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Australian Plant Phenomics Facility

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1 Australian Plant Phenomics Facility
Mark Tester

2 Phenotyping – the new bottleneck in plant science
Genomics is accelerating gene discovery but how do we capitalise on these resources to establish gene function and development of new genotypes? Physiological characterization of plants is still time consuming and labor intensive

3 High throughput phenotyping
Phenotyping is essential for functional analysis of specific genes forward and reverse genetic analyses production of new plants with beneficial characteristics High throughput is essential for phenotyping in different growth conditions (e.g. watering regimes) of many different lines mutant populations mapping populations breeding populations germplasm collections

4 The technological opportunity
Relieve phenotyping bottleneck with robotics, noninvasive imaging and analysis using powerful computing Provide “whole of lifecycle”, quantitative measurements of plant performance from the growth cabinet to the field Help deliver genomics advances to all plant science - e.g. model systems, cereals, grapevines, natural ecosystems Accelerate transfer of IP from gene discovery to trait discovery and release of innovative new varieties

5 Australian Plant Phenomics Facility
Established with NCRIS award of $15.2m to relieve the phenotyping bottleneck Total package = $53m Aim: To provide infrastructure based on automated image analysis to enable the phenotypic characterisation of plants - National facility, at the international forefront - Robotics, non-invasive imaging, analysis using powerful computing - ‘Whole lifecycle’ quantitative measurements of plant performance from the growth cabinet to the field - Ontology-based storage of phenomics data - Research collaborations, international profile and engagement

6 Australian Plant Phenomics Facility – two nodes
High Resolution Plant Phenomics Centre Canberra Bob Furbank The Plant Accelerator™ Adelaide Mark Tester 6

7 Australian Plant Phenomics Facility
The Plant Accelerator™ Mark Tester

8 The Plant Accelerator™


10 The Plant AcceleratorTM
High throughput phenotyping of plant populations 4,485 m2 building, 2,340 m2 of greenhouses, 250 m2 for growth chambers Grow >100,000 plants annually in a range of conditions 4 x 140 m2 fully automated ‘Smarthouses’ Plants delivered on 1.2 km of conveyors to five sets of cameras High capacity state-of-the-art image capture and analysis equipment Regular, non-destructive measurements of growth, development, physiology First public sector facility of this type and scale in the world Owned by University of Adelaide, opened 29 Jan 2010 National facility to support Australian plant research Full GM and quarantine status UniSA and ACPFG established a Chair and Assoc Prof in Plant Phenomics and Bioinformatics ($1.5m)




14 Measuring techniques relevant for drought research
Colour imaging biomass, structure, phenology leaf health (chlorosis, necrosis) Near infrared imaging tissue water content soil water content Far infrared imaging canopy/leaf temperature Fluorescence imaging physiological state of photosynthetic machinery Automated weighing and watering water usage, control of drought conditions

15 Image acquisition modes
Top View Side View Side View 90° Technical Details: Camera: x 960 Pixel Optic: 17 mm technical optic

16 Plant skeleton analysis Key to growth dynamics and morphology
separation of stem and leaves information about nodes, length of leaves morphology plant growth phase

17 Color classification of leaves
Color classification of leaves User defined color classification e.g. to characterise plant fitness under optimum or draught conditions or to distinguish herbicide/genetically modified from other plants

18 Quantitative morphology to characterise plants
Areas Node distances Leaf-stem angle Height width Fingerprinting of morphological data

19 Plant colour classification
Key to plant health

20 Identification of active male flower
LemnaTec 2004

21 But wheat is not as neat….

22 Growth measurements – counting pixels

23 Estimation of shoot biomass
The projected shoot area of the RBG images gives a good correlation with shoot biomass Tested for various plant species wheat, barley rice cotton Arabidopsis … 5wk old barley plants, 8 cultivars

24 Estimation of shoot biomass
But control and salt stressed plants have different area-weight ratios 20d old barley

25 Estimation of shoot biomass
Improved estimate of biomass when age of the plant is taken into account Y = a0 + a1×(G+B+Y)+ a2×(G+B+Y)×H (H = number of days after seed preparation date) (Correction for leaf colour did not greatly improve weight estimates) (Cross validation run 10x) Predicted shoot dry weight [g] Measured shoot dry weight [g] Golzarian et al. (2010) IEEE Proceedings Signal Processing, in review

26 Use of colour information e.g. boron toxicity screen
Original image Colour classified image Treated with 100 mM GeO2, 8 d Line Green area Necrosis area % Necrosis Sahara 30739 4232 12% Clipper 11640 15321 57% Julie Hayes, Margie Pallotta and Tim Sutton, ACPFG

27 QTL for Ge tolerance identified using colour imaging overlaps QTL for B tolerance (1999)
B toxicity - leaf symptoms Ge toxicity - leaf symptoms Jefferies et al TAG 98, Hayes et al., unpubl., using LemnaTec

28 Salinity tolerance - trait dissection
osmotic tolerance Breeding for overall salt tolerance difficult due to low heritability Dissection into individual traits suitable for forward genetics approach Use of The Plant AcceleratorTM to perform high throughput phenotyping Na+ exclusion tissue tolerance Munns & Tester (2008) Annu Rev Plant Biol 59:

29 Screening for osmotic tolerance

30 Screening for osmotic tolerance
Rajendran et al. (2009) Plant Cell Environ 32,

31 Osmotic tolerance screen in bread wheat
(day-1) Berkut Krichauff Mapping population of Berkut x Krichauff Berkut – CIMMYT Krichauff – Australian cultivar Berkut higher overall tolerance despite higher tissue [Na+] Parents Berkut – 0.65 Krichauff – 0.33 Range of progeny 0.13 to 0.96 Karthika Rajendran

32 QTL mapping of osmotic tolerance
Chromosome 1D Significant QTL on chromosome 1D QTL1D.9 explains 21% of phenotypic variation in the population Favourable allele comes from Berkut Karthika Rajendran

33 Hardware purchased Currently Expansion, room for TPA acknowledges
IBM BladeCenter Chassis 3 x HS21 blade servers 6 x HS22 blade servers 2 x DS4700 storage controller 8 x DS4000 storage expansion units 140 x 1TB hard drives $510K (2008 & 2009) Virtualisation with VMware Expansion, room for 5 additional servers 20 additional hard disks TPA acknowledges Lachlan Tailby (ACPFG) Picked up by IBM’s Smarter Planet campaign

34 LemnaTec Data System James Eddes
FLUO 1392 x 1040 RGB 2056 x 2454 IR 320 x 256 NIR Snapshot Smarthouse operations Imaging configurations Conveyor tasks Watering tasks Single database stores acquired data, SmartHouse operation configurations and tasks and analysis results No project level data management Backup, archive, delete Access control Around 30MB per snapshot 72 GB per day, 0.5 TB per week Smarthouse database Analysis results James Eddes

35 Data flow / management James Eddes Plant Accelerator servers
LemnaMiner LemnaLauncher Daemon Daemon DATA PROCESSING & MINING Plant Accelerator Project DBs Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Project 5 Project 6 MIDDLE LemnaTec Production DB buffered transfer buffered transfer SH1 SH2 OPERATION & ACQUISITION Smarthouse 1 (South) Smarthouse 2 (North) SH1 SH2 LemnaLauncher LemnaLauncher James Eddes

36 Data management issues
Building databases, managing export of data from LemnaTec, returning data to LemnaTec for further analyses Image analyses – LemnaTec image processing grids, quality control, basic statistics Data service – image directories, processing, analysis spreadsheets, metadata, PODD Data dissemination Embargo Offsite back-up James Eddes

37 Wider computational issues
Data acquisition Data management Image analysis Counting pixels 3-D modelling – computer vision, machine intelligence Statistical analyses Modeling and biological interpretation Plugging numbers back in to the plant Genetics – aligning phenomics data with genomics data to allow quantitative genetics

38 Plans to address issues
Raise money, hire people, collaborate NCRIS ALA (Bogdan!) - Systems manager, feeding PODD NCRIS ANDS data architects for 1 yr, feeding PODD EIF programming - Image analysis - Computer vision (Anton Vandenhengel) ARC Linkage (LemnaTec) - Image analysis, computer vision HFSP Computer vision - Machine intelligence Collaboration with - PODD, ALA, etc within IBS - UniSA node of ACPFG - Desmond Lun - Computer vision group of UniAdl - Anton Vandenhengel

39 The Plant Accelerator™ team to date
Mark Tester Geoff Fincher Helli Meinecke – business manager Bettina Berger – postdoctoral scientist James Eddes, Bogdan Masznicz, Jianfeng Li – computer programmers Robin Hosking – horticulturalist Richard Norrish – electrical engineer Lidia Mischis, A.N. Other – technicians Karthika Rajendran – PhD student Brett Harris – Honours student Desmond Lun, Irene Hudson, Mahmood Golzarian – UniSA /ACPFG maths, stats Anton van den Hengel – UA computer vision + three programmers in UQ to construct the database repository


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