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Welcome To 2 nd Grade Mrs. Williams’s Class Daily Schedule  8:20-8:45—Unpack, morning work, AR  8:45-9:15—Reading RTI  9:15-10:30—Reading/Grammar.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome To 2 nd Grade Mrs. Williams’s Class Daily Schedule  8:20-8:45—Unpack, morning work, AR  8:45-9:15—Reading RTI  9:15-10:30—Reading/Grammar."— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome To 2 nd Grade Mrs. Williams’s Class

3 Daily Schedule  8:20-8:45—Unpack, morning work, AR  8:45-9:15—Reading RTI  9:15-10:30—Reading/Grammar  10:30-11:15—Special  11:30-12:00--Lunch  12:00-12:45—Math  12:45-1:15—Math RTI  1:15-2:00—Science/Social Studies  2:00-2:30--Recess  2:30-3:15--Writing  3:25—Dismissal (Walkers/Car Riders/Boys & Girls Club)  3:30—Dismissal (Bus riders)

4 New Reading Series  Student access from home  Writing is a part of the curriculum  Handwriting component included  Grading:  67% classwork  33% tests

5 Math  Student access from home—log-ins will be sent home soon.  Please look at math packets that come home daily to review skills at home.  Grading Policy:  50% classwork  50% tests

6 Science  3 Science Kits  Insects  Soils  Engineering/Bridges  Grading Policy  50% classwork  50% tests

7 Social Studies  Units include:  Respect  Geography  Economics  History  Grading Policy  50% classwork  50% tests

8 Homework  There will be homework Monday-Thursday nights.  Homework will be on the return to school side of the daily folder.  Once AR starts next week, please have your child read their library book to you each night as well.

9 Behavior Management  Behavior color-coded card system  Green (Great Day) Earns a ticket  Yellow (Good Day) No ticket  Blue (Watch Out) Loses 15 min of recess  Red (Poor Day) Loses entire recess  Please look at and sign behavior card daily. If it doesn’t come home please send me a note or an email.

10 Behavior Management  Class earns stars for compliments and good behavior throughout the day. Small rewards given until the chart is full and then the class votes for a big reward.  Cool Cat tickets are earned throughout the day and can be cashed in for prizes and fun activities.

11 Thank You!  I look forward to a wonderful year.  Please let me know of any questions/concerns you may have at any time throughout the year.  Notes on daily behavior report or in the daily folder and emails work the best.

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