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Part 5 62 Questions Questions about Ibadat. Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #52 Is Zakat our religious duty or moral duty, or both? a.Of.

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Presentation on theme: "Part 5 62 Questions Questions about Ibadat. Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #52 Is Zakat our religious duty or moral duty, or both? a.Of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Part 5 62 Questions Questions about Ibadat

2 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #52 Is Zakat our religious duty or moral duty, or both? a.Of course, it is religious. b.It is purely moral. c.It is religious as well as moral. d.It is partly religious and partly moral.

3 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #53 When you give the Zakat, is it a favor to the poor or an honor to give? a.Religious favor. b.Religious honor. c.Both a and b. d.Religious duty.

4 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #54 Is Zakat a must? a.Yes, always for the qualified. b.Yes, always for everyone. c.For some. d.For only the rich.

5 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #55 Do you have to pay the Zakat every year? a.Yes, of course. b.Yes but only when you want to. c.Only when you have money to throw away. d.Yes, if you qualify.

6 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #56 How much do you pay for the Zakat? a.2.5% of the yearly left over income. b.5%. c.10%. d.15%.

7 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #57 What does the Zakat teach us? a.To help one another. b.Purify our wealth. c.Obedience to Allah. d.All the above.

8 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #58 Name three qualifying receivers of the Zakat fund? a.The poor, destitute, and for the cause of Allah. b.The kuffar. c.The munafiqeen. d.The poor as well as the middle class.

9 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #59 What is meant when some of the Zakat fund goes "for the cause of Allah"? a.To support Religious works. b.To spread Islamic publications. c.To support Islamic projects. d.All above + all works to benefit Islam.

10 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #510 Are there many destitute people who need the Zakat fund? a.Yes, quite a few. b.No, hardly any. c.Just a few. d.So many.

11 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #511 Can you help in other ways other than giving Zakat? a.Sadaqah. b.Khums. c.a and b above. d.None of the above.

12 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #512 Being charitable is very good. How can you be charitable in the school? a.By being helpful to others. b.By teaching. c.By learning well. d.All the above.

13 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #513 Give us some examples of charitable acts. a.Kindness, courtesy, help, goodness of character. b.Helping Dad and Mom. c.Helping the sick + a and b. d.Helping myself, + a and b.

14 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #514 Is it better to keep your good acts from being advertised? a.Yes, since we want to please Allah. b.No, since we want to put the credit where it belongs. c.Yes, every once in a while. d.Half and half.

15 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #515 What is the fourth pillar of Ibadat? a.Haj, of course. b.Salat, of course. c.Saum, of course. d.Khums, of course.

16 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #516 Is Haj an obligation on every Muslim capable? a.No. b.Yes, of course it is. c.Nice option. d.Occasionally.

17 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #517 Is Haj done at certain times of the year? a.Dhul-Qi'da. b.Dhul-Hijjah. c.Muharram. d.Sha'ban.

18 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #518 Mecca is the holy city of Islam. Where is it located? a.Next to Jerusalem. b.Next to Medina, in Iraq. c.Close to Medina in Arabia. d.In western part of Arabia.

19 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #519 If a person cannot afford to go to Mecca, is he or she still supposed to go to Haj? a.No, of course not. b.Yes, but of course he or she should try. c.No, since Islam is the religion of mercy. d.No, as long as he or she cannot afford it.

20 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #520 If a person is too old or very sick, is he or she obliged to do Haj? a.Yes. b.No, there is no obligation. c.Maybe. d.If he wants to.

21 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #521 If a person's life is endangered, is he still obliged to do the Haj? a.Yes, of course. b.No, he or she is excused. c.Maybe, maybe not. d.Even if the danger is mild, Haj shouldn't be done.

22 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #522 How many times do we have to do the Haj during our life time? a.At least once. b.Only once. c.Two times. d.Three or more times.

23 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #523 Which month do we go for Haj? a.Dhul-Hijjah. b.Dhul-Qi'da. c.Muharram. d.Ramadhan.

24 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #524 How many people usually go to Haj every year? a.Millions in this day and age. b.Thousands. c.Hundreds of thousands. d.Tens of thousands.

25 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #525 Where do people doing the Haj come from? a.Every country in the world. b.Most countries in the world. c.Some countries only. d.Usually some Middle Eastern countries.

26 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #526 Of what nationalities the people who go for Haj are? a.Most nationalities of the world. b.All nationalities of the world. c.Arabians and some local countries. d.Americans, Russians, and Middle Easterners.

27 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #527 What kind of people go to the Haj? a.True believers in Islam. b.True, as well as lukewarm Muslims. c.Any Muslim who intends to do so. d.Muslims as well as people of other faiths.

28 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #528 Do you see all kinds of people during Haj, be they black, white, or other colors? a.Yes, we see all colors. b.No, only one color. c.Sometimes three colors. d.Mostly blacks and whites.

29 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #529 Is it only the rich who go to do Haj? a.No. b.Yes, who else can afford it. c.All people who can afford it. d.Middle class.

30 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #530 How do people dress while doing the Haj? a.All the same, plain manner. b.Dress up in a fancy way for the occasion. c.In shorts, since it is hot over there. d.Very formal.

31 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #531 What do we learn from the Haj? a.See Allah's glorious commands applied. b.Feel brotherhood of man. c.Experience true human equality. d.all the above and more.

32 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #532 What is the brotherhood of man? a.Feeling love and cooperation. b.Community of Mu'mins (believers) in unity. c.Good feelings through the love of Allah. d.All the above.

33 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #533 How do we learn a sense of equality during the Haj? a.Because we dress alike + b and c. b.In obedience to Allah, we practice the same rituals. c.We feel awe and humility at the same time. d.By signing official papers in Mecca, + all above.

34 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #534 Will your heart awaken to the spiritual call during the Haj? a.Yes, very much so. b.No, not as expected. c.Some, but not that much. d.a and c above.

35 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #535 Which is the biggest international meeting in one place on earth that takes place every year? a.Pilgrimage in India. b.Christmas in Jerusalem. c.Haj in Mecca. d.Conventions in Hawaii.

36 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #536 What do you sacrifice when you go to the Haj? a.We leave family behind. b.We leave business behind + a. c.We put so much effort to go for the occasion. d.All the above + the physical difficulties.

37 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #537 Other than the many advantages, do you feel closer to Prophet Muhammad and the Companions when you are doing the Haj? a. Yes, very much so. b.Yes, if I know the Islamic history well. c.Yes, by simply being there. d.All the above.

38 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #538 What is Ihram? a.A special day of fasting. b.During Haj, a condition you enter into. c.b above + you be the purest in conduct. d.A Holy Book.

39 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #539 Why can you not even kill an insect during the state of Ihram? a.You are in the purest of conduct. b.Allah (swt) wanted it that way + a and c. c.Muhammad (pbuh) also explained it that way. d.It is inhuman to kill + a.

40 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #540 What is Tawaf? a.Going around Ka'ba seven times during Haj. b.a above but five times. c.a above but three times. d.Be by the Ka'ba.

41 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #541 What is Sa’iy? a.Going between Safa and Marwa during Haj. b.Going to Mecca. c.Going around the Ka'ba seven times. d.Visiting Safa and Marwa.

42 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #542 During Haj we sacrifice an animal. Why do we do that? a.Symbolically, of Prophet Ibrahim's experience. b.To feed the poor. c.Part of the Haj rituals. d.All the above.

43 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #543 If Sa’iy is going between Safa and Marwa, how do we do it? a.Run seven times. b.Walk seven times. c.Jog seven times. d.Stroll seven times.

44 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #544 How long does the trip take to do the Haj? a.About two weeks. b.One month. c.One week. d.Five days.

45 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #545 What is Omrah? a.Doing a mini Haj. b.Doing Haj not at the designated time. c.Doing the second Haj. d.A companion of the Prophet (pbuh).

46 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #546 What will people call a person who has done the Haj? a.Honorable. b.Hajji for a man, Hijjiya for a woman. c.His excellency. d.Esquire.

47 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #547 What is meant by Propagating the Virtue in Islam? a.Encourage what is fit. b.Encourage what is Islamicly good. c.Encourage the decent and proper. d.Encourage Islamic ethics + b and c.

48 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #548 Is Propagating the Virtue a fundamental duty on every Muslim? a.Usually. b.Yes, it certainly is. c.Not so. d.Maybe.

49 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #549 How will you try your best to be good? a.Help others to do what Islam teaches. b.Show others by actions what Islam teaches. c.Hold to good actions all the time. d.All the above.

50 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #550 Will the family benefit from propagating virtue? a.Yes it may. b.Occasionally it will. c.Mostly it will. d.Always it will.

51 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #551 Will the whole community benefit from Encouraging the Good? a.Of course it will. b.Not necessarily. c.It may. d.At times.

52 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #552 If being kind, dependable, loving, and helpful are examples of good deeds, what other examples can you give? a.Understanding and forgiving. b.An eye for an eye. c.Helping others in times of need. d.a and c + assisting the sick.

53 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #553 Does work for Islam form a kind of good deeds? a.It may be so. b.It is the best kind. c.It is one of the best kinds. d.It is the only kind.

54 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #554 Is learning about Islam a form of good deed? a.Yes and no. b.Certainly, it teaches us about good deeds. c.Islam teaches only worship. d.Maybe.

55 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #555 Is explaining about Islam to your friends a form of good deeds? a.Yes, but it is hard to do. b.No. c.Yes for sure. d.Maybe.

56 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #556 When Islam is attacked by some people who are ignorant about it, and if you correct them, have you done a good deed then? a.No. b.Yes, to some extent. c.Yes, it is one of the best deeds. d.Maybe.

57 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #557 Being good and doing good deeds is a form of worship (Ibadah), how important is this form of worship? a.Very important. b.Probably the most important. c.Not important. d.Important.

58 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #558 What do we mean by prohibiting evil? a.Preventing evil doing. b.Discouraging trouble making. c.Prohibiting bad things. d.All the above.

59 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #559 Why should we discourage vice? a.It is religious duty. b.Evil is very bad. c.Vice can destroy. d.all the above.

60 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #560 Is cheating, being cruel, hurting others a form of evil? a.Yes, they probably are. b.No. c.Maybe. d.Yes they are.

61 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #561 Is lying and being tricky a form of evil? a.Yes they probably are. b.No. c.Maybe. d.Yes they are.

62 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #562 Is being destructive a form of evil? a.Destruction leads to losses. It is evil. b.It often is evil. c.It may become evil. d.No.

63 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #563 Is discouraging evil an important religious duty? a.Yes very important. b.Not so. c.So so. d.Maybe.

64 Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #564 End of quiz a.You may go for the next set of questions about Ibadat or b.You may choose another topic c.Thank you and May Allah bless you.

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