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Food. What do all the above foods have in common? All the above food products are produced in Wales.

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1 food

2 What do all the above foods have in common? All the above food products are produced in Wales.

3 Foods produced in Wales - traditional and innovative Which foods or products from the photographs do you considered to be traditional or innovative?

4 Design a Welsh meal box. Take locally produced food and make a Welsh meal box This unit will focus on designing or modifying a food product to be included in a food box.

5 In the research section on design a Welsh food box the activities and investigations focus on: What are traditional Welsh foods ? What are meal boxes and what do they contain? Testing and trialling welsh dishes Investigating locally available products and producers of innovative welsh foods.

6 Design a welsh food box  include a range of textures and colours.  be as ‘ healthy ’ as possible – low in sugar and fat.  use a selection of fruit and vegetable to help achieve the ‘ 5 a day goal ’  contain interesting flavour combinations. Task - Design a welsh food box. The food box needs to: In order to complete this task the following aspects need to be researched :  What foods are available locally?  Which foods are in season?  Foods traditional dishes eaten in the area.  use locally available seasonal foods.

7 Task: Think of as many types of meal boxes available on the market. Visit a supermarket or supermarket website and list the different types that are for sale. Write them down in the form of a spider chart. Here are some of different types of meal boxes on the market. What is a meal box ? Existing products Indian style of dishes. Can you name some of the dishes that would be included in the food boxes? Mexican style of dishes Chinese style of dishes

8 What do you think is included in this Thai meal box? Price - £7.99 Feeds two people Food is microwavable Task: Why not disassemble a meal box? What is in a meal box ? Red Chicken Curry Green Chicken Curry Sticky Rice Spring Rolls

9 What is disassembly? Disassembly means ‘taking apart ’. Disassembling existing food products can help you get design ideas. Task – Using a existing food box you could investigate the following : What food materials/ingredients have been used? Why disassemble? What does the food product look like? Describe its size/weight, shape and colour.

10 How long will it keep and how should it be stored? Look at the datemark and storage instructions. How is the product is prepared for sale? e.g. fresh, frozen, chilled How much does it cost and what is the cost per 100gms? Work out the cost for 100grams. What is its nutritional value ? Investigate the nutritional information on the label. Task – Using a existing food box you could investigate the following :

11 What information is on the packaging? Can you describe in what is listed on the packaging. Maybe keep the packaging as evidence. How is the product packaged ? You could sketch the layout or style and include details of materials used external and internally. How should it be prepared and served ? How is it made ? Look carefully at the product and try to work out how you think it is made. You could write to the manufacturer for more information. How much does each part of the product weigh ? You could take the product apart and weigh the different sections? Task – Using a existing food box you could investigate the following :

12 Can you name some typically traditional Welsh ingredients? Welsh Lamb, Beef and Pork Root vegetables Cabbage Dairy products Mackerel and herring Oats Laver bread Cockles and oysters

13 Task – can you identify these traditional Welsh dishes Cawl Bara Brith Snowdon pudding Welsh cakes Cheese and Leek Soup Welsh rarebit

14 Why eat locally produced Welsh food? We could enjoy the health benefits and pleasures of eating quality, fresh and seasonal and regionally- distinct produce. We have a diverse and delicious range of food available in Wales.

15 Why eat locally produced Welsh food? Eating locally produced food is more environmentally friendly. We would be supporting our farming and food industry.

16 Task – investigate foods produced in your local area Draw a map of the area you are going to investigate and search for local food producers. Look for ideas in Gwir Flas / TrueTaste listing of local farmers markets Produce a collage of the products or a list, this could help by giving you an inspiration board for your ideas.

17 Task – investigate the history of Welsh food As a result dishes tended to be hearty and filling and recipes were handed down the generations by word of mouth. You could use some of the following website to find out what our Welsh ancestors ate. – type in traditional welsh foods or rhagor. The origins of Welsh food has its roots deep in their Celtic background and tradition.

18 Task – investigate the history of Welsh food As a nation we developed a culture of hardworking men and women labourers and the food needed to satisfy their needs. It has evolved throughout time due to its geography and diverse landscape.

19 What foods have been popular in Wales in the past? Hearty and filling dishes Cawl – made from bacon, lamb cabbage, potatoes and leeks Welsh breakfasts including laver bread, home cured bacon, eggs and cockles Herring and mackerel from the West coast of Wales Oysters, cockles and “laver” Edible seaweed from the Gower coast Oats – porridge, cakes and added to soup Cabbage and leeks Why were these dishes popular in Wales? Can you name any these foods or dishes ? Milk, cheese and butter from our numerous dairy farms Using reasonable priced local foods

20 Welsh dairy foods cheese…milk…yogurt…ice-cream...butter.. Dairy products from our numerous dairy farms Inspiration for your design ideas.

21 Welsh meat products beef…lamb…pork…fish...sausages..pies….. Lamb, beef and pork from our lush green hill and mountains Inspiration for your design ideas.

22 Welsh fish products mackerel…laverbread….salmon…cockles… Fish and shellfish form the seas and rivers of Wales Inspiration for your design ideas.

23 Welsh vegetables leeks…potatoes….cauliflowers…swedes… Vegetables from the fields, gardens and greenhouses of Wales Inspiration for your design ideas.

24 Task: Mind mapping You could use some of these ideas as a starting point for inventive dishes to be developed for the Welsh Food Box. leek and lamb kebabs bara brith ice cream Mind mapping is a technique that designers use to generate new ideas. The exercise involves thinking of as many ideas to fit the task as you can - no matter how silly or outrageous they sound. Caerphilly cheese’ tear and share’ bread

25 Task …. look also at some of the fantastic modern Welsh foods being produced. Look for ideas in Gwir Flas / TrueTaste - in the awards section &

26 Try any one of the following recipes. They are all suitable for a 50minute/1 hour lesson: Welshcakes Welsh Amber Pudding Welsh Leek Soup Glamorgan Sausages Test and trail some traditional Welsh dishes to help you develop your ideas for the food box. Why not try making some traditional Welsh foods in your Food Technology Lesson?

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