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The largest Dutch employers' organisation for small and medium-sized enterprises active in the metal industry. more than 13,000 affiliated members 150,000.

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Presentation on theme: "The largest Dutch employers' organisation for small and medium-sized enterprises active in the metal industry. more than 13,000 affiliated members 150,000."— Presentation transcript:

1 The largest Dutch employers' organisation for small and medium-sized enterprises active in the metal industry. more than 13,000 affiliated members 150,000 employees a turnover of more than 22 billion euros Drs. André van der Leest Manager Teqnow

2 Exploring the world of new technology

3 New technologies are about to breakthrough nanotechnologie sensoring Additive manufactering neurotech artifical intelligence robotics drones New Materials biotech

4 But they don’t find their way to the SME’s (vice versa)


6 INITIATIVE: The Ministry of Economic Affairs, Employers organizations Chambers of Commerce A report on the meaning of Smart Industry for companies, knowledge institutions, and government in the Netherlands.

7 AMBITION The Dutch ambition is to join the frontrunners and gain a strong position within that group. The Dutch business community – large and small – holds all the keys to engage with this promising development and to join forces with the frontrunners

8 REPORT The Smart Industry report defines and explains Smart Industry in the Dutch context.Smart Industry report Smart Industry should be a cross-cutting theme within the top sector policy in which a broad coalition of companies, knowledge institutions and government should be involved.

9 ACTION AGENDA The approach is in November 2014 formalised in an Action Action Agenda The aim is to make the industry more competitive through faster and better utilisation of the opportunities ICT has to offer.

10 State of play Setting up series of field labs, 10 to begin with: creation of ecosystems - interrelated networks of companies and knowledge institutions – around the core principles of Smart Industry practical environments to develop, test and implement Smart Industry solutions

11 But still: they don’t find their way to the SME’s (vice versa)

12 T1s m3ss4g3 sh0ws th3 c4p4b1l1ty 0f 0ur br41n 1n l34rn1ng n3w th1ngs. 4t th3 b3g1nn1ng 1t 1s qu1t h4rd t0 r34d th1s t3xt, but n0w y0u c4n r34d th1s pr0b4bly 4 l1ttl3 f4st3r 3n w1th0ut gr34t d1ff1culty. Th4t 1s b3c4us3 th3 3n0rm0us l34rn1ng c4p4b1l1ty 0f 0ur br41n t0 l34rn n3w th1ngs. Y0u m4y c0py th1s m3ss4g3 3n us3 1t f0r y0urs3lv3s. Learning new things??!!

13 Teqnow: Interesting  relevant Organising events Matchmaking companies  knowledge institutes Counselling and guidance

14 Example 1: additive manufactering 1.Stereolithografie 2.Laser sinteren 3.Fused deposition modelling 4.Material jetting 5.Photopolymer jetting 6.Binder jetting 7.Selective Lasersmelting 8.Elektronbeam melting 9.3D (laser)cladden




18 Example 2: additive manufactering Examples of good practice Workshops, masterclasses Courses reverse engineering, topology Test environment Production facilities

19 Example: robotics



22 Bring them to the sme’s Test them for a week or so Do’s & don'ts, wishes Follow up: Adept at the specific place Multiply the results Use input for further development





27 Eerste concrete activiteiten platform uitbouwen website lanceren relevante content samenbrengen stakeholders, partners en doelgroepen informeren en betrekken activiteiten organiseren

28 Drs. André van der Leest Manager Teqnow

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