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Electronic Product Take-back and Recycling in Hungary Zsolt ISTVÁN Ernő Garamvölgyi Richárd Ladányi Péter Chrabák Bay Zoltán Foundation for Applied Research.

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Presentation on theme: "Electronic Product Take-back and Recycling in Hungary Zsolt ISTVÁN Ernő Garamvölgyi Richárd Ladányi Péter Chrabák Bay Zoltán Foundation for Applied Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electronic Product Take-back and Recycling in Hungary Zsolt ISTVÁN Ernő Garamvölgyi Richárd Ladányi Péter Chrabák Bay Zoltán Foundation for Applied Research Institute of Logistics and Production Systems

2 Electronic Product Take-back and Recycling in Hungary Zoltán BAY 1900-1992 Bay Zoltán Foundation is established in 1993.

3 Electronic Product Take-back and Recycling in Hungary Projects in recycling of end-of-life electronics Recycling of household equipment with emphasis of reuse options, INCO-Copernicus RECAP, EU DG XII/C financed international project, 1997-1999. ECOLIFE, Closing the Loop of Electr(on)ic Products and Domestic Appliances From Product Planning to End-of-Life Technologies, Implementation Phase in the Industrial and Materials Technologies (Brite-EuRam) programme for Thematic networks, corresponding partner, 2000-2002. ECOLIFE II, ECO-efficient LIFE cycle Technologies From Products to Service Systems, Thematic Network for RTD Co-ordination and other Networking Activities within the Specific Programme “Promoting Competitive and Sustainable Growth” KA 1 “Innovative Products, Processes and Organisation”, associated partner, 2002-2006. Collection and environment friendly dismantling of end-of-life electronics in Szinva NET Ltd – Supported by OM-KfHÁ (Ministry of Education, R&D) within Environmental Technical Development Found, 2000-2002. Development of the first draft of the ministry decree on WEEE and the restriction of use of hazardous substances in electronic products in Hungary and study on the economic and social aspects, Made for Ministry of Environment with co-ordination Cowi Hungary Ltd., 2001

4 Electronic Product Take-back and Recycling in Hungary aim: to build up electronic product dismantling site considering reuse and recycling partners: Szinva Net Kft. (Packard Bell-NEC official dealer) BAY-LOGI financial supporter: Ministry of Education, R&D division Time scale: September 2000. - October 2002. Budget: 300.000 € Environmentally Sound Recycling of Electronic Products National R&D Project

5 Electronic Product Take-back and Recycling in Hungary Investigation of legislation concepts Identification of product types and amounts Material content of EE products Logistics, management questions Dismantling and recycling issues Main topics of the project

6 Electronic Product Take-back and Recycling in Hungary Current financing

7 Electronic Product Take-back and Recycling in Hungary Legislation / Costs Waste Management Law National Legislation WEEE / RoHS EU Directives Planed decree on WEEE decree of the minister responsible for environment producers and importers are responsible for products products are grouped, quotas are defined for take back Estimated national costs investments 8M € administration 200 k€/year collection, treatment 1.5 M€/year

8 Electronic Product Take-back and Recycling in Hungary Electronic products in the households

9 Electronic Product Take-back and Recycling in Hungary Amount of discarded electronic products

10 Electronic Product Take-back and Recycling in Hungary 16% of the nation Discarded electronic products North Hungarian Region

11 Electronic Product Take-back and Recycling in Hungary Average material content of PCs

12 Electronic Product Take-back and Recycling in Hungary Average material content of TV sets

13 Electronic Product Take-back and Recycling in Hungary Average material content of PCBs

14 Electronic Product Take-back and Recycling in Hungary Average metal content (chemical elements) of PCBs

15 Electronic Product Take-back and Recycling in Hungary WEEE is collected within the municipal waste collection system Collection methods WEEE

16 Electronic Product Take-back and Recycling in Hungary Collection of selected WEEE by specialised enterprises Collection methods Wasteyard Municipal waste WEEE Refrigerators

17 Electronic Product Take-back and Recycling in Hungary inhabitants repair shops users Collection methods Municipal waste WEEE Refrigerators Wasteyard Individual collection and transportation to wasteyards

18 Electronic Product Take-back and Recycling in Hungary Technology

19 Electronic Product Take-back and Recycling in Hungary

20 Layout metal glass waste plastics PCB IDE Mother- board PC cards Monitor dismantling

21 Electronic Product Take-back and Recycling in Hungary

22 Testing workbench for PC parts

23 Electronic Product Take-back and Recycling in Hungary Dismantling of CRTs

24 Electronic Product Take-back and Recycling in Hungary Economic evaluation - Cost analysis of a plant

25 Electronic Product Take-back and Recycling in Hungary Economic Evaluation - Revenues of dismantling PCs (estimation) ca. 1 € = 260 HUF

26 Electronic Product Take-back and Recycling in Hungary Economic Evaluation - Revenues of dismantling Monitors, TV sets (estimation) ca. 1 € = 260 HUF Inicirate or landfill of hazardous waste is ca.0,5 €/kg

27 Electronic Product Take-back and Recycling in Hungary Conclusions There is not any take back system for WEEE from households It is not possible to reach the 4 kg take back quota by end of 2006 There is not enough capacity of dismantlers, recyclers Without legislation background the financing will be not solved The Hungarian WEEE decree will be come out in April 2004 BAYLOGI made a reference for environmental sound solution

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