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Visual Communication. Agenda Visual literacy Visual design guidelines Research on visuals in education.

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Presentation on theme: "Visual Communication. Agenda Visual literacy Visual design guidelines Research on visuals in education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Visual Communication

2 Agenda Visual literacy Visual design guidelines Research on visuals in education

3 Visual Anything that is perceived through the eye.

4 Visuals in Education Bulletin boards Handouts Overhead transparencies Slide shows Videos

5 Visual Literacy “The learned ability to interpret visual messages accurately and to create such messages.” Heinich, et al., 1999

6 Interpreting Visuals Developmental effects Cultural effects Visual preferences

7 Goals of Visual Design Ensure legibility Reduce effort Increase engagement Focus attention

8 Processes of Visual Design Elements Pattern Arrangement

9 Research on Visuals in Education Effectiveness depends on type of information student needs Color, realism not always needed Realistic, abstract visuals should be integrated Motion media, stills vary in effectiveness of representing time, motion, and space

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