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Sixth Grade Religion Meghan Cassady St. Mary School 2014-2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Sixth Grade Religion Meghan Cassady St. Mary School 2014-2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sixth Grade Religion Meghan Cassady St. Mary School 2014-2015

2 Contact Information (preferred contact) – Note: email is not checked after 5:00 p.m. or on weekends Can find links to my email and teacher website on SMS website Hotline Extension to leave a message – Ext. 8197 – My hotline extension can be used for you to leave a message, all homework assignments and announcements can be found on my website. For updates on your child’s grades please see Option C.

3 Curriculum The Profession of Faith The Celebration of the Christian Mystery (Sacraments) Life in Christ (Catholic Christian Morality) Christian Prayer

4 Homework Homework assignments are written down each day on the classroom whiteboard. I do my best to remind students of homework at the end of each class. Homework is also posted on my webpage each day.

5 Grades and Expectations I will follow all grading policies found in the handbook. Religion assignments are graded using the point system rather than weighting assignments. Late work policy:  If not turned in on due date, assignments can be turned in the next day for 70% of the grade earned. After that next day, it will be entered as one point to indicate that it was turned in, but full credit or partial credit will not be given.  If additional time is needed on an assignment, please let me know as soon as possible!

6 Textbooks All students have received their Blest are We paperback book. It is important that students take good care of this book as it contains both the necessary reading material and many of the assignments.

7 Religion Notes Students will use Religion Notebooks mainly for daily reflections, but also for some notes. As books can be highlighted, I usually allow them to add necessary notes to the margins of the pages. I will spend time the first few weeks helping them pick out and highlight important info from the text. As picking out main ideas becomes easier, they will do more reading/highlighting on their own.

8 Quizzes and Tests Quizzes  Will be given 1-2 days notice for quizzes  Matching or multiple choice  Will usually be to check that assigned reading has been completed Tests  Culminating (Big Picture) ideas of unit of study  Will do my best to give a week's notice for tests  Multiple choice, matching, true/false (and correct the false), completion, short answer, and extended response  Study guides will be passed out in class and posted to my website as needed. Unit Reviews from the textbook will usually serve as study guides.

9 Homework Students will have a variety of homework assignments in Religion. Many assignments will be short worksheets over reading from class. Other assignments will ask students to do more personal reflections about their faith and these assignments will take many different forms.

10 Prayer One of the major focuses of Religion this year is learning the importance of prayer in developing a relationship with God. Through different prayers and reflections in class each day, as well as activities organized by Pastoral Associate, Brian Geeding, students will discover the power of prayer.

11 Questions?

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