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As you complete the test review, be sure to keep a running tally of how many you get right. At the end of the practice test, you will be shown what your.

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Presentation on theme: "As you complete the test review, be sure to keep a running tally of how many you get right. At the end of the practice test, you will be shown what your."— Presentation transcript:

1 As you complete the test review, be sure to keep a running tally of how many you get right. At the end of the practice test, you will be shown what your grade would have been had this been the real test. Good luck!

2 In his Farewell Address, George Washington urged the American people to A. follow a foreign policy of isolationism and neutrality. B. support the Monroe Doctrine. C. support war against France. D. create a defensive alliance with European countries.

3 Which U.S. president abandoned isolationism and went to war with Britain in 1812? A. John Adams B. Thomas Jefferson C. James Madison D. James Monroe

4 Which U.S. president passed the Embargo Act of 1807, cutting off all shipping trade with other nations? A. John Adams B. Thomas Jefferson C. James Madison D. James Monroe

5 Which U.S. president was proud of avoiding war with France even though it was an unpopular decision that cost him reelection as president? A. John Adams B. Thomas Jefferson C. James Madison D. James Monroe

6 Which U.S. president warned European nations to stay out of the Western Hemisphere? A. John Adams B. Thomas Jefferson C. James Madison D. James Monroe

7 Which battle of the War of 1812 was considered America’s greatest victory of the war? A. Battle of Fort Sumter B. Battle of New Orleans C. Battle of Tippecanoe D. Battle of Fort McHenry

8 Which battle of the War of 1812 inspired Francis Scott Key to write “The Star-Spangled Banner”? A. Battle of Fort Sumter B. Battle of New Orleans C. Battle of Tippecanoe D. Battle of Fort McHenry

9 Which of these was not a reason for America declaring war on Britain in 1812? A. The British were seizing American ships. B. Britain was at war with America’s ally France. C. American sailors were being kidnapped by the British. D. The British were supplying guns to Native Americans living in the western frontier.

10 Which of these terms best identifies those American Congressmen who supported war with Britain? A. Privateers B. Scalawags C. War Hawks D. Federalists

11 The main purpose of the Monroe Doctrine was to A. improve relations with Britain following the War of 1812. B. motivate Spain to sell territory in Louisiana to the United States. C. prevent European expansion in North and South America. D. provide an opportunity for the U.S. to go to war with Mexico.

12 IsolationismInvolvement A. X B. X C. X Which X above best represents the Embargo Act of 1807, where the U.S. stopped shipping goods to and from other nations entirely? A. B.C.

13 IsolationismInvolvement A. X B. X C. X Which X above best represents the issuance of the Monroe Doctrine? A. B.C.

14 End of Test Review: How Many Did You Get Right? A+ = 12 C = 9 A- = 11 D = 8 B = 10 F = 0-7

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