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History & Mineral Theory. Introduction & History Founded in 1981 Robert Czik Family Owned Mineral based Dead Sea Spa Magik....Retail Products Spa Find.......Professional.

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Presentation on theme: "History & Mineral Theory. Introduction & History Founded in 1981 Robert Czik Family Owned Mineral based Dead Sea Spa Magik....Retail Products Spa Find.......Professional."— Presentation transcript:

1 History & Mineral Theory

2 Introduction & History Founded in 1981 Robert Czik Family Owned Mineral based Dead Sea Spa Magik....Retail Products Spa Find.......Professional Products/Treatments Scruffy Chops Kalmora Day Spa

3 Key Points Mineral DNA Harmonised Water Not tested on animals No animal derivatives Non-comedogenic Skin Friendly No parabens Allergen-free fragrance No GMO’s

4 Philosophy Our bodies naturally contain minerals that can be depleted by stress, diet or medication. We believe that by maintaining a natural balance of minerals on the inside of the body it will be reflected on the outside of the body. Minerals help the body to soothe and protect itself, to build and repair, and to regulate water within. They help to energise us through our metabolism, aid in fighting bacteria and infections, and they assist in the removal of harmful toxins. A mineral deficiency can manifest itself in many ways, from skin conditions such as acne, to more serious conditions such as osteoporosis.

5 Why mineral skincare? Mineral-rich water has been used since ancient times to treat the body Minerals are essential to support a healthy body They help the body to soothe and protect itself Most skin conditions can be attributed to a mineral or vitamin deficiency Minerals can also be gained from food sources Fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, cereals and dairy products However nutrients in soil may be depleted because of intensive farming practices Processed food can also be low in vitamins and minerals

6 The Dead Sea The Dead Sea was formed 3 million years ago. It is 417 metres below sea level. Nothing can live in it; no fish, crustaceans or plant life. People will travel from around the world for it’s floatation properties and therapeutic benefits. It has a 30% mineral concentration compared to 3% in normal seas and oceans.

7 The Dead Sea The Dead Sea is a salt lake bordering Jordan to the east and Israel to the west. It is 50 km long and 15 km wide at it’s widest point. It’s main tributary is the Jordan river. It was one of the world’s first health resorts and is the supplier of a wide variety of products from cosmetics to fertilizers.

8 The Dead Sea There are 21 minerals found in the Dead Sea and these are used in the Spa Find products. The minerals are absorbed faster topically than by digestion and this process takes 20 minutes and the minerals stay active in the bloodstream for up to 6 hrs.

9 A Few more Dead Sea Facts The lowest point on Earth The water is very dense and holds you on the surface. You can’t really swim, but you can float! Ranks second as the saltiest place on earth. The Don Juan Pond in Antarctica is the leader. Medical research has proved the usefulness of Dead Sea mud and salts in treating and preventing diseases such as psoriasis, acne and rheumatism

10 Harmonised Water Water (normally listed as Aqua or Purified Water) is the main ingredient in most skincare products, so it’s purity and active properties are vital. The water used as a base for Spa Find Products is de-ionised to remove even its smallest impurities, before therapeutic Dead Sea Minerals are added to promote ultimate skin hydration. The minerals are absorbed into the blood stream via Osmosis, they travel through the epidermis down into the subcutaneous layer of the skin and into the blood stream. The minerals then travel around the body and are absorbed where they are needed most.

11 Dual-Action anti-ageing effect minerals + plant extracts Minerals are absorbed via osmosis and regulate the water balance in cells, to promote nourished skin. Plant extracts work on skin’s surface to make skin look youthful. Epidermis Subcutaneous Dermis Sebaceous gland Blood capillary Lymph capillary Fat cells Sweat gland Arrector Pili muscle

12 Spa Find 7 Main Minerals Sodium The Hydrating Mineral Magnesium The Anti-Stress Mineral Sulphur The Healing Mineral Potassium The Purifying Mineral Calcium The Anti-Ageing Mineral Bromide The Relaxing Mineral Iodine The Detoxifying Mineral The 7 main Spa Find minerals

13 Magnesium – The Anti-Stress Mineral Relaxes, soothes and calms the body Soothes aching muscles and joint Desensitises the skin by reducing redness Acts as an anti-allergen to sensitive skins Soothes skin conditions caused by stress, such as eczema and psoriasis Aids in fighting depression Protects the myelin sheath that surrounds nerves

14 Potassium & Sodium – Water Regulators Potassium purifies by pushing out any excess water or fluid from the cell, too little potassium can cause, or lead to oedema and hypoglycaemia Sodium hydrates by drawing in moisture from surrounding areas, beneficial for dry flaky skin

15 Calcium – The Anti-Ageing Mineral Stimulates collagen & elastin production for a more youthful complexion Maintains a healthy skin & tone Vital for healthy teeth and bones

16 Iodine – The Detoxifying Mineral Aids in the correct functioning of the lymphatic system Stimulates metabolism for weight loss Allows the removal of waste & toxins with the body

17 Sulphur – The Healing Mineral Anti-bacterial to treat acne prone skins Anti-viral to fight infection Anti-fungal for skin conditions such as athletes foot

18 Bromide – The Relaxing Mineral Relaxes the mind helping with insomnia First mineral to pass into the bloodstream Calms the nerves, easing stress

19 Revision Chart for Minerals Magnesium – the anti-stress mineral Potassium – the purifying mineral Sodium – the hydrating mineral Calcium – the anti-ageing mineral Iodine – the detoxifying mineral Sulphur – the healing mineral Bromide – the relaxing mineral

20 Thank you for your time. We hope you have been mineralized! Finders International Ltd. Orchard House, Winchet Hill, Goudhurst, Kent UK TN17 1JY UK Tel: +44 (0)1580 211055 Email:

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