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Latin III  HW: Ex. 5  Take out exercise 3: stamp #25  Attempt exercise 5 while stamping…all these words mean “each”

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Presentation on theme: "Latin III  HW: Ex. 5  Take out exercise 3: stamp #25  Attempt exercise 5 while stamping…all these words mean “each”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Latin III  HW: Ex. 5  Take out exercise 3: stamp #25  Attempt exercise 5 while stamping…all these words mean “each”

2 HW: Finish exercise 6; Reread LESSON 1  Take out exercise 5: stamp #18  Begin exercise 6…  Quiz Friday (lessons 1 and 2)

3 Plorare, plorans, plorat [1]  Ridere, ridens, ridet [2]  Surgere, surgens, surgit [3]  Dormire, dormiens, dormit [4]  6. ovis errans (=quae errat)  ovis errantes

4  Membum dolens (quod dolet)  Membra dolentia (neuter pl=ntia)  7. canis latrans  Canes latrantes  8. animal volans  Animalia volantia  9. Stella lucens  Stellae lucentes

5 -ntes (m or f pl) ntia (neuter pl)  Caput quod dolet (neuter)  Ovis quae errat (feminine)  Puer qui ridet (masculine)

6 Quiz tomorrow on lessons 1 and 2  Study exercises 2 and 5: Fill in the blank  Study exercises 3 and 6: Answering questions in Latin  Singular and plural participles:  Puella plorans (sing.)  Puellae plorantes (pl.)

7 Latin 1  Please take out your “Ut vales, etc” notes  Quiz Thursday (meals, clothes, basic conversation)  Latin Club meets Thursday: Roman Total War!!  Tomorrow and Wednesday: in library

8 Togae: vestimenta virorum Toga virilis: “toga of manhood”/ worn for dressy occasions and not usually in your own house Toga praetexta: worn by Senators worn by boys until the age of 16. All Roman boys wore the toga praetexta until the age of 16, when they exchanged it for the toga virilis.

9 Toga candida  A bright, dazzling, white toga worn by those running for office  What English word?

10 Toga picta  Dyed purple and embroidered with gold  Worn by generals in a triumph

11 Tunic. Worn for comfort in everyday life by merchants, farmers, etc. and under togas Portrait of anonymous Roman man.

12 Vestimenta feminarum A statue of a Roman woman wearing a stola (the long pleated dress) and a palla (the cloth draped around her body).

13 Fibulae (sing. Fibula) Pinned a Roman woman’s dress at the shoulders

14 Vir se vestit! Vir togam induit. Btw, Romans did wear underwear sometimes! ‘Underwear’ dicitur subligar vel subligaculum. Women wore tunics as underwear.

15 Utrum bracchium est nudum? Bracchium dextrum est nudum. Bracchium sinistrum a toga operitur.

16 Roman Meals Garum/liquamen: sauce of fermented fish parts; eaten daily

17  Ientaculum: breakfast; bread with garum, olives, cheese, milk, wine or mulsum (half honey/half wine)  Prandium: light lunch; cold meat, vegetables, fruits (postprandial)  Cena: dinner; largest meal of the day with many courses

18 The courses of a “cena”  Gustus: appetizers; eggs, raw vegetables, seafood  Cena: cooked meat and vegetables (main course)  Secunda mensa: pastries and fruits  “Ab ovo usque ad mala”

19 What the Romans didn’t eat…  Pasta, oranges, peanuts, potatoes, rice, tomatoes, tea, coffee, butter, and sugar  Honey was their sweetener  How do we know what they ate? Apicius (ancient Roman who wrote a cookbook), some discussions in literature, mosaics and frescoes Apicius (ancient Roman who wrote a cookbook), some discussions in literature, mosaics and frescoes

20 The mother’s responsibilities  Oversee the running of the household—generally confined to domestic responsibilities  Help provide a moral education  Prepare sons for service to the state as officials  Prepare their daughters to become wives and raise dutiful citizens

21 “Patria Potestas”  “A Father’s Power”  Read the packet to find out exactly how much power a Roman father had over his family.  Fill in the notes sheet.  If you finish early, begin your HW : Exercise 9: Practicing I, II, and III.

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