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Welcome to the Orion High School Department of Agriculture & Environmental Sciences!!! Mr. Jay Solomonson OHS Agricultural Education Instructor and FFA.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Orion High School Department of Agriculture & Environmental Sciences!!! Mr. Jay Solomonson OHS Agricultural Education Instructor and FFA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Orion High School Department of Agriculture & Environmental Sciences!!! Mr. Jay Solomonson OHS Agricultural Education Instructor and FFA Advisor

2 Two Commons Myths about Agricultural Education Myth #1- I am not taking an Ag class because I do not want to farm. Myth #2- I plan on attending college and I do not have time to take an Ag class.

3 Myth #1- I am not taking an Ag class because I do not want to farm. Reality- 95% of our agriculture students do not come from the farm nor do they plan on farming after school. They are interested in one of the other 300 careers available in the Ag industry. 1 in 4 careers in Illinois is related to agriculture.

4 Myth #2- I plan on attending college and I do not have time to take an Ag class. Reality- Over 90% of our Ag students attend either a 2 or 4 year college or university. Students enrolled in Ag at OHS can earn up to 20 hours of college credit through Black Hawk College. We also have two science classes offered for science credit: BSAA and Environmental science. The FFA offers over $2 million in scholarships every year to its members going to college.

5 OHS Ag Ed Program At OHS, we offer 5 sequences of instruction within the agricultural education department. This is what we Offer- –Agribusiness Sequence –Agricultural Mechanics Sequence –Horticulture Sequence –Natural Resources Sequence –Agriscience Sequence

6 Agribusiness Sequence Agribusiness Management Agricultural Leadership and Communications

7 Agricultural Mechanics Sequence Introductory Agricultural Mechanics (BHC AG 287)

8 Horticulture Sequence Introduction to Horticultural Science (BHC HORT 284 & HORT 292) Landscaping (BHC HORT 192) Greenhouse Management and Floral Design (BHC HORT 191)

9 Natural Resources Sequence Environmental Science (meets high school science elective requirement)

10 Agriscience Sequence Biological Science Applications in Agriculture- Plant and Animal Science (meets high school science elective requirement) Animal & Veterinary Science (BHC AG 285)

11 What Can I Sign Up for Now? Freshman can only take the following course: –1. Introduction to Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources (AFNR) –These courses are designed so students can experience everything the agricultural industry has to offer. Students are required to take the above course before they can take any upper level agricultural courses.

12 Any Questions??? Questions???? Thanks for coming this evening

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