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P13027: Portable Ventilator

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Presentation on theme: "P13027: Portable Ventilator"— Presentation transcript:

1 P13027: Portable Ventilator
Team Leader: Megan O’Connell Matt Burkell Steve Digerardo David Herdzik Paulina Klimkiewicz Jake Leone

2 Overview Project Scope-Background 13026 Foundation slide
Proposed redesign Customer Needs Engineering Specs Risk Assessment HOQ/QFD Diagram System Block Diagram Function Decomposition Pugh Diagrams Battery Pressure Sensors Circuit Board MCU CO2 Measurements CAD Visuals Usability Study at Imagine RIT Questions? 2 of43

3 Project Scope Project Objective: Improve the current design of P13026 Duration: 27 weeks Market Release: 2015 Budget: $1000 Customer: Jeff Gutterman Roman Press Faculty Mentor: Team: Edward Hanzlik 4 Mechanical Engineers 2 Electrical Engineers 3 of43


5 From 13026 -> Our Foundation to Build On
Updates: Electronic controls (decrease size/more options) Smaller pump Reliable and smaller battery (2+ hours) Device ergonomics and usability Additions: Ability to monitor and record vitals Pulse oximeter feedback Signaling alerts 5 of43

6 Revision B- Proposed Redesign
Update: Battery Size-> Reduce Size & keep same capacity Reduce Circuit Board size-> Create custom board for all electrical connects Phase motor driver to a transistor Display Ergonomics Overall Size and shape of PEV Instruction manual Additions: Visual Animated Display-> Moving Vitals Memory capabilities USB extraction of Data Co2 Sensor as additional Feature to PEV Overload Condition due to Pump Malfunction 6 of43

7 Customer Needs 7 of43 Customer Need # Importance Description
Comments/Status CN1 1 Maintain Portability Portable based on digital electronics, preferably on microprocessor, minimize weight and size CN2 Include Audio Feedback Gives non-visual, non-braille instructions/feedback CN3 Optimize Battery Life Operates for minimum of 2 hours without recharging CN4 Replaceable Battery Battery easily replaced CN5 Minimize Expenses Parts cost < $1000 CN6 Display Relevant Data Show information that will be necessary for the customer to operate the ventillator on the front panel CN7 2 Measure Oxygen Levels Add a pulse oximeter CN8 Measure CO2 Levels Measure CO2 levels on expiration CN9 Optimize for mass production CN10 3 Design Similarly The design of an updated version of the PEV that remains "substantially equivalent" to the design which received FDA 510(k) approval to manufacture and market CN11 Record and Transfer Data Record and transfer data CN12 Reduce size/weight (less than 18lbs) 7 of43 Importance: 3: Preference only 2: Nice to Have 1: Must Haves

8 Engineering Specifications
Portable Emergency Ventilator Engineering Specifications - Revision /19/13 Specification Number Source Function Specification (Metric) Unit of Measure Marginal Value Ideal Value Comments / Status S1 PRP System Volume Control Liters 0.2 ± 0.2 S2 Breathing Rate BPM, Breaths per Minute 4 -15 S3 Pick Flow Liter/Min S4 Air Assist Senitivity cm H20 0.5 ± 0.5 S5 High Pressure Alarm S6 DC Input Volts 6 - 16 Due to battery, must be greater than 9V S7 DC Internal Battery 12 S8 Elasped Time Meter Hours S9 Pump Life 4500 S10 O2 / Air mixer O2 21% % S11 Secondary Pressure Relief 75 S12 Timed Backup BPM S13 Weight Kg ≤ 8 S14 Robustness Drop Height meter 1 8 of43

9 Risk Assessment 9 of43

10 10 of43

11 HOQ/QFD Diagram 11 of43

12 System Block Diagram 12 of43

13 Functional Decomposition
13 of43

14 Top Level Functions 14 of43

15 Provide Airflow 15 of43

16 Monitor Feedback 16 of43

17 Communicate State 17 of43

18 Manage Power 18 of43

19 Battery Selection Pugh Chart
Battery Option Selection Option #1 Option #2 Option #3 Option #4 NiMH NiCd Li-Ion Li-Ion Polymer Selection Criteria Score Cost + - Weight Size Physical Durability Charge Loss Resistance to Environmental Effects Operating Conditions Sum +'s 1 2 4 Sum 0's 6 3 Sum -'s Net Score Rank 19 of43

20 Batteries: Lithium-Ion Polymer
Very low profile - batteries resembling the profile of a credit card are feasible. Flexible form factor - any reasonable size can be found Lightweight - gelled electrolytes enable simplified packaging by eliminating the metal shell. Improved safety - more resistant to overcharge; less chance for electrolyte leakage 20 of43

21 Flow Sensor Type Pugh Matrix
Selection Criteria Option 1 (Original) Option 2 Option 3 Mass Flow Sensor Differential Pressure 2 Pressure Sensors Score Weight + Cost Physical Durability Accuracy Range Operating Temperature Size Sum +'s 4 Sum 0's 8 3 Sum -'s Net Score Rank 1 21 of43

22 Pneumatic Schematic 22 of43

23 Differential Pressure Sensor Model
Inlet Filter PUMP Exit DP Pressure Sensor Pressure Sensor 23 of43

24 Two Pressure Sensors Model
Inlet Filter PUMP Exit Pressure Sensor Pressure Sensor 24 of43

25 Pressure Sensor Pugh Matrix
Selection Criteria Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 FreeScale MPXV7007 FreeScale MPXV7002 FreeScale MPX12 Honeywell TruStability Score Weight Cost - + Physical Durability Compensated Accuracy Range Operating Temperature Size Sum +'s 5 4 2 1 Sum 0's 3 Sum -'s Net Score -2 Rank 25 of43

26 PCB Selection Pugh Chart
PCB Structure Selection Option #1 Option #2 Option #3 Mediresp IV Mediresp III Custom PCB Selection Criteria Score Weight - + Cost Size Physical Durability Implementation Manufacturability Work Required Sum +s 2 4 Sum 0s 1 Sum -s Net Score -2 Rank 26 of43

27 Number of Analog inputs
MCU Selection PUGH Manufacturer NXP ST Micro Freescale TI MCU LPC1769 STM32 K60 k70 Hercules Architecture ARM M3 ARM M4 ARM R4 Price $11 $16 $20 $30 Packaging -- Ease of programming - Cost Performance ++ + +++ Number of Analog inputs PGA Reliability Power usage Net Score 3 4 2 Rank 1 General Notes: All MCU rated for -40° to 105° C 27 of43

28 Data Transfer PUGH USB Mass Storage USB Device Bluetooth SD
Ease of Development + - Security Usability Cost Net Score 3 1 -2 2 Rank 4 28 of43

29 LCD Interface: RGB vs Parallel
Two different interfaces commonly used in LCD displays are RGB (no controller) and Parallel (built-in controller, ex. SSD1963) RGB Parallel (8080) Pins required for communication 26 (8 for each color, Vsync, Hsync) 13 (8 data, Rd, Wr, R/D, CS, RST) MCU requirements Requires LCD peripheral Any MCU with GPIO will work Refresh rate Limited to speed of MCU Limited to speed of controller (slower) Cost Cost of bare LCD (~$75 for 7”) Cost of RGB+$25 controller (~$100 for 7”) Status Unimplemented Implemented 29 of43

30 CO2 Sensor Pugh Matrix 30 of43

31 GE Sensing Telaire 6004 Co2 Sensor (~$25)
Non-Permeable Seal NDIR Co2 Measurement Wiring Exhale From Patient ASCO Pneumatic Disposable In-line Filter Send Reading To PEV System MCU 31 of43

32 Housing Modifications
Smaller components = smaller package 32 of43

33 Housing Modifications
Old Physical Extremes: 15in long X 10in high X 7in deep Target Weight: 17 pounds New Physical Extremes: 11in long X 6.75in high X 7in deep Target Weight: 10 pounds 33 of43

34 Housing Modifications
34 of43

35 Housing Modifications
35 of43

36 Housing Modifications
36 of43

37 Housing Modifications
37 of43

38 Housing Modifications
38 of43

39 Housing Modifications
39 of43

40 Housing Modifications
40 of43

41 Usability Testing At Imagine RIT
Goal: Gather data to understand the overall feasibility of the PEV user interface design and styling. Critical Components of Design: Overall Geometry Knob Controls and Display Knob Location Screen Location Screen Function- Vitals Display Verbage Clarity Color 41 of43

42 Usability Study Breakdown
1 2 3 INSTRUCTIONAL INTERACTION LIKERT SCALE RATING COMPONENT COMPARISON Goal: Gain user feedback from actual interaction with device. Gain a mass feedback on overall look and operation of the device. Understand and Maximize usability of critical user operated components. Guide user through medical scenario and operation. Instruct user to operate with system inputs Ask questions about the user/device interaction Conversational Feedback from direct system operation Create handout to be filled out by on-viewers Scaled rating (1-10) of critical components of design. Mass feedback from overall system aesthetic Knob Board Comparison with physical examples Overall geometry comparison (using David’s sketches) Original MEDIRESP III to MSD hands on part comparison Direct Feedback of liking to a specific individual component 42 of43

43 Interactive Knob Board
Value displays on screen MEDIRESP III MEDIRESP IV Feedback: Which is easiest to use? Is there a distinction conflict in certain knob design? Opinion of overall aesthetic? 43 of43

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