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Definitions, Parts of Speech, and Example Sentences

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Presentation on theme: "Definitions, Parts of Speech, and Example Sentences"— Presentation transcript:

1 Definitions, Parts of Speech, and Example Sentences
Vocabulary list 11 Definitions, Parts of Speech, and Example Sentences

2 Adamant (adj.) DEF: forceful; inflexible RELATED PARTS OF SPEECH:
adamantly, adv. EX. SENTENCE: We've tried to talk him into coming with us, but he's adamant about staying here.

3 Brawny (adj.) DEF: muscular RELATED PARTS OF SPEECH: brawnily, adv.
brawniness, noun EX. SENTENCE: The store manager always asked the brawniest worker to do the heavy lifting.

4 Decathlon (noun) DEF: an athletic competition with ten events
RELATED PARTS OF SPEECH: n/a EX. SENTENCE: I was so tired by the end of the long week of tests that I felt like I had participated in a decathlon.

5 to Equivocate (verb) DEF: to speak ambiguously in order to avoid telling the truth RELATED PARTS OF SPEECH: equivocation, noun EX. SENTENCE: The applicant equivocated when we asked her why she had left her last job, unwilling it seemed to tell the truth.

6 Hieroglyphics (noun) DEF: 1. picture writing 2. writing that is difficult to understand or is enigmatic RELATED PARTS OF SPEECH: n/a EX. SENTENCE: Egyptians included in their hieroglyphics a symbol for the electric catfish of the Nile.

7 Larceny (noun) DEF: Theft; robbery; stealing RELATED PARTS OF SPEECH:
n/a EX. SENTENCES: He has been accused of several larcenies.

8 Ponderous (adj.) DEF: weighty; slow and heavy; clumsy
RELATED PARTS OF SPEECH: ponderousness, noun ponderously, adv. EX. SENTENCE: The students struggled to stay awake during the ponderous lecture.

9 Prudent (adj.) DEF: cautious; wise RELATED PARTS OF SPEECH:
prudently, adv. prudence, noun EXAMPLE SENTENCE: War is not always the most prudent course of action, as it can have unforeseen consequences.

10 Retention (noun) DEF: preservation; withholding
RELATED PARTS OF SPEECH: n/a EX. SENTENCE: The student grasps concepts quickly but struggles with the retention of information over the course of a year.

11 Timorous (adj.) DEF: cowardly; fearful RELATED PARTS OF SPEECH:
timorously, adv. timorousness, noun EX. SENTENCE: Marc Antony’s servant spoke with a timorous and quavering voice when confronting the conspirators right after the assassination.

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