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What does it mean to be a good digital citizen?. Think before you post or text : Before you press the "send" button, imagine the last person in the world.

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Presentation on theme: "What does it mean to be a good digital citizen?. Think before you post or text : Before you press the "send" button, imagine the last person in the world."— Presentation transcript:

1 What does it mean to be a good digital citizen?

2 Think before you post or text : Before you press the "send" button, imagine the last person in the world that you’d want seeing what you post. Be A Creator and a Participator: It’s all about participating, communicating, sharing, creating, making music, images, and videos, and posting written content. Once something is out there, it lasts for a long time. Everything leaves a digital footprint. Everything you post can and will be held against you! What goes around comes around: If you want your privacy respected, respect others' privacy. Posting an embarrassing photo or forwarding a friend’s private text without asking can cause unintended hurt or damage to others. Spread heart, not hurt: Only say positive comments!!!! If you wouldn’t say it in person, don’t say it online. Stand up for those who are bullied or harassed.

3 Give and get credit: We’re all proud of what we create. Illegal downloading, digital cheating, and cutting and pasting other people’s stuff may be easy, but that doesn’t make it right. You have the responsibility to respect other people’s creative work -- and the right to have your own work respected. Give credit where credit is due. Make this a world you want to live in: Spread the good stuff. Create, share, tag, comment, and contribute to the online world in positive ways. The Internet’s not written in pencil. It’s written in pen: What teens do online spreads fast and lasts long. Remember to think before you post. Nothing is as private as you think: Anything you say or do can be copied, pasted, and sent to gazillions of people in a heartbeat. Make sure you use privacy settings and that you understand that the best way to protect secrets is not to post personal stuff. Kindness counts: The digital world can lead people to say and do things online that they wouldn’t in person. Remember to only use it to communicate kindly, stand up for others, and build positive online relationships rooted in respect. Digital cheating is still cheating: Right and wrong extend to online and mobile life. Stick to your values, do not plagiarize, download illegally, or use technology to cheat in school.

4 Online Micro-blogging discussion. A combination of blogging and Twitter. Respond to a question/prompt with 140 characters or less. Rules of Today’s Meet: Use your real name (first name with first letter of your last name). Points will not be given if you don’t use your correct name. Be Respectful. Stay on Topic. Do not repeat other posts. Follow All Digital Citizenship Rules. Use punctuation, sentence structure, and capitalization. Expand discussion: Share Questions, Resources, Ideas, Wonderings, Insights or Aha moments that are on topic. Keep posts to a minimum. Don’t over post. Finish your full thought on one post. Points will not be given if you post anything that is off topic. Do not post anything off topic/ random comments. Your posts need to be 140 characters or less. Post a couple times if you can't fit all your thoughts on one post. However, you should always condense each thought into one post...don't end in the middle of a sentence and finish it on a new post. We will discuss some of the posts as a whole class as well. **You will be graded on participation.

5 Sign in with your real name…first name only. Practice Posting. Play time! Everything needs to be appropriate! Always say positive things, never negative comments! Everything you say will be printed and saved! Use @username if you want to address or respond to a specific person. 140 characters or less. Discussion Prompt: What did you do this weekend? What questions do you have about this class?

6 Make yourself look good online. Stay on Topic!!! Be Respectful! Use proper punctuation, sentence structure, and capitalization. Use your real identity, but never share too much information!! Think before you post or text. Be a Creator and a Participator. Once something is out there, it lasts for a long time. What goes around comes around: treat others online as you want to be treated. Post on: Spread heart, not hurt. Be positive and give encouragement. Give and get credit: Give Credit where credit is due (cite your sources). The Internet’s not written in pencil. It’s written in pen. Nothing is as private as you think. Remember to use privacy settings. Kindness counts. Don’t repeat what others have already said. Digital cheating is still cheating. Make yourself look good online. Stay on Topic!!! Be Respectful! Use proper punctuation, sentence structure, and capitalization. Use your real identity, but never share too much information!! Think before you post or text. Be a Creator and a Participator. Once something is out there, it lasts for a long time. What goes around comes around: treat others online as you want to be treated. Post on: Spread heart, not hurt. Be positive and give encouragement. Give and get credit: Give Credit where credit is due (cite your sources). The Internet’s not written in pencil. It’s written in pen. Nothing is as private as you think. Remember to use privacy settings. Kindness counts. Don’t repeat what others have already said. Digital cheating is still cheating. What Digital Citizenship Rule do you think is the most important to follow. Why? * For this class? *In your personal life? * Are there other rules you can add to the list?

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