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Why is Temple Marriage So Important?. Why should I work so hard to marry in the temple? Thus, to achieve our greatest potential we must work to achieve.

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Presentation on theme: "Why is Temple Marriage So Important?. Why should I work so hard to marry in the temple? Thus, to achieve our greatest potential we must work to achieve."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why is Temple Marriage So Important?

2 Why should I work so hard to marry in the temple? Thus, to achieve our greatest potential we must work to achieve a celestial, temple marriage. The family is central to the Creator’s plan for the eternal destiny of his children. Matthew 16:19 A temple marriage truly is the greatest covenant we can make and is only available because of the atonement of Jesus Christ. atonement of Jesus Christ.

3 For a temple marriage to remain in effect after this life a husband and wife must remain faithful to each other and their covenants. "Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities" (paragraph 7).

4 The only way to obtain exaltation is…

5 In our Heavenly Father’s plan of happiness, the only way to obtain exaltation is through the new and everlasting covenant of celestial marriage. When a man and a woman are sealed to each other for time and all eternity in the temple, they have the assurance that their relationship will continue forever if they are true to their covenants. They know that nothing, not even death, can permanently separate them. D&C 131: 1-3

6 Why is temple marriage important to you? What blessings does this ordinance provide for you and your family? What righteous examples of temple marriage do you have? How can you develop a greater desire to be sealed in the temple?

7 What is Chastity anyway?

8 Chastity is… Chastity is sexual purity and involves being morally clean in thoughts, words, and actions. Sexual intimacy is ordained of God for the creation of children and for the expression of love between husband and wife. God has commanded that sexual intimacy be reserved for marriage.

9 When you break the law of chastity you become spiritually weak. Chastity keeps you spiritually strong





14 Stand for what is right at all times Be an example to others Make good choices Be Virtuous Other ideas?

15 Return to Virtue by Elaine Dalton Virtue is a prerequisite to entering the Lord’s holy temples and to receiving the Spirit’s guidance. Virtue “is a pattern of thought and behavior based on high moral standards.” It encompasses chastity and moral purity. Virtue begins in the heart and in the mind. It is nurtured in the home. It is the accumulation of thousands of small decisions and actions.


17 o How we dress o Language o Friends, who we “hang out with” or date o Sexual Purity o TV, Movies, Music o Church attendance o Scripture study o Use the “For the Strength of The Youth” As your guide

18 Make a Stand! Virtue is a word we don’t hear often in today’s society, but the Latin root word virtus means strength. Virtuous women and men possess a quiet dignity and inner strength. They are confident because they are worthy to receive and be guided by the Holy Ghost. President Monson has counseled: “You be the one to make a stand for right, even if you stand alone. Have the moral courage to be a light for others to follow.”


20 Date only those YM who live church standards Attend only activities that meet church standards Save physical intimacies for marriage Uphold high standards of modesty in my dress, language, and actions Make a personal list of qualities I would like the young men I date to possess and work hard to develop those same qualities in myself Return home from each date clean and unashamed Discuss ALL my dating activities with my parents Listen to the Spirit and follow the promptings I receive

21 I truly believe that one virtuous young woman or young man, led by the Spirit, can change the world, but in order to do so, we must return to virtue. We must engage in strict training. Elaine Dalton Now is the time to prepare, Now is the time to c hoose.



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