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Contamination and other issues  Source Point sources Point sources Non-point sources Non-point sources Naturally occurring Naturally occurring  Reactions.

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Presentation on theme: "Contamination and other issues  Source Point sources Point sources Non-point sources Non-point sources Naturally occurring Naturally occurring  Reactions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Contamination and other issues  Source Point sources Point sources Non-point sources Non-point sources Naturally occurring Naturally occurring  Reactions (chemical and biological)  Transport

2 Potential sources of contamination

3 Point sources Fuel storage tanks Landfill Septic tank Leaking tank in gas station Truck fuel spill Dry cleaner Factory wells, spills, emissions Households

4 Non-Point sources Naturally occurring Farm Brought by river Brought from outside area by groundwater

5 Cannot be traced to a specific spot Multiple sources Large area Source activities related either to land or water use Examples water runoff from urban areas construction sites agricultural failing septic tanks improper animal-keeping practices Improper forestry practices Non-Point source pollution

6 How Does Groundwater Contamination Move? Can be filtered if flows slowly, like through sands With groundwater down water table Not filtered if flows rapidly, like in limestone caves 17.10.a

7 ment.htm

8 LNAPL - Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids lighter than water generally petroleum NAPL - Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids http://toxics.usgs.go v/definitions/lnapls. html

9 DNAPL - Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids denser than water chlorinated compounds PAHs igconference/wj w_preliminaryco ncept.htm

10 (from USGS WRIR 02-4105)

11 Arsenic in groundwater  Depends on rock type (sulfide minerals)  Oxidation state  pH  Presence of Fe

12 Arsenic accumulation over time Tiles on cement block Increased coating on tiles with time 41a7-9cc7-164389e7de5e&groupId=38364

13 Bottom: Reducing Top: Oxidizing Arsenic accumulation 10 cm Reid, Haven, Eudy, Milosh, Stafford, 2007, Arsenic in Groundwater Investigations – Eastern Slate Belt (ESB): Nash and Halifax Counties, North Carolina

14 Source: DENR “North Carolina State of the Environment Report 2011” 2010 State-Wide Private Well Sampling Results NitratepHArsenicChromiumIronManganese State Groundwater Standard 10 mg/L 6.5- 8.5 10 ug/L 300 ug/L50 ug/L Number of samples 4,1104,9014,8704,8924,8964,900 Percent of samples exceeding standard 0.7%18.4% below pH of 6.5 2.4%1.5%57.6%39.9% NC population 10,000,000 ½ drink groundwater 2/4% of 5,000,000 people is 120,000 people

15 Arsenic Probability from Private Well Data (Pippin, 2005) Probability of a groundwater sample exceeding 0.001 mg/L 0.2 1 Pippin, 2005, Arsenic Occurrence in the Unconfined Fractured Bedrock Aquifer System of the North Carolina Piedmont

16 Arsenic Probability from Private Well Data (Pippin, 2005) Probability of a groundwater sample exceeding 0.001 mg/L 0.2 1 Carolina Slate Belt Kings Mountain Belt Charlotte Belt Inner Piedmont Belt Eastern Slate Belt

17 Probability of a groundwater sample exceeding 0.001 mg/L 0.2 1 USGS Estimated Use of Water in the US County-Level Data for 2010 Population using private wells

18 Take-aways  It’s easier to keep groundwater clean than to clean up contamination  Groundwater – Surface Water all one thing  Understanding the geology is critical to Public Health  Not all contamination is caused by humans  Well construction is different under certain geologic conditions

19 Take-aways Test your well! Learn what to test for – Depends on geology Depends on geology Land use practices Land use practices History of land use History of land use Contamination events Contamination events

20 Porosity and permeability - The space between the grains - “best extreme caving video” - Mammoth Cave, Kentucky - Geology of Mammoth Cave - Groundwater – good, but long - Wish we had this for eastern NC -

21 How Do We Depict the Water Table? Contour: water table at same elevation; blue arrows show flow Numbers show elevations of the water table: what is the pattern? Compare water table to other features 17.07.b

22  Amy Keyworth 919-807-6460 NCDENR Division of Water Resources Division of Water Resources

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