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Recent Actions By the City and County of Los Angeles To Address Family Homelessness Ruth Schwartz Shelter Partnership, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "Recent Actions By the City and County of Los Angeles To Address Family Homelessness Ruth Schwartz Shelter Partnership, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recent Actions By the City and County of Los Angeles To Address Family Homelessness Ruth Schwartz Shelter Partnership, Inc. 213-943-4580 National Alliance to End Homelessness Annual Conference July 17, 2006

2 City of Los Angeles Permanent Supportive Housing Program $50 million for development and rehabilitation of PSH Partnership between four city agencies (LAHD, CRA, HACLA, LADWP) Section 8 Homeless Program After a 2 year hiatus, 1,163 Section 8 vouchers allocated to 13 agencies.

3 City of Los Angeles $1 billion housing bond proposed for November ballot 25% to build housing for the homeless and rentals for residents earning less that $20,800 annually for a family of four.

4 County of Los Angeles: Board of Supervisors Motions 2002: Established Homeless Families Pilot Project December 2004: “Zero tolerance” policy for families living on Skid Row October 2005: Directed county agencies to strengthen outreach to families living on Skid Row

5 County of Los Angeles: Board of Supervisors Motions June 2005: BOS approved $20 million for expansion of emergency shelters and other homeless activities. First time significant amount of General Fund dollars allocated for the homeless. Approximately $4.5 million allocated thus far towards development and operation of emergency & transitional housing for families and singles. About 120 new family beds funded thus far.

6 County of Los Angeles: Board of Supervisors Motions April 2006: BOS approved Homeless Prevention Initiative. Earmarked nearly $100 million to fund housing and homeless services. 96% from County General Fund $15.6 million in ongoing funds to improve discharge processes and reduce homelessness. $80 million in one-time funds in the FY 2006/07 budget to establish the Homeless and Housing Program.

7 County of Los Angeles: Homeless Prevention Initiative Highlights of ten key recommendations for $15.6 million: Housing Locators for Homeless Families: $3 million Homeless Family Access Center for Skid Row Families: $1.4 million

8 County of Los Angeles: Homeless and Housing Program Highlights of proposed stakeholder allocation of $80 million: Revolving Loan Fund: $20 million Supportive Services: $20 million Capital Development: $12 million

9 County of Los Angeles: Homeless and Housing Program Highlights of proposed stakeholder allocation of $80 million: (cont’d) Skid Row Families Demonstration Project: $6 million Beyond Shelter to move 500 families from Skid Row into permanent housing Significant contribution of Section 8 vouchers

10 For More Information Shelter Partnership report (Operating at Capacity: Family Shelters in Los Angeles County): Los Angeles County Homeless Prevention Initiative:

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