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A SIP Call Control Model draft-mahy-sip-cc-models-00.txt Rohan Mahy

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Presentation on theme: "A SIP Call Control Model draft-mahy-sip-cc-models-00.txt Rohan Mahy"— Presentation transcript:

1 A SIP Call Control Model draft-mahy-sip-cc-models-00.txt Rohan Mahy

2 What is Call Control? Manipulation* of session and media relationships to effect the experience of the participants within a "conversation space" (*typically actions like adding and removing participants) Conversation Space? –The set of participants who have access to all the media sent in the context of that space Participants? –Send original media, or receive and terminate media (a mixer is not a participant)

3 Related Definitions Call: All participants in a session invited by a common source Call-leg: Pair-wise signaling relationship between two SIP user agents Conference: Multimedia session identified by a common session description Session: Set of multimedia senders and receivers and the data streams flowing from senders to receivers

4 Examples Simple 2-party call 1 call, 1 leg, 1 conf, 1 session Locally mixed three-way call 1 or 2 calls, 2 legs, 2 confs, 2 sessions Dial-in conference 4 calls, legs, confs, sessions Multicast conference 1 to 4 calls, 4 legs, 1 conf, 1 session A C B ABAB A C B D A C B D

5 ABAB CBCB transfer From the point of view of participant “A” CBCB ABAB take ABAB add A C B BCBC A C B insert ABAB ABAB BCBC ACAC local join A C B A B C B A C near fork “far” fork ABAB CDCD split A C B D Call Control Actions

6 Additional Requirements Presenting information to participants: –Use Jonathan's conference-info package? Handling based on special participants: –Provide participant information as in Caller Preferences Human/Robot Active/Passive Visible/Hidden Billing?

7 Proposal and Next Steps Move overall model definition into cc-framework New drafts: implementation of actions using 3pcc and peer to peer primitives (for both central and locally mixed conference resources) Additional work for participant information, hidden/passive participants. What about billing? Does this belong in SIP or SIPPING?

8 Thank You

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