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Environmental Stewardship
Conservation Choices 30 Environmental Farming Practices That Protect Water Quality and Conserve Natural Resources Recommended by USDA NRCS, Soil and Water Conservation Commission and approved by the EPD.
Farmers as a group are increasingly committed to preserving our natural resources.
Through increased education in conservation methods, financial assistance from government agencies, and heightened awareness of the environmental impact of agriculture, farmers are making great strides in soil and water conservation. Their commitment to environmental stewardship is evident in the following Best Management Practices for Natural Resource Management.
The Following Photos and Information were taken from:
“Conservation Choices” Your guide to 30 conservation and environmental farming practices U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service
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How it works. How it helps.
Existing Woodland or other suitable land is dedicated to timber production. Livestock is excluded. Optimum tree populations are determined by the kinds of trees planted and their adaptability to your soils. Existing trees or newly planted trees are thinkked, pruned and harvested to maintain desired productions. Twigs, limbs and other debris are not removed, maintaining ground cover, reducing soil erosion and providing wildife habitat. As trees mature they are harvested, and replacements are established. How it helps. Adds income to the farm Adds beauty to the farm Ground cover provides wildife habitat, reduces soil erosion, and imrpoves water quality.
How it works. How it helps.
Pasture is divided into two or more pastures or paddocks with fencing. Cattle are moved from paddock to paddock on a pre-arranged schedule based on forage availability and livestock nutrition needs. How it helps. Improves vegetative cover, reducing erosion and improving water quality. Increases harvest efficiency and helps ensure adequate forage throughout the grazing season. Increases forage quality and production which helps increase feed efficiency and can improve profits. Rotating also evenly distributes manure nutrient resources.
How it works. How it helps.
The type of manure storage structure you would use depends upon your livestock operation, animal waste management system and planned field applications. Several options exist including an earthen storage pond, above or below ground tank, pit underneath a confinement facility or a sheltered concrete slab area. Manure can be pumped, scraped and hauled, pushed or flushed into your storage structure. The structure’s purpose is to safely contain the manure and keep nutrient loss and pollution of down-stream water bodies to a minimum by preventing runoff. How it helps. Protects water quality by preventing runoff from feedlots. Cuts fertilizer costs and reduces nutrient losses. Allows for field application when conditions are right.
How it works. How it helps.
A typical farm pond is formed by building a dam across an existing gully or low-lying area. Earth for the dam is dug out above the dam with heavy machinery to form a bowl. Generally the ponded area fills with water within a year. An overflow pipe is installed through the dam to control the water level and allow water to spill through the dam without causing erosion. How it helps. Prevents soil erosion and protects water quality by collecting and storing runoff water. Provides water for livestock, fish and wildlife, and recreational opportunities. Adds value and beauty to a farm or farmstead. Provides a water supply for emergencies such as fires. Fire trucks can fill up with water from “dry hydrants” in farm ponds.
How it works. How it helps.
Planting trees, shrubs and other vegetation that provide cover and food will attract wildlife to an area. The type of habitat provided will determine the kind and numbers of wildlife attracted. How it helps. Ground cover helps reduce soil erosion, adds organic matter to the soil, filters runoff and increases water infiltration. Planned wildlife habitat provides food and cover for wildlife.
How it works. How it helps.
Food plots may be established either within an existing crop field or in a separate locations. You may simply leave four rows of corn standing after harvest to provide food for wildlife over the winter. Or you may plant a small plot elsewhere. These plots help wildlife through the winter when food is in short supply. How it helps. Standing crops with unharvested grain give food to wildlife that may otherwise not be accessible after heavy snows or ice. A food plot helps encourage wildlife to remain on property by providing food.
How it works. How it helps.
Strips of grass, trees and/or shrubs slow water flow and cause contaminants like sediment, chemicals and nutrients to collect in vegetation. Collected nutrients and chemicals are used by the vegetation rather than entering water supplies. Filtered water then enters water bodies. How it helps. Grass, trees and shrubs provide cover for small birds and animals. Ground cover reduces soil erosion. The vegetative strip moves row crop operations farther from a stream. Vegetation prevents contaminants from entering water bodies, protecting water quality.
How it works. How it helps.
A dam, embankment or other structure built across a grassed waterway or existing gully controls and reduces water flow. The structure drops water from one stabilized grade to another and prevents “overfall” gullies from advancing up a slope. How it helps. Grade control structures are often used at the outlet of a grassed waterway outlet, preventing gully erosion. Grassed, non-eroding waterways made possible with a grade control structure give better water quality, can be crossed with equipment, and look better than non-stabilized gullies. If it is planned to store water, a grade control structure may provide a water source and habitat for wildlife.
How it works. How it helps.
Grass, legumes, trees or shrubs are established in small, isolated areas of excessive erosion. The vegetation provides surface cover to stop raindrop splash and slow water flow. How it helps. Reduces soil erosion by keeping soil covered with plant material. A vegetated area improves water quality by reducing the amount of sediment, nutrients and chemicals running off farmland. Protects areas such as dams, terrace backslopes or gullied areas when getetation may be difficult to establish. Vegetation can be planted to provide small areas of nesting cover for birds and small animals.
How it works. How it helps.
Crops are arranged so that a strip of meadow or small grain is alternated with a strip of row crop. Not more than one half of a field can be planted to row crops. Meadow slows runoff, increases infiltration, traps sediment, and provides surface cover. Ridges formed by contoured rows slow water flow which reduces erosion. Rotating the strips from corn to legumes allows nutrient-greedy crops to benefit from the nitrogen added to the soil by legumes. This practice combines the beneficial effects of contour plowing and crop rotation. How it helps. Contour stripcropping reduces soil erosion and protects water quality. Contour stripcropping may help reduce fertilizer costs.
How it works. How it helps.
A diversion is much like a terrace, but its purpose is to direct or divert runoff water from an area. A diversion is often built at the base of a slope to divert runoff away from bottom lands. A diversion may also be used to divert runoff flows away from a feedlot, or to collect and direct water to a pond. How it helps. Reduces soil erosion on lowlands by catching runoff water and preventing it from reaching farmland below. Vegetation in the diversion channel filters runoff water, improving water quality. Vegetation provides cover for small birds and animals. Allows better crop growth on bottomland soils.
How it works. How it helps.
A natural drainageway is graded and shaped to form a smooth, bowl-shaped channel. This area is seeded to sod-forming grasses. Runoff water that flows down the drainageway flows across the grass rather than tearing away soil and forming a larger gully. An outlet is often installed at the base of the drainageway to stabilize the waterway and prevent a new gully from forming. How it helps. Grass cover protects the drainageway from gully erosion. Vegetation may act as a filter, absorbing some of the chemicals and nutrients in runoff water. Vegetation provides cover for small birds and animals.
How it works. How it helps.
A series of grass strips are placed across the slope on a contour. The alternating strips of grass or other permanent vegetation slow runoff flow, trap sediment from the crop strips above, and increase water infiltration. Because the buffer strip is established on the contour, runoff flows evenly across the entire surface of the grass strip, reducing sheet and rill erosion. How it helps. Vegetation provides cover and habitat for small birds and animals. The strips reduce erosion by slowing water flow and increasing water infiltration. By reducing siltation and filtering nutrients and chemicals from runoff grass strips improve water quality.
How it works. How it helps.
Crop row ridges built by tilling and planting on the contour create hundreds of small dams. These ridges or dams slow water flow and increase infiltration, which reduces erosion. How it helps. Contouring can reduce soil erosion by as much as 50 percent from up and down hill farming. By reducing sediment and runoff, and increasing water infiltration, contouring promotes better water quality.
How it works. How it helps.
Strips of perennial vegetation are established at the outside edges of a field where excessive sheet and rill erosion is occurring. The grass or legume strips replace crop end ros, which would be planted up and down hill and be highly erosive. Field borders are sometimes referred to as picture frames of grass, and are used with contour farming, terrace, buffer strip, and contour stripcropping systems. The grass or legume in the strip protects steep field edges from soil erosion, and provides turning and travel lanes around the field. How it helps. Vegetative cover reduces sheet and rill erosion by slowing water flow. Vegetation fileters runoff to improve water quality. Grass and legume strips may be harvested in some cases and are easier to turn on than end rows. Vegetation provides cover and habitat for small birds and animals.
How it works. How it helps.
The way you handle materials that could contaminate a water supply, and the distance of possible contaminants from a well or other water course can have a dramatic effect on the quality of drinking water on the farm. For instance, if you typically mix pesticides near the well your chances of drinking water contamination from pesticides escalates. To protect your well, take an inventory of farming practices like pesticide mixing and container washing and disposal. Then assess the risk of contamination and make necessary changes. How it helps. Modificaitons in farming operations may improve your efficiency and reduce operation or production costs. Soil conservation practices may be necessary to divert runoff from the well area.
How it works. How it helps.
Multiple rows of evergreen or deciduous trees are planted to protect a farmstead or feedlot from wind and snow. One or two rows of shrubs are also often planted. The established windbreak slows wind on the downwind side of the windbreak for a distance of 10 times the height of the trees. The tree rows also act like a snow fence, trapping snow within the windbreak. Field windbreaks can also be planted to reduce wind speed in open fields. How it helps. A windbreak reduces wind erosion, conserves energy, reduces heating bills and beautifies a farmstead. Trees serve as a sound barrier and muffle road noise. Trees and shrubs provide food and cover for wildlife. Improved livestock weight gains can be expected when livestock are protected from winter winds and snow.
How it works. How it helps.
Drill or broadcast adapted grass or legumes into a low-producing pasture or a steep, eroding cropland field. How it helps. Heavy grass cover slows water flow, reducing soil erosion. Good pastures protect water quality by filtering runoff water and increasing infiltration. Lush pastures give cover and habitat for wildlife. As plants recycle and roots die, organic matter in the soil is improved.
How it works. How it helps.
Grass & rock riprap installed along edges of a stream to buffer the banks from heavy stream flow and reduce erosion. Fencing prevents cattle from trampling banks, destroying vegetation and stirring up sediment in the streambed. A buffer zone of vegetation along the streambank filters runoff and may also absorb excess nutrients and chemicals. How it helps. Streambanks are covered with rocks, grass, trees, or other cover to reduce erosion. Better water quality results from reducing amounts of nutrients, chemicals, animal waste, and sediment entering the stream. Buffer zones provide cover and habitat for birds and small animals.
How it works. How it helps.
Taking a representative sample from stored manure and sending it to an approved lab for analysis to determine nutrient content is the first step in a manure management systems. This data is used to match application rates to plant nutrient needs and soil test data. How it helps. Manure testing and proper application to the land can reduce crop input costs. Preventing over-application of manure to crop fields results in improved water quality.
How it works. How it helps.
A variety of desired tree species, either seedlings or seeds, are planted mechanically or by hand in understocked woodlands or open fields. Tree species are matched with soil types and selected to prevent soil erosion, increase income, or boost productivity of existing woodland. How it helps. Improving stands of woodlands can increase profits. Ground cover created by trees and associated debris protects soil from rill and sheet erosion. Ground cover also protects water quality by filtering excess nutrients and chemicals from surface runoff and increasing infiltration rates. Healthy, well-managed woodlands provide long-term wildlife habitat.
How it works. How it helps.
Leaving last year’s crop residue on the surface before and during planting operations provides cover for the soil at a critical time of year. The residue is left on the surface by reducing tillage operations and turning the soil less. Pieces of crop residue shield soil particles from rain and wind until plants can produce a protective canopy. How it helps. Ground cover prevents soil erosion and protects water quality. Residue improves soil tilth and adds organic matter to the soil as it decomposes. Fewer trips across the field and less tillage reduces soil compaction. Time, energy, and labor savings are possible with fewer tillage trips.
How it works. How it helps.
Most wetland enhancement work includes small structures built to add water or regulate water levels in an existing wetland. Subsurface and surface drains and tiles are plugged. Concrete and earthen structures – usually dikes or embankments – are built to trap water. These practices maintain a predetermined water level in an existing wetland. Adjustable outlets allow the landowner to fluctuate the water level during different seasons. Enhancement also includes planting native wetland vegetation if plant populations need to be supplemented. How it helps. Wetlands filter nutrients, chemicals, and sediment before water infiltrates into ground water supplies. Wetlands provide wildlife habitat for waterfowl and many other species of wildlife. Wetlands add beauty and value to a farm.
How it works. How it helps.
Crops are changed year by year in a planned sequence. Crop rotation is a common practice on sloping soils because of its potential for saving soil. Rotation also reduces fertilizer needs because alfalfa and other legumes replace some of the nitrogen corn and other grain crops remove. How it helps. Pesticide costs may be reduced by naturally breaking the cycles of weeds, insects, and diseases. Grass and legumes in a rotation protect water quality by preventing excess nutrients or chemicals from entering water supplies. Meadow or small grains cut soil erosion dramatically. Crop rotations add diversity to an operation.
How it works. How it helps.
After taking a soil test, setting realistic yield goals, and taking credit for contributions from previous years’ crops and manure applications, crop nutrient needs are determined. Nutrients are then applied at the proper time by the proper application method. Nutrient sources include animal manure, sludge, and common fertilizers. These steps reduce the potential for nutrients to go unused and was or infiltrate into water supplies. How it helps. Sound nutrient management reduces input costs and protects water quality by preventing over-application of commercial fertilizers and animal manure. Correct manure and sludge application on all fields can improve soil tilth and organic matter.
How it works. How it helps.
Natural wetlands – swamps, bogs, sloughs, potholes, and marshes – occur in every state in the nation and vary widely in size, shape, and type. A wetland may have standing water year-round or may hold surface water for only part of the year. How it helps. The many values of wetlands are only recently being fully understood and appreciated. Among the benefits of wetlands are: Wetlands can provide natural pollution control. They remove nutrients, pesticides, and bacteria from surface waters and can act as efficient, low cost sewage and animal waste treatment practices. Wetlands filter and collect sediment from runoff water. Because wetlands slow overland flow and store runoff water, they reduce both soil erosion and flooding downstream. Many wetlands release water slowly into the ground which recharges groundwater supplies. All of America’s ducks and geese depend on wetlands for breeding, nesting, and feeding habitat. More than 5000 plant species, 190 species of amphibians, and one-third of all native bird species are supported by wetlands. The ecological diversity of wetlands can offer one of the most beautiful features of a farm.
How it works. How it helps.
Crops are scouted to determine type of pests – insects, weeds, and diseases – and the stage of development. The potential damage of the pest is then weighed against the cost of control. Finally, if pest control is economical, all alternatives are evaluated based on cost, results, and environmental impact. Precaution is taken to keep any chemicals from leaving the field by leaching, runoff, or drift. How it helps. Scouting and spot treatment for only those pests that are threatening can save money. Using fewer chemicals improves water quality. Specific treatments for specific pests on specific areas of a field prevents over-treatment of pests.
How it works. How it helps.
An embankment is built across a depressional area of concentrated water runoff to act similar to a terrace. It traps sediment and water running off farmland above the structure, preventing it from reaching farmland below. How it helps. Basins improve water quality by trapping sediment on uplands preventing it from reaching water bodies. Structures reduce gully erosion by controlling water flow within a drainage area. Grass cover may provide habitat for wildlife.
How it works. How it helps.
Terraces break long slopes into shorter ones. They usually follow the contour of the land. As water makes its way down a hill, terraces serve as small dams to intercept water, slow it down, and guide it to an outlet. How it helps. Both water quality and soil quality are improved. Terraces with grass on frontslopes or backslopes can provide nesting habitat.
How it works. How it helps.
Crops including cereal rye, oats, and winter wheat are planted to temporarily protect the ground from wind and water erosion during times when cropland isn’t adequately protected against soil erosion. How it helps. Cover crops keep ground covered, add organic matter to the soil, trap nutrients, improve soil tilth, and reduce weed competition.
Environmental Stewardship
& AGRICULTURE Caring for the Earth
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