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INRUD International Network for Rational Use of Drugs.

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1 INRUD International Network for Rational Use of Drugs

2 “ Better health through research”  INRUD is a cooperative international venture to address in an innovative way the problem of inappropriate use of drugs, with an interdisciplinary approach.  By using a network approach, it is hoped that effective and realistic policy and program options to improve rational use of drugs can be identified.

3  Indonesia   Nigeria  Ghana  Zimbabwe  Tanzania  Uganda   Philippines  Thailand Inauguration: 1990 Nepal Bangladesh Support Groups: MSH (Arlington), Drug Policy Group-Harvard (Boston), WHO-EDM IHCAR (Stockholm), Clinical Pharmacology-University of Newcastle (Australia),

4 Strategy  An interdisciplinary focus, linking clinical and social science;  Activities originating from country-based core group of individuals representing MOH, universities, NGOs, and private sector institutions;  Belief in the importance of sharing relevant experiences and in technical cooperation among participant individuals;  Emphasis on understanding behavioral aspects of drug use, particularly the beliefs and motivations of providers and consumers;  Promotion of well-designed research studies to understand these behavioral factors, leading to reproducible interventions to improve drug use;  Development of useful tools for research, including standard research methodologies, simplified sampling and data collection strategies, and user-accessible computer software.

5 Factors influencing drug use Informational & marketing: Unbiased information Influence of industry Work environment: Workload & staffing Drug availability Infrastructure Provider-patientinteractions: Cultural beliefs Patient demands Characteristics of providers: Knowledge deficits Acquired habits DRUG USE Social structure of providers: Peer norms & Relation Authority, Power

6 INRUD framework - for changing drug use problem FORMATIVESTUDIESINTERVENTIONSTUDIESFOLLOW-UP 1. Define problems with drug use patterns 2. Identify motivating factors, underlying causes 3. List possible interventions 4. Choose intervention (s) to test 5. Conduct controlled study of intervention (s) IMPLEMENTCost-effectiveinterventions on larger scale REVISE & RESTUDY Partially effective or costly interventions DROPIneffective,uneconomicalinterventions

7 IGD to reduce inappropriate injection use Month IGD Dissemination of IGD results Implementation of other district-wide RDU program Source: Long-term impact of small group interventions, Santoso et al., 1996

8 Significant reduction of inappropriate injections: 1987-1999 Source: Evaluation of NDP implementation, Ministry of Health of Indonesia, 1999

9 Courses on Promoting Rational Drug Use

10                                PRDU Course participants 1990-2000           600 from 41 countries


12 International Conference on Improving the Use of Medicine (ICIUM) Chiangmai, 1-4 April 1997  Jointly sponsored by: WHO-DAP, INRUD, USP, The ARCH Project  Presentations of research projects related to promoting rational drug use (published & unpublished)  Evaluation on the achievement so far  Summary and recommendation: –Best research methodology: RCT, time series –Small-group interventions for behavioral aspect of drug use –Lots have been done for public primary health care –Few have been done for private sector, hospital setting, and chronic diseases

13 What INRUD offers?  Sharing knowledge and experience on research methodology, effective strategies to improve drug use problems  PRDU Course  INRUD Newsletter  Consultancy

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