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Mixing It Up With Technology Presented by Patricia Z. Carley.

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Presentation on theme: "Mixing It Up With Technology Presented by Patricia Z. Carley."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mixing It Up With Technology Presented by Patricia Z. Carley

2 7 P’s for Pupil Progress  P repare for a P urposeful P roduct  P resent  P ublish  P erform or  P ortfolio

3 Ingredient : INSTRUCTING Instructing the Struggling Learner Guided Learning with Technology Conduct Research Using Hotlists/Directed Search English Renaissance Research History of computer science quest Organize Research and Ideas Using Templates Inspiration Example Word Example (Research/Presentation Templates) Create Product Using Templates Element Brochure Endangered Species Template Model the Expected Use and Result of Each

4 Ingredient : ASSESSING Meaningful Assessment Rubrics Provide at the Start of a Project and Model Refer to the Rubric During Instruction Assess the Process as well as the Product American History Newspaper Project Endangered Species Rubric Rubric Maker Sites

5 Resources For Teacher and Student Use Gadgets Websites Software Methods

6 Resources: Gadgets Document Camera (Elmo) Handhelds Digital Cameras and Recorders Laptops

7 Resources: Gadgets Video Projectors SmartBoard ActivBoard ActivVote ActivSlate and ActivTablet

8 Resources: Software INSPIRATION—WHY? Inspiration Inspiration Examples All About Me Character Comparison ELA Cell Wall Memory Game Food Web

9 Resources: Software TIMELINER TimeLiner Presidents Timeline RENAISSANCE TIME LINE User Resources Useful TimeLiner Links

10 Resources: Software Tom Snyder Products Decisions, Decisions Rainforest Researchers Great Ocean Rescue Operation Frog Deluxe Nature: Virtual Serengeti

11 Resources: Software MS Office Word Diseases Data Chart Organelle Activity PowerPoint Publisher Excel Planning Chart Access Inventory Student Information


13 Resources: Software Paint Using Paint in the Classroom

14 Resources--Software Any suggested titles you use that work well? Please Share!

15 Resources: Websites Online Databases United Streaming PowerPoint Games Educational Blogs Wikis Library Mavens Wiki/Blog

16 Resources: Websites Trackstar Making Connections Thinkfinity AR Book Finder Homes of Our Own Simulation This Into That Media Rights Seussville Web English Teacher Free Stuff Tammy's Ideas & Activities Tammy's Favorite Internet Sites What Is a Blog? Computer Ethics Quiz A T & T Wired Learning Let's Book It... Copyright Issues

17 Our Ultimate Objective:  Skilled Students  Involved Learners  Students with Marketable Skills

18 Google Documents Show of hands who has used it before Free web-based word processor and spreadsheet, which allow you share and collaborate online. Pros/Cons Where can I find it? Remember to activate your account Must have access to email account!

19 Google Documents 1. Sign up for an account 2. Check your email to activate your account. 3. Log into your account. 4. Create! Explore! Share! Add comments!



22 PowerPoint Address: dhcx5h3x_3cr22md dhcx5h3x_3cr22md

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