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While you’re waiting for class to begin, left click on your name and drag yourself into the Research Paper Topics Room and explore the ideas!

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Presentation on theme: "While you’re waiting for class to begin, left click on your name and drag yourself into the Research Paper Topics Room and explore the ideas!"— Presentation transcript:

1 While you’re waiting for class to begin, left click on your name and drag yourself into the Research Paper Topics Room and explore the ideas! search-paper-topics/ search-paper-topics/

2 Part 1: Defining Research Essay Brainstorming Topics

3 K12 OLS and the Research Paper Language 3-Language A You will not have to do the book work but instead, do what is assigned to you during the class connect. At the end of class, I will tell you what you can mark off on the OLS for attending class. DON’T FORGET TO DO THE WORK THOUGH!

4 What is research report? 5 volunteers will share their ideas of what they believe comprises a research paper while the rest of you will type your answers in the discussion box. 1.______________________________________________________________ _ 2.______________________________________________________________ _ 3.______________________________________________________________ _ 4.______________________________________________________________ _ 5.______________________________________________________________ _

5 What is a research paper? A research paper: – Has a clear purpose – Presents information about a topic that has been researched or looked up (fact-based writing) – Shares the sources from which the information is taken: Internet, books, newspapers, magazines, interviews, etc. – Includes citations for these sources—author’s last name/title of article and page number(s) – Is written using a formal tone/style and an objective, serious voice (devoid of personal opinion)

6 What is brainstorming? This is how you will come up with an idea! Opening your mind and letting ideas flow: – Clustering – Listing – Free writing – Questioning Whatever works for you

7 Let’s practice brainstorming! I’m going to play a video of a poem called “Don’t Quit” by an unknown author. – As you watch the video, list (brainstorm): Questions you have about the poem’s topic Ideas about its meaning Words/lyrics that made you think of something related to the topic or to the topic itself Any and all thoughts related to watch you see

8 Brainstorming Research Paper Topics Take a moment and share ways you can explore/choose research topics for an essay. Please type your ideas in the discussion box.

9 Brainstorming Research Paper Topics Think about: – Interesting subjects that you’ve studied – Interesting people: artists, musicians, athletes, politicians, writers, etc. – News topics – Events that have impacted our world – Future career – Recreational activities – KEY: LOVE your topic!!!

10 Let’s take a moment to share our topic ideas!

11 Part 2: Researching a topic Taking notes Credibility of Sources

12 Objectives To gather resources that incorporates both print and online sources for the research report To learn how to make notecards for the research report To determine the credibility of resources

13 Key Terms Computer Catalog: an online record of a library’s holdings Card Catalog: a record of a library’s holdings, consisting of a separate index card for each item, in alphabetical order by title, author, or subject Reference Materials: books that are located in one specific area of the library and cannot by checked out. (atlases, encyclopedias, almanacs, specialized dictionaries) Periodical Literature: sources where a certain amount of time has passed from one issue to the next. (magazines, newspapers, newsletters)

14 Key Terms Search Engine: software that searches for websites, usually by keywords Bibliography Card: a note card on which a researcher writes the source of a piece of information Summarize: to restate briefly the main pints of a text, omitting minor points Plagiarism: presenting someone’s words or ideas as if they were your own

15 Where to start researching? Where can you look for information on your topic?

16 Review of Research Ideas Library: – Computer catalog – Card catalog – Atlases – Encyclopedias – Almanacs – Specialized dictionaries – Periodical literature: newspapers, magazines, newsletters Internet: – Search engines

17 What does it mean to have “Reputable Sources”? When doing research, you need to find sources that are RELIABLE. That way, you can actually support your thesis (the overall argument of your essay). If your sources are unreliable, it can actually disprove your thesis statement!

18 How Do You Know if Sources are Reliable? There are a number of things to look for when determining whether or not a source is reliable! Remember this word when finding sources: T A P

19 What does that stand for? “T” stands for “Title.” Make sure that the title relates to your topic of research. “A” stands for “Author.” Is this an author you’ve heard of? What is his/her educational background? Do they have authority in that subject area? “P” stands for “Publication Information.” Can you easily locate when and where this source became available? Did the information come from a source that is still applicable (not too old)?

20 Here is a List of Sources that are Usually Reliable: Academic Books or Professional Journals written by authors who are known in that subject area Specialty magazines or newspapers (such as “Time,” “The Wallstreet Journal,” “The Huffington Post,” etc.) Governmental Reports Reports from known, reputable organizations, such as the “World Health Organization,” or other well-known groups. Theses posted in university libraries TV or Radio programs where reliable/reputable sources have been interviewed.

21 Continued…. Documentaries that are used by students and staff at universities. Primary sources, such as original letters, diaries, journals, notes, novels, plays, poetry or music scores. The internet, if the site has a reputable author, publisher, and domain name that show the site has the relevant credentials for your subject area.

22 Let’s Practice! Go to this website about alligators. Tell me if it is reputable or not and why.

23 How about this one? What about this site? Is it a good one or not and why?

24 What were your answers? Let’s discuss why. Source for Research Article off of Wikipedia Book from the University of Colorado’s library. Documentary from the History Channel. Website with an author and domain name but no publication information. Excerpt from “The National Enquirer.” OLS encyclopedia Reputable or Not Reputable? Not! YES! Yes! Not! YES!

25 Library – Computer Catalog Looking for your subject:

26 You decide on the subject heading Imagine that your topic is the bandicoot. You did not find it listed as a subject heading. You know that the bandicoot is a marsupial that lives in Australia. Circle the headings that might lead you to useful books on bandicoots. Australia – Natural history Marsupials Australia – wildlife watching guidebooks Australia - history First 3 choices are the best since their heading is related to Australian wildlife.

27 Which is the best resource? In which reference work would you find the most information about the lives of elephants? o A an African atlas o B an almanac o C an encyclopedia o D a dictionary of African folklore C is correct!

28 Which is the best resource? In which work would you most likely to find the names of Ohio’s current members of Congress? o A an atlas o B an almanac o C an encyclopedia o D a specialized dictionary of United States historical figures B. An annually printed almanac provides this type of political information.

29 Which is the best resource? Which work would be your first choice for finding out about your community’s natural landscape? o A an atlas of your state, containing physical, geographical, and climate maps o B an almanac o C a one-volume encyclopedia called American Wildlife o D a dictionary of geographical terms A is correct

30 Which is the best resource? Which work would be your first choice for finding out which birds live in your community? o A an atlas of the United States' natural resources o B an almanac o C an encyclopedia o D a reference work called Directory of Northern American Birds D is correct!

31 Bibliography Card It is important to keep track of the source of the information. Here is an example:

32 Bibliography Card Information Books: call number, author’s name, title, city of publication, name of publisher, date of publication, publication medium Magazine articles: author(if known), title of article, name of magazine, date of publication, volume number (if available), page numbers, publication medium Encyclopedias: author(if known), title of article, name of reference work, publication medium

33 Bibliography Card for an Internet Source For an internet site, you will need to include the following information: – Title, title of website, date of website, organization, date of access, and web address

34 Internet Search Engines

35 Which notecard is correct?

36 The answer is... This is correct because you will want to make sure to summarize important points. You can paraphrase the words by reading the information and writing down the information in your own words. You can also quote the information by placing quotation marks around the information that comes word for word from the source.

37 Plagiarism Using the work belonging to someone else as your own. From the OLS:

38 Review of Objectives To gather resources that incorporates both print and online sources for the research report To learn how to make notecards for the research report To determine the credibility of resources

39 Future Research Classes: *Monday, September 30 th 1-2 PM *Friday, October 4 th 1-2 PM *Monday, September 7 th 1-2 PM *Friday, October 11 th 1-2 PM

40 What to mark complete and how to… Language 3- Composition Unit 3, Lessons 1-2 4 th Language- Composition Unit 2, Lessons 1-2 5 th Language- Composition Unit 2, Lesson 1 and 3 Language A- Composition Unit 5, Lessons 1, 2, 3 and 4 To do this, follow the steps below: 1.log in to the OLS from your student account. 2.Go to your Progress tab, click on Language Skills (composition) 3.On the right, click on the Unit list to expand it. 4.Click on Unit 2 or 5 the research paper or research report 5.Put your curser in the circle of the lessons stated above to color it in green 6.Give yourself an hour of attendance time for today in Language skills! Make sure to give more time when the work is done!

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