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What is it? is the first Italian crowd-funding platform. Its name means, in Tuscany dialect, to help someone in relieving or overcoming an obstacle. is.

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Presentation on theme: "What is it? is the first Italian crowd-funding platform. Its name means, in Tuscany dialect, to help someone in relieving or overcoming an obstacle. is."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is it? is the first Italian crowd-funding platform. Its name means, in Tuscany dialect, to help someone in relieving or overcoming an obstacle. is a generalist, reward based platform that allows people to create a project, share it with their network and receive funding to help make it work believes in the creativity of young men and women who want to take on the world of business ->YOUNG TEAM WHO IS IT FOR? for everyone with a creative idea: Artists, Writers, Film makers, Geeks or Designers WHICH KIND OF PROJECTS ARE IN THE PLATFORM art and culture (literature, theatre, music…) lifestyle (design, food, fashion…) technology Creative-humanistic connotation

3 Eppela yesterday Chiara Spinelli Chiara Spinelli, copywriter Nicola Lencioni Nicola Lencioni, enterpreneur -Where and when: The Headquarter is in an historic palace in the heart of Lucca - Mission: Eppela’s final goal is to revolutionize the business market and value those who are part of it, praising merit and challenging the limits produced by an overwhelming bureaucratic system. With Crowdfunding our doors are open to all whether you are an “up and coming” artist or a promising start-upper. - Goal: to offer people a way to realize their projects in a period of financial distress and contaction of bank’s credit lines. In fact Eppela means, in Tuscan dialect, to help someone to relieve or to overcome an hobstacle - Return for Eppela: 5% of the sum raised ONLY if the project is funded otherwise money re-credited to donors They asked to users to fund the site and they raised 12.000€ in a month Kickstarter Founders


5 How it works?

6 Eppela’s Business model Crowd-funding marketplace Contribution from on-line donors both for profit and non-profit projects Allow buyers to become sellers thanks to the financing of the web-community Reward model People that contributed to a project receive a non-monetary reward according to the project they financed. For example: if you give 10€ you can receive a product’s copy, if 1.000€ you can have a dinner with the creators of the product!

7 Geographical extension

8 Eppela: where we are

9 Generally: Italian crowdfunding in numbers The number of projects received by all platforms since their launch is more than 30,000, of which more than 75% were received by Social Lending platforms; almost 9,000 of those were approved / published, of which 28% were successful. The total value of funded projects amounts to 13 million Euros, mainly raised by social lending (78 %) and equity-based (15%) platforms. Only 7% of the total value of the funded projects is attributable to reward-based/donation-based crowdfunding. 1.Selfy 2.Super cane magic zero 3.Doom&destiny advanced...&you 1.1. 2.2. 3.3. The most successful projects

10 Pros and Cons Pros: It gives the possibility to finance different ideas, projects with different contents that come from young people. Eppela does not pretend to revolutionise the world or to chnage technology, but it has the intelligence to make realizable projects with small amount of money ( starting with a minimum of 2 €), allowing the makers to understand whether is their own idea is winning or will be a total failure. It is completely social Cons : One important cons is related to all the reward-based crowdsourcing model because supporters are not so involved in giving money without receiving a future finacial return. There is not a right balance among the number of financed project that come from North and South of Italy, yet.

11 Supporter engagement SHARINGFUNDING Made from people registered in the platform that have a credit card From 2€ to 1000 € REWARD creative, attractive, personalized 2 kinds of rewards: - Tangible: a copy of what inventors will produce - Intangible: rewards associated to creating a relationship between the supporter and the creator: watching a show behind the curtains or a memorandum like putting supporter’s name in the credits of the project

12 Eppela supporter’s demographic Eppela’s supporters are mainly italian, as the platform, hence the italian is the first spoken language. Moreover there are supporters from the rest of the world such as Japan and US, but it is just a small part. According to Talkwalker the majority of the audience of Eppela is composed by men.

13 An interesting note about the demographic of the supporters of Eppela is the fact that there is an high correlation between the kind of idea suggested by the proponents and the supporters of the the same idea. This could be an indicator of how the supporters of this kind of platform are moved first of all by the passion and by an emotional element more than the reward or the actual feasibility of a particolar idea. Eppela supporter’s demographic

14 A project related to Art is supported mainly by men about 40-50 years old.

15 A project linked with videogaming is firstly supported by young guys keen about videogames.

16 A project linked with cooking is firstly supported by women.

17 Super Cane Magic Zero is a RPG videogame developed for PC and MAC OSX, inspired to old classic videogames as The legend of Zelda. Its original and comic-inspired design is made by the non-sense cartoonist SIO. Super Cane Magic Zero

18 Proponents: SIO Sio is an Italian cartoonist and youtuber, become famous for the comic strips Scottecs comics. His You tube channel, Scottecs, counts over 600k followers.

19 Proponents: Studio Evil Studio Evil is a Videogame studio created in Bologna in 2011 by three friends. The company works inventing and developing new ideas in the video-game industry for both computers and mobile devices.

20 To promote Super Cane Magic Zero different communication channel were used, from word of mouth to social media, to related events. The proponents took into account all the three circles explained by Eppela. Communication

21 Social Media

22 Web Page

23 Video of presentation

24 Community At last it is important to underline the great attention paid from the proponents to the community; they answered to almost all the comments of the supporters and there was also a strong interaction between the supporters themselves. This created a strong sense of community fostering the donations.€38.546 Strong sense of community 2069 Supporters 207 comments

25 “Whatever you can do or dream, you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.” J.W. Goethe THANKS FOR ATTENTION!

26 Information sources eppela/ dfunding.html crowdfunding-eppela-mette-sul-piatto-90mila-euro-le-startup/ crowdfunding-incontra-il-digital-publishing.html publishing/ crowdfunding-italiano/

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