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Minimum-time route location is linked to the jet stream Eastbound: New York - London fly in the jet stream Westbound: London - New York avoid the jet stream.

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Presentation on theme: "Minimum-time route location is linked to the jet stream Eastbound: New York - London fly in the jet stream Westbound: London - New York avoid the jet stream."— Presentation transcript:

1 Minimum-time route location is linked to the jet stream Eastbound: New York - London fly in the jet stream Westbound: London - New York avoid the jet stream 1 Irvine et al., 2013, Meteorological Applications

2 Winter weather types are characterised by the jet stream Eastbound Westbound Irvine et al., 2013, Met. Apps. 2 W1. strong zonal jet W2. Strong tilted jet W4. Confined jet Pressure pattern at flight level (black) and jet stream (red). Daily minimum-time routes between London and New York (blue).

3 FL300FL340FL390 W1. Zonal jet W2. Tilted jet W4. Confined jet Eastbound routes Westbound routes tropopause Contrail formation regions are linked to the weather pattern

4 Route time varies according to the weather pattern

5 Jet stream location is related to the North Atlantic Oscillation 5 Diagrams from: Positive NAO jet stream further north Negative NAO jet stream further south

6 Frequency of winter weather patterns TypeJet streamFrequency PositionStrength(days/season) W1zonalstrong17 W2tiltedstrong17 W3tiltedweak15 W4confinedstrong15 W5confinedweak26 6

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