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Be F amiliar. Take A ction. Get L oud. U p to you MEETING A GENDA.

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Presentation on theme: "Be F amiliar. Take A ction. Get L oud. U p to you MEETING A GENDA."— Presentation transcript:


2 Be F amiliar. Take A ction. Get L oud. U p to you MEETING A GENDA

3 Be F amiliar. MEETING A GENDA

4 F amily A nd L ife U pdate Website: April 26, 2011 Facebook & Twitter: May 25, 2011 Posts: News, MDP, Follow FALU campaign

5 Website:










15 F amily A nd L ife U pdate Email:

16 F amily A nd L ife U pdate SWOT –Community –302 likes

17 F amily A nd L ife U pdate SWOT –Limited number of writers / researchers –Committing to deadlines –Regularity of article posts –Website design? –Limited financial resources

18 F amily A nd L ife U pdate SWOT –Family and Life issues are countless –Feature a greater variety of articles –Improve website design Generate more traffic to website –Increase FB likes, retweets –Inspire more volunteers –Generate income through ads –Accessible information

19 F amily A nd L ife U pdate SWOT –Lack of commitment from team

20 Be F amiliar. Take A ction. MEETING A GENDA

21 Take A ction Follow FALU. Promote FALU. Set daily media plan for Nov-Dec 2013 Assign research topics. Set submission deadlines. Read. Research. Write. Improve website design. Attend FALU meetings.

22 Take A ction Follow FALU. Promote FALU. –Read website. –Like FB page. –Share / retweet FALU posts.

23 Take A ction Read and Research

24 Take A ction Read and Research –F&L news in the Philippines and Asia –Church news related to F&L –Pro-life heroes –F&L inspiring quotes –F&L feature stories

25 Take A ction Read and Research – – – – – – – – – – –other news sites

26 Take A ction Write. –At least 300 words / not more than 800 words –Include a brief commentary that states FALU ’ s position on the issue. –Find a good picture to go along with the article. –Cite your sources. Be specific. –Submit on time.

27 Take A ction LisetteBenIyamJajaGrace Prolife HeroesMusic Country profiles Original and real stories Movies News Other Feature stories Prolife media practitioners Other Feature stories Prolife Candidates in May 2013 elections Website Research Assignments

28 NOVEMBER Week 1 MonTuesWedThurFriSatSun Week 3 12131415161718 NewsFeature: Prolife HeroNewsFeature: DenmarkNewsFeature: QuoteNews Week 4 19202122232425 NewsFeature: YouthfestNewsFeature: Prolife HeroNewsFeature: Matt MaherNews Week 5 2627282930 NewsFeature: AdoptionNewsFeature: USANews Take A ction FALU Daily Plan - November to December

29 DECEMBER Week 1 MonTuesWedThurFriSatSun 12 Feature: QuoteNews Week 2 3456789 NewsFeature: Flames of LoveNewsFeature: Prolife HeroNewsFeature: CarolingNews Week 3 10111213141516 NewsFeature: MexicoNews Feature: Family Gift Ideas News Feature: Upcoming Xmas events News Week 4 17181920212223 NewsFeature: Simbang GabiNewsFeature: FilmfestNews Feature: Asian Xmas Traditions News 24 / 31252627282930 NewsFeature: Xmas FoodNews Feature: New Year's Resolution News Feature: Asian Xmas Traditions News

30 Take A ction Deadlines –Every Monday All feature stories for posting that same week News research by Ben –Every Thursday News research by Lisette Next Meeting: January 11, 2013

31 Be F amiliar. Take A ction. Get L oud. MEETING A GENDA

32 Get L oud Be F aithful. Have the right A ttitude. L ift up FalU and the team in prayer. Continously U pgrade


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