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Governance with Multiple Firm Objectives: Evidence from Top Executive Turnover in China Comment by Xueping Wu City University of Hong Kong.

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Presentation on theme: "Governance with Multiple Firm Objectives: Evidence from Top Executive Turnover in China Comment by Xueping Wu City University of Hong Kong."— Presentation transcript:

1 Governance with Multiple Firm Objectives: Evidence from Top Executive Turnover in China Comment by Xueping Wu City University of Hong Kong

2 Major Findings of the Paper ■ The relation between CEO turnover and firm performance is different between profit-making firms and loss-making firms  There is a negative relation between CEO turnover and ROA for loss-making firms, but not for profit-making firms  There is a negative relation between CEO turnover and the change in ROA for profit-making firms, but not for loss-making firms

3 ■ Interpretation : Firms’ objectives are multi-dimension  Loss-making firms are more concerned with how to avoid low levels of profitability  Profit-making firms are more concerned with how to maintain the current level of profitability ■ Contribution of the paper  Differentiating the CEO turnover-performance relation between loss-making firms and profit-making firms  Examining the link between CEO turnover and the change in profitability (in addition to profitability level)

4 An Alternative Interpretation Prior studies observe that the negative relation between managerial turnover and firm performance is mostly evident with low levels of company performance. Intuition: Only poorly-performing CEOs face the threat of dismissal, while well-performing CEOs are rewarded with incentive pay. This link derives from different incentive schemes, but not from multiple objectives of firm performance.

5 Suggestion Observation: 85% of the total sample are profit-making firms. The total sample can be divided into two subsamples based on the median ROA, and examine how the CEO turnover- performance relation differs between the two subsamples. This practice may help: (i) to avoid the very small sample size for loss-making firms (Table 9); (i) to clarify whether the distinction between profit-making and loss-making really matters.

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