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1 Water Services Training Group 17 th Annual Conference Creating a new Irish Water Industry INEC, Killarney, 5 th September 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Water Services Training Group 17 th Annual Conference Creating a new Irish Water Industry INEC, Killarney, 5 th September 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Water Services Training Group 17 th Annual Conference Creating a new Irish Water Industry INEC, Killarney, 5 th September 2013

2 Creating a new Irish Water Industry Irish Water Communications Strategy Elizabeth Arnett Head of Communications & Corporate Services Irish Water

3 Strategic Message Value Water 3

4 IRISH CITIZEN WATER CONSUMER Citizens need to understand that they are consumers “ Water is free” “Water costs money” “We need to invest for the future” IRISH WATER CUSTOMER Consumers need to appreciate that they are customers “I value water” “IW provides my water” “I am charged for water” “I pay my water bill” Audience 4

5 Other important messages We are not a billing agency... We are Irish Water  Expertise  Water treatment  Waste water treatment  Service  Assistance in conserving water  Open Engagement  Economic contribution  Investment need  Jobs  Business opportunity  Environmental Sustainability  Demand management  Conservation  Health  Quality  Metering  Least disruption install  Automated metering  Accurate billing  Charges  First fix leakage  Customer side leakage  Free usage allowances  Need for change  Make the invisible visible  Water quality history  Significant national asset Irish Water Value Water 5

6 Indirect Strategic Planning of Communications 6 Using a mix of communications tools Will change citizens AwareAppreciates Advocates Understands Acts VisibleConvincingInspiringInformativeFacilitating Indirect comms Indirect Direct comms Direct Irish Water

7 Communications Tools  Website  Call Centre  Advertising  Events  PR / Media  Stakeholder Engagement  Metering! 7

8 Brand We value water as a precious natural resource on which the quality of life depends. Through responsible stewardship, efficient management and strong partnerships, Ireland has a world-class water infrastructure that ensures secure and sustainable water services, essential for our health, our communities, the economy and the environment. Values - by which we will live and are measured against Responsibility Stewardship, Partnership, Inclusion, Safeguarding for the next generation Expertise Knowledge, Quality, Technical excellence, Progressive, Solutions-orientated Efficiency Responsive, Fiscal responsibility, Capital utilisation, Customer service, Delivering Integrity Transparent, Accountable, Honest, Fair Mark Clean, robust and simple. Efficient to apply in multiple applications. Embraces Irish language 8

9 Website Why value water? About us Metering install animation soon Frequently asked questions Water treatment cycle Wastewater treatment cycle Usage tips from Jobs 9

10 Advertising Campaign  Timing  First burst: September to November 2013, repeated through 2014  Purpose  Encourage customers and stakeholders to value water and water services  Precursor to customer validation (of billing details) request in late 2014  Themes  Precious resource we trust  Appreciate current water services  Growing demands in the future  Changes needed to investment and funding  Change to direct payment and metering  Contribution to the economy and jobs  Channels  TV, Radio (incl. local), Press, Online 10

11  Policy issues  January 1 2014  Projects  Incident management  Statutory consultation on the regulatory cycle Other Issues to be considered 11

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