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Educating Tomorrow’s Physicians: the Library’s Role Presentation to Rutgers University Librarians February 1, 2012 UMDNJ – RWJ Library of the Health Sciences.

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Presentation on theme: "Educating Tomorrow’s Physicians: the Library’s Role Presentation to Rutgers University Librarians February 1, 2012 UMDNJ – RWJ Library of the Health Sciences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Educating Tomorrow’s Physicians: the Library’s Role Presentation to Rutgers University Librarians February 1, 2012 UMDNJ – RWJ Library of the Health Sciences –

2 UMDNJ, the state’s university of the health sciences, is dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in:  Undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate and continuing education of health professionals and scientists;  Conduct of biomedical, psychosocial, clinical and public health research  Health promotion, disease prevention and the delivery of healthcare  Service to our communities and the entire state UMDNJ – RWJ Library of the Health Sciences – UMDNJ Mission

3 UMDNJ – RWJ Library of the Health Sciences –  Largest stand-alone health sciences university in U.S.  8 schools: GSBS, NJDS, NJMS,RWJMS, SHRP, SN, SOM, SPH, on 5 campuses  UMDNJ Student enrollment: 6,909  UMDNJ Paid Faculty : 2,936  Volunteer Faculty 4,283  Residents & Interns: 1291  Post-doctoral Fellows: 175 UMDNJ Overview

4  RWJMS Students/NB-PISC: 550  RWJMS Students/CAM: 115  GSBS Students/PISC: 513  SPH Students/PISC: 243 UMDNJ-RWJ Library of the Health Sciences – RWJMS / GSBS / SPH Students

5 RWJMS / GSBS / SPH Faculty  RWJMS Paid Faculty: 1123  RWJMS Volunteer Faculty: 1702  CINJ physicians are RWJMS Faculty  GSBS taught by RWJMS Faculty  SPH Paid Faculty: 75  SPH Volunteer Faculty: 123 UMDNJ-RWJ Library of the Health Sciences –

6  Total of 52 programs across 8 schools UMDNJ – RWJ Library of the Health Sciences – MDDODMD PhDDCNDNP DPTDrPHMS MBSMSNMPH MasterASAAS Post-Doctoral Certificates Post- Baccalaureate Certificates Undergraduate Certificates UMDNJ Degree & Certificate Programs

7  1961: Rutgers Medical School formed with grant funding from the Kellogg Foundation  1970: College of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey established incorporating Rutgers Medical School (80 entering students)  1973: LCME grants full accreditation  1977: Middlesex General Hospital becomes core teaching hospital  1980: Rutgers Medical School at Camden established UMDNJ – RWJ Library of the Health Sciences – History – Highlights

8  1981: NJ Legislature grants University status (UMDNJ)  1982: Student enrollment exceeds 470; opening of Medical Education Building in New Brunswick  1986: Medical school and teaching hospital renamed in honor of Robert Wood Johnson III  1995: Opening of Clinical Academic Building  1997: Cancer Institute of NJ’s first and only National Cancer Institute -designated Comprehensive Cancer Center UMDNJ – RWJ Library of the Health Sciences – History - Highlights

9 UMDNJ – RWJ Library of the Health Sciences – History - Highlights  2003: Research Building in Piscataway opens with 27-state-of-the-art laboratories  2005: Child Health Institute of NJ completed  2010: Research Awards >$96 million

10  UMDNJ faculty, students & staff  Volunteer faculty: appointments in each of the 8 schools (clinicians in private practice)  House staff: Any physician in an accredited graduate medical education program, including interns, residents, and fellows UMDNJ – RWJ Library of the Health Sciences – Primary Library Users

11 What are House staff? “The period of didactic and clinical education in a medical specialty (2-6 years) which follows the completion of a recognized undergraduate medical education & which prepares physicians for the independent practice of medicine in that specialty, also referred to as residency education.” From: ACGME Glossary: (Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education) UMDNJ – RWJ Library of the Health Sciences – Graduate Medical Education

12 UMDNJ – RWJ Library of the Health Sciences – RWJMS House Staff 432 Residents  46 Medical Specialties  77.3% American medical graduates  Based at RWJUH, Princeton Medical Center, Jersey Shore Medical Center

13  Hospital staff at core or major teaching affiliated hospital(s)  Affiliated Hospitals: Students, house staff, and physicians with UMDNJ identity have access at remote sites UMDNJ – RWJ Library of the Health Sciences – Primary Library Users

14 Responsibilities extend beyond traditional academia:  Educating the nation’s health workforce through schools of medicine, nursing, dentistry, etc.  Conducting cutting-edge biomedical & clinical research that leads of breakthroughs in the diagnosis & treatment of medical conditions  Providing comprehensive medical care from the basic to the most advanced services  AHCs are major contributors to economic growth & development & are among the regions largest employers From: AAHC UMDNJ – RWJ Library of the Health Sciences – Academic Health Centers

15 Hot Topics  Preparing librarians for new roles in E-Science & data curation  Integrating links to scholarly literature into the electronic health record  Infusing life-long learning skills / evidence based practice throughout the medical school curriculum  Advancing scholarly communication & advocacy for open access UMDNJ – RWJ Library of the Health Sciences – Academic Health Sciences Libraries

16 UMDNJ – RWJ Library of the Health Sciences – Primary Professional Associations  Association of Academic Medical Centers (AAMC)  Association of Academic Health Science Libraries (AAHSL)  Medical Library Association (MLA)  Health Sciences Library Association of New Jersey (HSLANJ)

17 RWJ Library of the Health Sciences UMDNJ – RWJ Library of the Health Sciences – Located on the first floor of the Medical Education Building on the New Brunswick Campus of UMDNJ The Medical Education Building, opened in 1982, is home to numerous RWJMS Departments including Family Medicine, Medicine, Surgery, Pathology, Emergency Medicine and Pediatrics.

18 Where we are UMDNJ – RWJ Library of the Health Sciences – On the web since February 1996 On mobile smart devices since 2010

19 Where we are UMDNJ – RWJ Library of the Health Sciences – Teaching on the wards and in the classroom Library Channels on the Research, Education and HealthCare tabs of

20 Where we are UMDNJ – RWJ Library of the Health Sciences – Making office calls Assisting at the Reference Desk

21 Who we serve UMDNJ – RWJ Library of the Health Sciences – 550 Medical Students 432 Residents and Interns

22 Who we serve 513 GSBS Students 243 School of Public Health students UMDNJ – RWJ Library of the Health Sciences –

23 Who we serve UMDNJ RWJMS Faculty 1123 paid & 1702 volunteer UMDNJ – RWJ Library of the Health Sciences –

24 Who we serve Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital nurses social workers technicians other allied health professionals RWJUH Attending Physicians surgeons oncologists cardiologists ob/gyn physicians pediatricians neurologists many other medical specialties UMDNJ – RWJ Library of the Health Sciences –

25 Where our users are Hospitals and ClinicsClassroom Institutes and Research FacilitiesDoctor’s Offices UMDNJ – RWJ Library of the Health Sciences –

26 What We Do  Support UMDNJ’s mission in  Education,  Research,  Patient care  Community outreach UMDNJ – RWJ Library of the Health Sciences –

27 Education  Ensure that scholarly resources are incorporated into the curriculum of RWJMS, GSBS, SPH and the PA program at SHRP  Provide Formal Instruction  Introduction to the Clinical Experience (RWJMS)  Patient Centered Medicine (RWJMS)  DiME (RWJMS)  Ethics Course (GSBS)  Funding for Research (GSBS)  Evidence Based Medicine (GME - Medicine)  Evidence Based Medicine (GME – Family Medicine)  Provide orientations to students/new faculty  Provide persistent links to scholarly resources UMDNJ – RWJ Library of the Health Sciences –

28 Education  Partner with faculty and staff on projects that support and promote medical education.  Medical Humanities Project  Learning Management Tools  Participate on numerous education committees Medical Education Research Interest Group (MERIG) CME DiME Master Educators’ Guild UMDNJ – RWJ Library of the Health Sciences –

29 Did you know? Listerine was invented in the nineteenth century as a surgical antiseptic. Soon afterward it was sold unsuccessfully as a floor cleaner and a cure for everything from chapped hands to gonorrhea. In the 1920's, however, the makers of Listerine hit pay dirt when they pitched it as a remedy for bad breath. Interestingly, halitosis was not necessarily considered a problem until Listerine made it one. Listerine was pitched as a remedy, but Listerine the company also produced the Listerine Cigarette! By the 1930’s Listerine was positioned as a cure for dandruff, even though it is not clear dandruff was something that had to be cured. The phrase ‘always a bridesmaid, never a bride’ was popularized by a 1930’s advertisement for Listerine. Contact the Robert Wood Johnson Library of the Health Sciences for your information needs. Listerine was named for Joseph Lister, a British surgeon and pioneer of antiseptic surgery. Read more about Dr. Lister in the March 2007 issue of the Journal of the American College of Physicians.

30 Research  Participate on medical school and hospital committees that support and promote research  Institutional Review Boards  RWJMS Department Research Committees  Nursing Research Steering Committee  Evidence Based Practice Journal Club UMDNJ – RWJ Library of the Health Sciences –

31 Research  Provide research assistance  Librarian conducted systematic reviews  Database consultation  EndNote Instruction  Provide support with manuscript submissions including assistance in complying with the NIH Public Access Policy UMDNJ – RWJ Library of the Health Sciences –

32 Patient Care  Provide tools and services that support and promote patient care  Provide instruction on Point of Care resources  Conduct literature searches  Create and maintain Nursing Dashboard  Ensure access to key clinical resources on mobile devices UMDNJ – RWJ Library of the Health Sciences –

33 Community Outreach  Provide health information to the community  Provide instruction and classroom space to New Brunswick Health Science High School students  Partner with East Brunswick Public Library to provide consumer health information to public  Loansome Doc/Support of Commercial Clients  Promote HealthyNJ UMDNJ – RWJ Library of the Health Sciences –

34 Accessible anywhere, anytime, any device UMDNJ – RWJ Library of the Health Sciences –

35 Website UMDNJ – RWJ Library of the Health Sciences – ►Each campus library has a presence on the University Libraries Website ►Electronic resources were linked on website before entered into catalog

36 SFX Link Resolver UMDNJ – RWJ Library of the Health Sciences – ►Essential tool to provide full-text resources whenever and wherever our user is. A-Z Ejournal List Findit in CINAHL Findit in Ovid-Medline Findit in PubMed

37 Quick Search - Current UMDNJ – RWJ Library of the Health Sciences – ►A locally developed query interface that searches all UMDNJ e-resources ►Direct search in PubMed and CINAHL

38 Quick Search - New UMDNJ – RWJ Library of the Health Sciences – ►A single search box. A unified search interface. ►More search options: Subject, Clinical Tools, enhance PubMed search. ►New features and functionalities added: Autocomplete, Article level search, Integrated clinical tools search, Dynamic tabs widget, and Mobile extention.

39 Quick Search Results UMDNJ – RWJ Library of the Health Sciences –

40 E-Resources Quick Search Tool Is Optimized for Mobile Devices Mobile

41 EndNote Blog UMDNJ – RWJ Library of the Health Sciences – 151,292 hits as of Jan 24, 2012

42 Nursing Dashboard UMDNJ – RWJ Library of the Health Sciences –

43 University Portal

44 Learning Management System UMDNJ – RWJ Library of the Health Sciences –

45 Take Away Message Academic Health Sciences Libraries  Different organizational culture  Urgency & time dependent access & delivery – high accountability  Immediate access to patient care information expected  Emphasis on resources available at the point-of-care  Varied and diffuse user population UMDNJ – RWJ Library of the Health Sciences –

46 Thank You! Any Questions? UMDNJ – RWJ Library of the Health Sciences –

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