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. 58Ramp or no Ramp Vocabulary: 1. Incline 2. decline 10/09/2014 57 10/09/2014 Starter: Warm Up: Answer questions End (Exit):Explain how an inclined plane.

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Presentation on theme: ". 58Ramp or no Ramp Vocabulary: 1. Incline 2. decline 10/09/2014 57 10/09/2014 Starter: Warm Up: Answer questions End (Exit):Explain how an inclined plane."— Presentation transcript:

1 . 58Ramp or no Ramp Vocabulary: 1. Incline 2. decline 10/09/2014 57 10/09/2014 Starter: Warm Up: Answer questions End (Exit):Explain how an inclined plane affected the amount of work done Application/Connection: Draw Pictures: Practice: Why do we use ramps when moving objects? 1.Force needed to lift shoe height of 0.5m :_______ 2.Length of inclined plane:________ 3.Force needed to pull shoe:_______ 4.Calculate the amount of work in each situation below. Without an inclined plane With an inclined plane Ramp or no Ramp

2 October 09, 2014 AGENDA 1 Starter 2. Practice 3. Lab…. Ramp or No Ramp 4. Exit Objective 7.7A ; Contrast situations where work is done with different amounts of force to situations where no work is done such as moving a box with a ramp and without a ramp, or standing still by presenting lab posters and calculating work.

3 DateLecture/ Activity/ Lab Page 10/1 Bean/Corn Comparative Lab Review 47-48 10/2 Force Work Stations Lab 49-50 10/6 Force Work Stations Posters 51-52 10/7 Work /No Work Comic Strip 53-54 10/8 Calculating Work 55-56 10/9 Ramp or no Ramp 57-58


5 Lab- Ramp /No Ramp Procedure: 1. One student needs to volunteer a shoe for this activity. 2. Attach the shoe to a spring scale. 3. Using the spring scale, lift the shoe into the air so that it is the height of 0.5 m. Record the amount of force needed to lift the shoe and the height the shoe was raised. 4. Build an inclined plane (ramp) with the boards to reach a height of 0.5 m. Use as many books as necessary. Record the length of the inclined plane and height of the inclined plane (ramp). 5. Attach the spring scale, and pull the shoe up the inclined plane (ramp). 6. Record the amount of force it took to move the shoe. 7. Repeat steps 3–5 again.

6 . 58Ramp or no Ramp Vocabulary: 1. Incline 2. decline 10/09/2014 57 10/09/2014 Starter: Warm Up: Answer questions End (Exit):Explain how an inclined plane affected the amount of work done Application/Connection: Draw Pictures: Practice: Why do we use ramps when moving objects? 1.Force needed to lift shoe height of 0.5m :_______ 2.Length of inclined plane:________ 3.Force needed to pull shoe:_______ 4.Calculate the amount of work in each situation below. Without an inclined plane With an inclined plane Ramp or no Ramp

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