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Conflict Management Chapter 7.

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1 Conflict Management Chapter 7

2 Problem vs. Conflict Problem Involves a situation or object
Question to be considered or solved

3 Problem vs. Conflict Conflict Difficulties between people
Feared & avoided by leaders Inherent in all relationships Differences in goals Communication creates, reflects, & is a vehicle for conflict management

4 1. Distribution of resources
Results in power struggles Resources = tangible & intangible Inequity in distribution of resources Leaders can…

5 2. Individual psychological needs
Competing or incompatible goals Personality clashes Unmet needs Conflicting motivators Power discrepancies Consider individual needs

6 3. Conflicts over values Come from…. Deeply entwined in one’s identity
Culture, religion, personal beliefs Deeply entwined in one’s identity Difficult to overcome

7 Conflict Resolution The process of resolving disagreements with the use of specific conflict resolution skills Goal: Create a win-win situation Assertiveness… Approaches….

8 Assertiveness in Managing Difficulties
Behaviors that arise when dealing with conflict Standing up for your rights while being sensitive to others & accepting responsibility for one’s actions 4 stage continuum

9 Assertiveness in Managing Conflict
High Passivity Assertiveness Manipulation Aggressiveness Respect for Others Low High Respect for Self

10 Assertiveness in Managing Conflict
Aggressiveness Lack of respect for others Dominating & winning are key Like to humiliate people Perceive themselves as powerful Lacks credibility from others H Passivity Assertiveness Manipulation Aggressiveness Respect for Others Respect for Self L H

11 Assertiveness in Managing Conflict
Passivity Non honest expression of feelings Lack of self respect Appease others Avoid conflicts Ineffective in problem solving H Passivity Assertiveness Manipulation Aggressiveness Respect for Others Respect for Self L H

12 Assertiveness in Managing Conflict
Manipulative Lack of respect for self & others Underhanded Coerce responses from people Resented & not respected by others H Passivity Assertiveness Manipulative Aggressiveness Respect for Others Respect for Self L H

13 Assertiveness in Managing Conflict
Respect for self & others Stand up for rights without violating others’ rights Direct, honest Consider others H Passivity Assertiveness Manipulation Aggressiveness Respect for Others Respect for Self L H

14 Approaches to Dealing with Conflict
Accommodation Collaboration Compromise Avoidance Competitive High Level of Cooperation Low High Level of Assertiveness

15 Approaches to Dealing with Conflict
Avoidance Low assertiveness & low cooperation Characteristics What problem? Non-committal Make irreverent remarks…get over it Denial Why? Fear Hurt feelings of others Time to deal with it Lose-lose situation H Accommodation Collaboration Compromise Avoidance Competitive Level of Cooperation Level of Assertiveness L H

16 Approaches to Dealing with Conflict
Accommodation Low assertive, high cooperation Do what others want & not what you want Win-lose relationship Shows a lack of confidence H Accommodation Collaboration Compromise Avoidance Competitive Level of Cooperation Level of Assertiveness L H

17 Approaches to Dealing with Conflict
Competitive High assertive, low cooperation Look out for yourself regardless of what others One-up relationship Dominance issue Win-lose relationship H Accommodation Collaboration Compromise Avoidance Competitive Level of Cooperation Level of Assertiveness L H

18 Approaches to Dealing with Conflict
Compromise Middle of assertiveness & cooperation Give & take relationship Goal: Equal exchange Neither party satisfied Lose-lose or weak win-win H Accommodation Collaboration Compromise Avoidance Competitive Level of Cooperation Level of Assertiveness L H

19 Approaches to Dealing with Conflict
Collaboration High assertiveness & cooperation Work through problem Combine resources to move ahead Don’t give up things like Compromise Work jointly & accept responsibility Win-win situation…best approach H Accommodation Collaboration Compromise Avoidance Competitive Level of Cooperation Level of Assertiveness L H

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