciences Database c/o Venture Valuation | Kasernenstrasse 11 | 8004 Zürich | | Biotech Industry In Switzerland Swiss Life Sciences Survey 2007 Foundation of Swiss Biotech Companies 1995 – 2007 (YTD) Breakdown by Main Categories Comments: Total 149 foundations between 1995 – 2007 (YTD).

6 Swiss Life Sciences Database c/o Venture Valuation | Kasernenstrasse 11 | 8004 Zürich | | Biotech Industry In Switzerland Swiss Life Sciences Survey 2007 Size of Biotech Companies - Number of Employees Comments: Data about employees available for 151 companies.

7 Swiss Life Sciences Database c/o Venture Valuation | Kasernenstrasse 11 | 8004 Zürich | | Biotech Industry In Switzerland Swiss Life Sciences Survey 2007 Ownership of Swiss Biotech Companies - Breakdown Public / Private Comments: Total 258 companies.

8 Swiss Life Sciences Database c/o Venture Valuation | Kasernenstrasse 11 | 8004 Zürich | | Biotech Industry In Switzerland Swiss Life Sciences Survey 2007 Source of Foundation Swiss Biotechnology Companies Comments: Data available for 91 companies.

9 Swiss Life Sciences Database c/o Venture Valuation | Kasernenstrasse 11 | 8004 Zürich | | Biotech Industry In Switzerland Swiss Life Sciences Survey 2007 IPOs of Swiss Biotech & Medtech Companies 2005 – 2007 (YTD) Comments: Total 6 IPOs between 2005-2007 (YTD).

10 Swiss Life Sciences Database c/o Venture Valuation | Kasernenstrasse 11 | 8004 Zürich | | Key Characteristics on the Swiss Life Sciences Field Switzerland is a main Biotech cluster in the centre of Europe The country comprises top companies in the Pharma, Biotech and Medtech industries Switzerland has a high density of high class Universities 16 public drug development Biotech companies Last IPO took place in 2007 with Addex Pharmaceuticals Biotech Industry In Switzerland Swiss Life Sciences Survey 2007

11 Swiss Life Sciences Database c/o Venture Valuation | Kasernenstrasse 11 | 8004 Zürich | | Additional Information available on Biotech Industry In Switzerland Swiss Life Sciences Survey 2007

12 Swiss Life Sciences Database c/o Venture Valuation | Kasernenstrasse 11 | 8004 Zürich | | Data Basis Terms of Use Contact Swiss Life Sciences Survey 2007 The „Swiss Life Sciences Survey“ is based on the data entered in the Swiss Life Sciences Database available on The statitistics and graphs in this presentation include the figures and information entered in this database as of December 2007. We do not guarantee any accuracy hereof. Furthermore, a new categorization system was installed during 2007; therefore, the survey of 2007 can not be directly compared with surveys of previous years. The use of the figures and graphs provided in this report is free of charge for any presentations only with the remark of reference „Source:“. For all other uses please contact us for the terms of conditions. Swiss Life Sciences Database c/o Venture Valuation VV AG Kasernenstrasse 11+41 (43) 321 86 60 8004 Data Basis & Terms of Use

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