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Critical Thinking In ESL Classes Hanem Anwar Academic Vice Principal Amna Bint Wahab I.S.S.G.

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Presentation on theme: "Critical Thinking In ESL Classes Hanem Anwar Academic Vice Principal Amna Bint Wahab I.S.S.G."— Presentation transcript:

1 Critical Thinking In ESL Classes Hanem Anwar Academic Vice Principal Amna Bint Wahab I.S.S.G

2 Learning outcomes ______________________________ By the end of this session, PPTs will :  Recognize the six levels of critical thinking (CT) outlined by Bloom  Be able to recognise these six levels in activities  Be better able to design new activities and evaluate them using these ideas  Recognize features of critical reading Hanem Anwar | Amna Bint Wahab Sec |

3  In groups, think of 10 unique uses of a sports medal. You have only 3 minutes!  Share your ideas with other groups Icebreaker ______________________________ Hanem Anwar | Amna Bint Wahab Sec |

4  In Pairs, read the quotes displayed on the walls, select 2 of them that you would discuss with the workshop group.  You have 5 minutes to read the quotes and get back to your seats. Task ______________________________ Hanem Anwar | Amna Bint Wahab Sec |

5 Task:  In 5 minutes, read through the different definitions, which one do you most agree with? why?  Share your ideas with your group What is critical thinking? ______________________________ Hanem Anwar | Amna Bint Wahab Sec |

6 Matching Activity:  In groups, match the thinking level to its definition and key verbs ( 5 min.)- HO 2  Compare your work to other groups ( 3 min )  What other verbs can you add to each level? (3 min ) Bloom’s thinking levels ______________________________ Hanem Anwar | Amna Bint Wahab Sec |

7 What do critical thinkers do? ______________________________ Raise vital questions Formulate questions and problems clearly, precisely Hanem Anwar | Amna Bint Wahab Sec |

8 Draw conclusions Find solutions Use relevant criteria to test them What do critical thinkers do? ______________________________ Hanem Anwar | Amna Bint Wahab Sec |

9 Keep an open mind What do critical thinkers do? ______________________________ Hanem Anwar | Amna Bint Wahab Sec |

10 Network w/others; keep lines of communication open What do critical thinkers do? ______________________________ Hanem Anwar | Amna Bint Wahab Sec |

11 Gather information Analyze and evaluate it What do critical thinkers do? ______________________________ Hanem Anwar | Amna Bint Wahab Sec |

12 Listen to others, think about what they say, give feedback What do critical thinkers do? ______________________________ Hanem Anwar | Amna Bint Wahab Sec |

13 Dare to think outside the box! What do critical thinkers do? ______________________________ Hanem Anwar | Amna Bint Wahab Sec |

14 Critical ThinkingNon-Critical Thinking Positions or standpoints  shades of gray - strives for depth  interdisciplinary  knowledge is open  black and white - superficial level  uni- or adisciplinary  knowledge is closed Modes of Inquiry  rational and consistent  strives to learn how to think  holistic/webbed  original/insightful  multiple frames of reference  irrational and inconsistent  strives to learn what to think  uni-disciplinary  relies on second-hand information  one or very limited frames of reference Strategies for Thinking  suspends closure  questions  fair-minded  active  collaborative/communal  strives for closure  doubting  ego- /ethnocentric/emotional  passive  authoritative Hanem Anwar | Amna Bint Wahab Sec |

15 Class Activities  Debates  Graphic organizers  De Bono’s hats  Jigsaw  Book clubs  Hot chair Critical thinking in the English classes ______________________________________ Questioning techniques  What if  Evaluate  Compare  Justify  Why  How

16 Task Read the following quote and comment on it a dialogue between the reader and the text “ Recent theories view reading as a process of not just extracting meaning from a text but a process of connecting information in the text with the knowledge the reader brings to the act of reading. Reading, in this sense, is “a dialogue between the reader and the text” (Grabe, 1988: 56). What is critical reading? ______________________________ Hanem Anwar | Amna Bint Wahab Sec |

17  Understanding the author’s message  Ability to go beyond the literal interpretation of what is written  Interaction with the writer  Knowledge and information concerning the subject  Ability to read between and behind the lines Important Critical Reading Features ______________________________________ Hanem Anwar | Amna Bint Wahab Sec |

18  In pairs, read the paragraph and answer the questions that follow  Which of the questions encourage critical thinking?  Discuss your ideas with the workshop group Practice time ______________________________ Hanem Anwar | Amna Bint Wahab Sec |

19  In new groups, read the story and write questions according to the thinking level your group will be given  Exchange questions with other groups  Discuss how far the other group’s questions match the level they were given Production Time ______________________________ Hanem Anwar | Amna Bint Wahab Sec |

20 Summary ______________________________ Critical Thinking makes classes better as:  Classes are more interesting and engaging  It creates a sense of community and cohesiveness in the classroom  Students are empowered to think and question  Students are actively contributing to the classroom activities Hanem Anwar | Amna Bint Wahab Sec |

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