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“Update on the Columbus Syphilis Epidemic”

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Presentation on theme: "“Update on the Columbus Syphilis Epidemic”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Update on the Columbus Syphilis Epidemic”
Jose A. Bazan, DO Medical Director, Sexual Health Clinic Columbus Public Health Assistant Professor, Clinical Internal Medicine Division of Infectious Diseases The Ohio State University College of Medicine

2 Objectives Describe the syphilis epidemic that is currently affecting Columbus, Ohio. Describe the response by Columbus Public Health to help curb the syphilis epidemic in Columbus, Ohio. Speaker has no conflicts of interest or financial disclosures to report

3 Patient 1

4 Patient 1

5 Patient 2

6 Patient 2

7 What do both Patients have in common?

8 Syphilis Kallista Images/Getty Images/Kallista Images

9 “The Great Imitator”

10 Stages of Syphilis & Classification
Primary Syphilis Secondary Syphilis Early Latent Syphilis (< 1 year duration) Late Latent Syphilis (> 1 year duration) Tertiary Syphilis Neurosyphilis (Early and Late) Congenital Syphilis “Early Syphilis” (↑ Risk of transmission) Source: Infectious Diseases. Cohen J, et al. 3rd Ed, Chapter 161; Vol. 2: pp

11 Primary Syphilis CDC/M. Rein, VD CDC/Susan Lindsley, VD
CDC/ Robert E. Sumpter CDC/ Dr. Gavin Hart; Dr. N. J. Fiumara Source:

12 Secondary Syphilis CDC/ Dr. Gavin Hart CDC/ Dr. Gavin Hart
Dr. Charles Hicks Sources:

13 Latent Syphilis Positive sero-reactivity, but no signs or symptoms of active disease Early Latent Syphilis (in the last 12 months…) Documented sero-conversion or ≥4-fold ↑ in RPR/VDRL titer Unequivocal symptoms of Primary or Secondary Syphilis Sex partner with Primary, Secondary or Early Latent Syphilis Reactive serologies in a person whose only exposure could have occurred in the last 12 months Late Latent Syphilis Absence of above conditions Sources: 2010 CDC STD Treatment Guidelines

14 Tertiary Syphilis (Aortitis & Gummas)
CDC/Susan Lindsley CDC/Susan Lindsley CDC/Susan Lindsley Sources: Darwish BS, et al. J Clin Neurosciences 2008;15:308-10

15 Neurosyphilis (Can occur at any stage!)
Ocular syphilis Otosyphilis Source: Ghanem KG. CNS Neurosci Ther 2010;16(5):e

16 Syphilis – Reported Cases by Stage of Infection, U.S., 1941 – 2013
56,471 total cases (Rate: 18 cases / 100,000) Penicillin HIV Source:


18 Syphilis Cases in Ohio by Major City March 2013 – November 2014
Source: Ohio Department of Health. STD Surveillance Program. Data reported though 11/5/2014.

19 Syphilis in Franklin County Number of Case Investigations (i. e
Syphilis in Franklin County Number of Case Investigations (i.e. DIS Workload) Source: Columbus Public Health, Sexual Health Program.

20 Number of Early Syphilis Cases
Early Syphilis in Franklin County Number of Cases by Year (2004 – 2014) Number of Early Syphilis Cases Source: Ohio Department of Health. STD Surveillance Program. Data reported though 3/29/2015.

21 Early Syphilis in Franklin County Number of Cases by Year (January – December)
(% Change: 2013 to 2014) -23.1% 83.4% (of all cases) 55.5% (of all cases) Source: Ohio Department of Health. STD Surveillance Program. Data as of 2/15/2015.

22 Early Syphilis in Franklin County Population Rates (January – December 2014)
Males 4.6x Females 8.6x Sources: Ohio Department of Health. STD Surveillance. Data as of 2/15/2015. Rates calculated based on U.S. Census Bureau ACS Population Data.

23 Early Syphilis in Franklin County Number of Cases by Year (January – December)
16.7% 75.6% (of all male cases) 45.5% (of all cases) Source: Ohio Department of Health. STD Surveillance Program. Data as of 2/15/2015.

24 Primary & Secondary Syphilis — Reported Cases by Sex and Sexual Behavior, 33 areas*, 2007 – 2013
* 32 states and Washington, DC reported sex of partner data for ≥70% of reported cases of P&S syphilis for each year, 2007–2013. † MSM = men who have sex with men; MSW = men who have sex with women only. Source:

25 Risk Factors for Early Syphilis among MSM
Non-white race (OR 2.1, 1.1 – 4.4) Income >$30,000 / year (OR 2.7, 1.4 – 5.2) HIV (+) status (OR 7.3, 3.5 – 15.4) Anonymous sex partners (OR 2.0, 1.1 – 3.6) Unprotected anal sex (“Barebacked”) (OR 2.8, 1.6 – 4.8) Stronger gay community affiliation (OR 2.3, 1.2 – 4.6) Recent internet sex partners (OR 2.1, 1.0 – 4.3) Crystal methamphetamine + Viagra® (OR 6.2, 2.6 – 14.9) Co-infection Rates 16 – 47% Sources: Wong W, et al. Sex Transm Dis 2005;32(7): ; Paz-Bailey G, et al. Sex Transm Dis 2004;31:581-7; Page-Shafer K, et al. AIDS 2002;16:2350-2; Katz MH, et al. Am J Public Health 2002;92:388-94; Ciesielski C, et al. MMWR 2004;53(41):966-8; Zetola et al. CID 2007;44:1222-8;

26 Syphilis & HIV Co-Infection
Syphilis can ↑ risk of HIV transmission and acquisition Atypical clinical manifestations and serologic responses Can lead to transient ↑ in HIV viral load and ↓ in CD4 counts Higher incident rates of infection compared to HIV (-) individuals 6.23 vs. 0.8 / 1,000 person-years 1 in 5 HIV (+) MSM with Early Syphilis become re-infected (majority within ≤ 12 months) Early manifestations of Neurosyphilis (median ~9 mo.) Source: Rottingen JA, et al. Sex Transm Dis 2001;28:579-97; Zetola et al. CID 2007;44: ; Horberg MA, et al. Sex Transm Dis 2010;37(1):53-7; Chaulk P, et al. MMWR , August 16, 2013; Vol. 62, No. 32; p:649; Ghanem KG, et al. AIDS 2008;22:

27 Early Syphilis in Franklin County Number of Cases by Year (January – December)
(% Change: 2013 to 2014) -23.1% 16% (of all cases) Source: Ohio Department of Health. STD Surveillance Program. Data as of 2/15/2015.

28 Congenital Syphilis Cases in Franklin County (January – December)
Babies were born to mothers with “Early Syphilis” 2013: 2 cases 2014: 7 cases Of the 7 cases from January – December 2014: 6 received prenatal care 4 received prenatal care inclusive of CDC recommended syphilis screening 250% Increase!! Source: Columbus Public Health, Sexual Health Program.

29 Congenital Syphilis CDC/Susan Lindsley CDC CDC/Susan Lindsley
CDC/ Dr. Norman Cole CDC/Susan Lindsley, VD CDC Source:

30 Syphilis: Who needs to be screened?
All HIV positive patients All sexually active MSM patients All pregnant women Initial intake 28 – 32 weeks gestation At delivery Any woman who delivers a still-born infant after 20 weeks gestation All individuals seeking care/treatment for an STI At least 3 times!! (in Franklin County) Source: 2010 CDC STD Guldelines; Columbus Public Health, Sexual Health Program.

31 Sources: Reverse Sequence Syphilis Screening Webinar (CDC)
MMWR / Feb 11, 2011 / Vol. 60 / No. 5

32 Syphilis Case Management In Columbus and Franklin County
PROVIDERS: Diagnose or treat a case of Primary, Secondary, or Early Latent Syphilis LAB: Positive Non-treponemal test (i.e. RPR or VDRL) and/or Treponemal-specific test (i.e. IgG, FTA, TPPA) Report to Columbus Public Health (CPH) CPH SEXUAL HEALTH TEAM Disease Intervention Specialist (DIS): Obtain case information Report to Ohio Department of Health [ODH] Ohio Disease Reporting System [ODRS] Interview Patient: Assure patient is treated and staged appropriately Identify all sex partners for up to 12 months. Sex partners within last 90 days are presumptively treated Follow-up with provider Per Ohio Administrative Code to and

33 STI treatment is Prevention!!
Untreated STIs (especially ulcerative ones like Syphilis) can increase the risk of HIV transmission and acquisition CPH staff review all syphilis case reports and assures that appropriate treatment is documented for Early Syphilis cases (infectious form) For patients diagnosed with Early Syphilis, identify and screen all sex partners within the last 12 months Sex partners within last 90 days are also presumptively treated Source: 2010 CDC STD Guldelines; Columbus Public Health, Sexual Health Program.

34 Treatment of Syphilis Primary, Secondary, and Early Latent Syphilis
Benzathine PCN-G 2.4 MU IM x 1 Doxycycline 100mg PO BID OR Tetracycline 500 mg PO QID x 14 days (PCN Allergy) Late Latent Syphilis Benzathine PCN-G 2.4 MU IM q weekly x 3 Doxycycline 100 mg PO BID OR Tetracycline 500 mg PO QID x 28 days (PCN Allergy) Neurosyphilis Aqueous Crystalline PCN-G 18–24 MU IV q 24 hr. x 10 – 14 d. Procaine PCN 2.4 MU IM q 24 hr. + Probenecid 500 mg PO QID x 10 – 14 d. PCN Allergy  Consider desensitization and PCN therapy Source: 2010 CDS STD Treatment Guidelines

35 Public Health Response
Public health advisories, posters, palm cards Columbus Medical Association Local hospital systems Ryan White Providers OB/GYN providers Community clinics Community partners – Community-basedOrgs Local area clubs, bars and coffee shops




39 CPH outreach to those at greater risk…
Social Media Hook-up sites for MSM (e.g. BGCLive, Grindr, Growlr, Adam4Adam, Facebook, MSM Advertising network, etc.) Facebook to reach women and MSM Radio to reach Columbus’ urban population

40 CPH Internal Partners Focus groups Materials
Alcohol & Other Drugs Program (AOD) Maternal Child Health Healthy Neighborhoods Women, Infants & Children (WIC) Immunizations

41 Syphilis Resources Columbus Public Health Syphilis Control
(614) Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) Ohio Administrative Code

42 Patient 2 Patient 1 RPR 1:512 RPR 1:256 FTA-ABS Positive
Secondary Syphilis with neurologic manifestations (syphilitic uveitis) HIV Negative MSW IV PCN-G x 14 days Patient 1 RPR 1:256 FTA-ABS Positive Secondary Syphilis HIV Positive MSM IM Benzathine PCN-G x 1

43 Conclusions The epidemic of Early Syphilis in Columbus is disproportionally affecting MSM and African Americans High proportion of patients are HIV co-infected (especially MSM) Early Syphilis cases among women = Congenital Syphilis cases Remember that Syphilis is “The Great Imitator” Increase and maintain community awareness and provider education Recognize at-risk patients, screen, diagnose and treat. Screening and treatment of sex partners



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