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Virginia Keane, MD Associate Professor, Pediatrics University of Maryland School of Medicine

2 Shots Hurt! Why Do We Have To Give Them?
Vaccines work! Vaccines are THE most effective preventive measure that modern medicine has derived

3 Vaccine Effect on Morbidity
Disease Baseline morbidity 1998 morbidity % decrease smallpox 48,164 100 diptheria 175,885 1 pertussis 147,241 7405 95 tetanus 1314 41 97 polio 16,316 measles 503,282 mumps 152,209 666 >99 rubella 47,745 364 Congenital rub. 823 7 Hemophilus B 20,000 61

4 Vaccine Policy Recommended by an expert panel convened by the CDC: the ACIP, Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice Recommendations may then be adopted by professional organizations and state and local health departments State and local health departments alter policy according to local needs

5 A Brief Intro to the Biology of Vaccines
Antigens are substances our bodies view as FOREIGN Our immune system recognizes FOREIGN antigens and mounts an immune response, in the form of ANTIBODIES to eliminate it. After the antigen has been eliminated the immune system retains a memory of that antigen: next time it appears the antibody response is faster and stronger!!

6 Germs Are Antigens The proteins and sugars on the walls of viruses and bacteria are FOREIGN Your body makes antibodies to fight them off

7 Theory of Vaccines Present the body with a germ antigen that can not produce disease Body will produce antibodies to the germ This will prevent disease if the body later encounters that germ, because the antibodies will fight off the germ before it has a chance to make you sick

8 Vaccine Types Live vaccines: attenuated, must reproduce to produce immune response Killed vaccines: pieces (sugars or proteins) of the germ wall, can not reproduce Conjugated vaccines: germ sugar attached to a protein to enhance immune response

9 Vaccine Preventable Diseases
Killed Vaccines: Diptheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Hepatitis B, Polio Live Attenuated: Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Varicella, Polio Conjugated: HIB, PCV

10 Diptheria Bacterial: Corynebacterium diptheriae Person to person
Severe throat infections, can obstruct breathing Myocarditis can be fatal

11 Tetanus Bacterial infection: Clostridium tetani, occurs in deep wounds
Not transmissable person to person Bacteria makes a toxin that effects nerves, causing trismus/lockjaw and severe muscle spasms Adults should be vaccinated every ten years to maintain immunity

12 Pertussis Bacteria: Bortadella Pertussis
Starts as a cold, progresses to pneumonia and encephalitis “whooping cough” Adults serve as a reservoir Newer acellular vaccine has many fewer side effects

13 Haemophilus Influenzae B
Bacterial infection: can cause ear and sinus infections, skin infections(cellulitis), pneumonia, joint and bone infections, epiglottitis Prior to vaccines was the most common cause of childhood bacterial meningitis(brain damage, deafness, death)

14 Hepatitis B Viral disease spread by sharing of body fluids: blood, sexual fluids Most cases resolve, but it can lead to chronic hepatitis, liver failure, liver cancer, and death Immunization strategies targeting high risk individuals failed

15 Polio Viral, mostly asymptomatic, can cause meningitis, gastroenteritis and paralytic polio Last wild type case in US, 1979, west hemisphere 1991 Recent change from OPV(oral live attenuated) to IPV(inactivated,) due to ongoing incidence of vaccine associated cases

16 Varicella Viral, herpes family “chicken pox”
Usually mild, self limited :fever, rash Can get pneumonia, cerebellitis, encephalitis, even death

17 Measles Viral disease, rapid person to person to person transmission among susceptibles High fever, red eyes, rash, misery Outbreak in due to large number of unvaccinated kids

18 Mumps Viral disease characterized by fever and swelling of saliva glands Orchitis common, sterility rare Sporadic cases and outbreaks still occur

19 Rubella Viral, humans only “German Measles”
Low grade fever, joint pains, swollen glands, rash Congenital rubella: mental retardation, cataracts, heart deformities

20 Pneumococcal Conjugate
Bacterial: Streptococcus Pneumoniae Severe invasive infections: pneumonia, meningitis, skin, bone and joint infections Major cause of mortality in immuncompromised and children with sickle cell disease New vaccine :seven serotypes

21 Other Vaccines Hep A: food borne viral hepatitis, vaccine to people over 2 yrs in areas of outbreak Menigococcus: bacteria that causes meningitis, not universally recommended, required by many colleges and the armed forces Influenzae: Injection recommended only for high risk kids( chronic lung and some heart disease, immunocompromise, diabetics, sickle cell)

22 Vaccine Schedule Age 1982 2002 birth HepB, BCG 1 month HepB 2 months
DTP,OPV DTaP,IPV, HIB, PCV 4 months 6-9 months DTP DTaP, HIB, PCV 12-15 months MMR MMR,HepB, HIB, IPV,PCV 15-18 DTaP, Varicella 4 years MMR, DTaP total 7 diseases, 6 shots 11 diseases, 22 shots

23 Vaccines in Use HIB Hemophilus 2,4,6,12 mos Local,fever Vaccine
Diseases Schedule Adverse effects DTaP Diptheria, Tetanus, Pertussis 2,4,6, 15 mos 4 years Local reaction,fever, crying, IPV polio 2,4,12 mos,4yrs Local reaction MMR Measles, mumps, rubella 12mos, 4yrs Fever, joint pain, rash Varicella Chicken pox 12 mos, 2 for teens Local,Fever,rash HepB HepatitisB Birth, 1mo, 6-9mos Local, fever PCV Strep pneumoniae 2,4,6,15 mos HIB Hemophilus 2,4,6,12 mos Local,fever

24 Expanded Program on Immunization (DOH)
Vaccine Age (1st dose) # of doses Dose Interval Route Bacillus Calmette-Guérin Birth 1 0.05 mL None Intradermal Diptheria-Pertussis- Tetanus 6 weeks 3 0.5 mL 4 weeks Intramuscular Oral Polio Vaccine 2 drops Oral Hepatitis B 0 – 6 – 8 weeks intramuscular Measles 9 months Subcutaneous

25 Adolescent Vaccines Td: Tetanus, Diptheria booster: given at years of age, and every ten years thereafter!! Hepatitis B: if not previously vaccinated: can get a two dose regimen Varicella: if not previously given, two doses May see introduction of Pertussis booster in future

26 Vaccine Rates measles outbreak, >1000 cases, many hospitalizations, several deaths Results of many studies revealed that the main reason for the outbreak was the existence of a large number of UNIMMUNIZED children


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