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Week 4 Law of Contract Offer and Acceptance.

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1 Week 4 Law of Contract Offer and Acceptance

2 Contract An agreement between two or more persons that will be enforced by law May be In writing Oral Partly in writing and partly oral Implied

3 Writing Contracts need not be in writing Exceptions Sale of Land
Guarantees Credit contracts Other statutory requirements

4 Analysing a Contract Is there a contract? What are the terms?
Is it valid & enforceable? Has it been discharged? Has there been a breach?

5 Six Elements Offer Acceptance Consideration
Intention to create a contract Contractual Capacity Certainty

6 Offer An offer exists only where a reasonable person would conclude on the facts that the person was willing to be bound in a court of law Distinguish Statements of future intention Puffery Negotiations Invitation to treat Provision of Information in response to enquiry

7 Statements of Future Intention
A mere statement of a present intention to do something in the future is not an offer Harvey v Facey (Graw 3.2.2) Australian Woollen Mills v Commonwealth Harris v Nickerson Kelly v Caledonian Coal Co Often called “a mere promise”

8 Puffery Sales talk Exaggerated statements that no reasonable person would believe to be true

9 Negotiations An indication of a willingness to negotiate is not an offer An offer will not arise merely because parties have reached agreement on one aspect of the deal Implied (or express) understanding that parties not bound until formal contract executed Heads of Agreement

10 Invitation to Treat An invitation to Negotiate Make an offer
is not an offer but an “Invitation to Treat” The distinction lies in the objective intention of the person making the offer or invitation to treat.

11 Invitation to Treat Retail Displays Advertisements Auctions Tenders

12 Retail Displays Fisher v Bell (Graw 3.4.2)
Pharmaceutical Society v Boots In most circumstances the retailer does not make an offer by displaying goods for sale, even where the goods are marked with a price But Display of goods in an automatic vending machine is an offer Thornton v Shoe Lane Parking (Graw 3.2.2)

13 Advertisements If the advertiser was making an offer then it would be bound by every acceptance even if their stock was exhausted. Depends on circumstances Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co (Graw 3.5.1) But note legislative restrictions e.g. Trade Practices Act

14 Auctions Bidder makes the offer Auctioneer accepts
S64 Sale of Goods Act (Vic) Auctioneer announces terms at start Anyone who bids then offers on the auctioneers offer as to terms

15 Tenders Person submitting the tender makes the offer
Body calling for tenders accepts any tender Not bound to accept lowest BUT, the request for tenders may be an offer to deal with tenders in a certain manner Hughes Aircraft v Aeroservices Australia

16 Provision of Information
A statement supplying information may not be an offer Harvey v Facey (Graw 3.2.2)

17 Termination of Offer Revocation Rejection Lapse of time
Failure of condition Identical cross offers Death

18 Revocation Can be withdrawn before accepted
A contract is made when the offer is accepted The withdrawal of the offer must be communicated to the offeree Byrne v Van Tienhoven (Graw ) Dickinson v Dodds (Graw ) Would a reasonable person in the position of the offeree conclude that the offer had been withdrawn?

19 Revoking a Unilateral Offer
Involves a unilateral promise e.g. Carllil v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co If offeree has acted on the promise then offeror cannot withdraw until offeree has had a reasonable opportunity to complete

20 Rejection Restating the offer when accepting is not a counter offer
Asking for clarification is not a counter offer Reasonable person test examine all circumstances

21 Rejection Once rejected, an offer cannot be accepted
Hyde v Wench (Graw 3.8.2) A counter offer is a rejection Any material alteration is a counter offer A conditional acceptance is a rejection May be rejected expressly or by implication Implied Offeree’s actions are inconsistent with an intention to accept

22 Lapse Due to Time Express time limit
Otherwise, offer remains open for a reasonable time What is reasonable time depends on: Method by which offer made Nature of the transaction Terms of Proposed Contract Actions of parties between offer & purported acceptance Intimations as to time by offeror Promise to keep offer open for certain time is unenforceable unless consideration given (e.g. option)

23 Lapse Due to Death Due to death of either party if involves personal skill or service by the deceased

24 Terms of Offer All terms of offer must be brought to attention of offeree before acceptance Causer v Browne (Graw ) Olley v Marlborough Court (Graw )

25 Accepting the Offer Acceptance must be final & unqualified
Must be made with knowledge of and in reliance on offer R v Clarke Fitch v Snedaker (Graw 3.7.1) Only person to whom the offer was made may accept Must be communicated to the person who made the offer

26 Subject to Formal Contract
There is a contract & one of terms is that documentation be prepared There is a contract but nothing can happen until contract prepared There is no contract

27 Acceptance Must be Communicated
Express Communication of Acceptance is not necessary where Implied from past dealings between parties Industry custom Acceptance indicated by conduct Brogden v Metroploitan Railway (Graw 4.5.5) Unilateral contracts Postal rule applies

28 Accepting the Offer Silence is not acceptance
Communications after acceptance are irrelevant

29 Method of Acceptance If Offerror stipulates method of acceptance
Must be in form stipulated by offeror, or Must use equally expeditious method Presumption that acceptance in same form as offer

30 The Postal Rule Applies where offeror has expressly or impliedly accepted post as the means of communication of acceptance Acceptance occurs at time of posting not receipt even if lost Household Fire & Carriage Accident Insurance Co v Grant (Graw ) Applies to all situations where non-instantaneous communications are used Often determines jurisdiction

31 The Postal Rule Does not apply where
Negotiations protracted - Tallerman v Nathan’s (Graw 4.5.9) If would lead to manifest inconvenience or absurdity Where offeror requires actual communication of acceptance – Holwell Securities v Hughs (Graw ) Acceptance not delivered due to fault of acceptor – Getreide-Import Gmbh v Contimar SA Compania (Graw ) Instantaneous communications used – Entores Ltd v Miles Far East Corp (Graw )

32 Did the offeror intend to revoke the offer?
Has an offer been made? No No Contract Yes Did the offeror intend to revoke the offer? Did the offeror communicate revocation? Yes Yes No Has the offer lapsed? No Yes No Has acceptance been received by the offeror? Yes No Was acceptance made under the postal rule? Contract No Yes

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