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MBA 3 Aggression Innovation Integrity Prashant Sawant 9820408795 Mumbai.

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Presentation on theme: "MBA 3 Aggression Innovation Integrity Prashant Sawant 9820408795 Mumbai."— Presentation transcript:

1 MBA 3 Aggression Innovation Integrity Prashant Sawant 9820408795 Mumbai.

2 Inflation What is inflation ? A continuous increase in the price of goods & services in the country. Inflation up, Purchasing power ? Sugar Rs 100/- 1 kg (TO) Sugar Rs 200/- 1 kg. Real rate of return WPI (5.43%) & CPI ( 7.31%)

3 Why Inflation happens ? Demand Supply equation Cost of production increases ? Wages, raw material, power,fuel etc

4 Inflation can be controlled by Monetary policy Fiscal policy

5 Monetary policy RBI Earlier annual, now ? RBI controls the flow of money, how ? Interest rate adjustments CRR SLR Repo rate Reverse repo rate

6 CRR Cash Reserve Ratio Money : banks have to keep with RBI. IF CRR is increased, effects ? CRR drains out excess funds from the market. CRR 4% 4% of what ? Net Demand & Time Liabilities ( NDTL)

7 SLR Statutory Liquidity Ratio Amount banks are required to maintain in the form of gold or govt approved securities before providing loans to the customers. 22.5%

8 Repo rate Rate at which RBI lends money to banks Today’s repo rate 8% Lower repo rate effect on inflation ?

9 Reverse repo rate Rate at which RBI borrows money from banks Higher reverse repo rate effect on inflation ? Today’s rev repo rate ? Lesser than RR ? 7.75%

10 Fiscal Policy Who ? Government of India Tax collection, Expenditure & borrowings How expenditure will affect inflation ? How borrowing affects the interest rates ?

11 Lock-in-period Time period within which an investor cannot sell either part or all of the investment. Eg ? 5 Yr tax saving FD Can we pledge this FD to get loan ? Can we get OD facility against this FD ?

12 Maturity date Date on which the investment becomes due. Investor gets ? Principal & interest

13 NAV Net Asset Value Price of each MF unit Performance indicator of MF scheme Total value of assets / No of units Quiz : MF has Rs 500 Lakh worth assets & Rs 20 Lakh units. NAV ? 25 Asset value goes to Rs 550 Lakh, NAV ? Asset value decreases to Rs 450 Lakh, NAV ?

14 NSE National Stock Exchange Facility for brokers & traders to trade stocks.

15 NIFTY Similar to Sensex (30) 50 companies NIFTY moves based on the performance of these 50 companies.

16 Overdraft A facility offered by a bank to an individual to withdraw amounts greater than what is available in his account. Person issues a chq of Rs 2 L. Amt in ac is Rs 1L. Bank will clear the chq if the OD limit is more than 1L.

17 Portfolio A collection of all investments owned by an individual. Stocks, MFs, Real estate, Gold, Insurance, FMP etc

18 Premium Additional cost you pay over the normal cost of any item. Share face value Rs 10, Market value Rs 200, Premium ? Face value Rs 10/-, market value Rs 8/-, share is available at a discount to the face value.

19 80C EPF, PPF LI premiums ELSS NSC, SCSS Home loan ? Tuition fees for kids 5 yr bank FDs

20 Tax deductions 80C 80D : Health insurance 15k self & 15k parents. Preventive health checkups Rs 5k. 80DD: Medical treatment of handicapped dependent. 50k normal & 1 L extreme. 80DDB : Specific disease (AIDS, Cancer etc) for self/dependent. 40k & 60k for sr citizen.

21 Tax deductions…..cntd 24(b) : HL interest 2L ( after 1/4/99 & 3 yrs or 30k). Given on rent ? / Repairs 30k 80E :Interest paid on higher education loan taken for self, spouse or children.

22 Tax exemptions for Rent/revenue from agriculture PPF MF dividends Leave encashment Voluntary retirement ( Max 5 L) Sale of shares after ___ months

23 TDS Tax deducted at source Form 16 (TDS certificate). Investment projections by employee Bank interest if more than _____.Form 16A. Insurance commissions, professional services, rental income, prize money, lottery, horse racing, betting.

24 TDS….. cntd For salary, TDS as per IT slabs. For bank FD, TDS 10% on interest above Rs 10k. Lottery, horse races etc 30% TDS certificate is generated by deductor. 26AS : Govt provides consolidated TDS statement. View 26AS : Register with NSDL (National securities depository limited or by logging in at “” or view it on your net banking ac on the link provided by your Calculate all income, calculate tax due. If TDS already paid is less, pay the balance or else claim the refund.

25 Thank you. Prashant Sawant 9820408795 Global training group

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