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Why Standards?. 2005 - Year of Implementation! Dataflow without Standards.

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Presentation on theme: "Why Standards?. 2005 - Year of Implementation! Dataflow without Standards."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why Standards?

2 2005 - Year of Implementation! Dataflow without Standards

3 2005 - Year of Implementation! Dataflow with Standards

4 2005 - Year of Implementation! Value Proposition  Visibility  Standards enable data communication on three levels – GDS, BOB, S2S and provide 360 degree visibility of patron behaviors, playing habit, game preferences, dining, hospitality, entertainment activities and more  Portability  More choices, simpler repeatable solutions, higher quality, Exit option  Investment Protection  Open standards are more robust  Ensures smooth migration path to achieve new functionality  Increased ROI  Increase revenues by 360 degree visibility on customer data  Decrease costs by using more effective and efficient tools to manage, analyze and evaluate productivity and profitability of operations

5 Gaming Device Standard (GDS)

6 2005 - Year of Implementation! GDS Structure  Currently, there are Five (5) workgroups  Coin Acceptor Workgroup  Note/Ticket Acceptor Workgroup  Hopper Workgroup  Touch Screen Workgroup  Printer Workgroup  Every Workgroup has a technical lead

7 2005 - Year of Implementation! GDS Devices  The GDS committee has standardized the following devices  Coin Acceptor  Coin Hopper  Note/Ticket Acceptor  Touch Screen  The committee is working on the following standards  Printer Device  Template definition protocol  Magnetic/smart card Reader  Hybrid USB/Power connector  Device Firmware Upgrade (DFU) standard, developed by USB-IF, was selected to be the standard mechanism for GDS devices to perform firmware updates

8 2005 - Year of Implementation! GDS Standards In Action

9 2005 - Year of Implementation! General Information GDS devices utilize the Human Interface Device (HID) class, page 0x92 (Gaming Device Page), of the Universal Serial Bus (USB)

10 2005 - Year of Implementation! General Information cont’d  GDS devices use full speed, 12Mbits/sec.  GDS devices are compliant with USB1.1  Devices are event driven  Some events carry transaction ID (TID events)  An application level acknowledgment (ACK) is required for TID events  If an ACK is not received within one (1) second then the TID event is resent to the host  In case of failure, device will cease to report TID events  Some devices implement a Non Volatile Memory (NVM)

11 2005 - Year of Implementation! USB + Power connector  Two proposals are under considerations  FCI  FoxConn  Power Requirements  Due to the nature of business, GDS devices require more power than can be supplied by the standard USB connector  GDS has identified two extra voltages –+24V @ 4A –+12V @ 2A  A GDS connector will have the two voltages available, by the host, at all times.  Only one voltage will be used by device class i.e. printers use +24V, Coin acceptors use +12V

12 2005 - Year of Implementation! General Requirements  The following list is requirements of the USB and power connector:  USB interface  Dual voltage supply of additional +12V and +24V power  Mechanical retention  Polarised  Small Mechanical size  Robustness  EMC/Signal Integrity  Hot plugging (In gaming industry devices need to be hot plugging at both ends host/device)  Mechanical size: The maximum size of the PCB connector is 20 mm wide by 10 mm high. The maximum depth is 25mm.

13 2005 - Year of Implementation! Power signals  The following signals are required:  D+  D-  Vbus  USB Ground  +12V  +24V  Power Ground

14 2005 - Year of Implementation! Current Rating Power PinsCurrent Rating Power Ground4A +12V2A +24V4A USB Ground0.5A Vbus0.5A The device must limit current to less than 1A until 90% of the final voltage is reached

15 2005 - Year of Implementation! Mating Sequence Signal NamePlugging Sequence Shield1 Power Ground2 +12V3 +24V3 USB Ground2 Vbus2 D+3 D-3

16 2005 - Year of Implementation! Assumptions  By nature of industry, host will always be designed with a pre-known number of devices that will be connected to it. Thus power consumption is pre-calculated  The power supply shuts the system when overload condition happens for excessive power drawn from the devices  GDS devices would be declared as self powered devices thus eliminating the need for power management  Devices can either enumerate from USB power or +power

17 2005 - Year of Implementation! Assumptions Cont.  GDS protocol allows for a device to enumerate from USB power. If external power (+12v/+24V) is not connected, device reports power status to host  With the above in mind, there is no need to modify any USB descriptors  The USB part of the connector must meet all the standard USB 2.0 electrical requirements  +power devices may be connected to a legacy host through conversion board that has “+power” connector on one side and standard USB and a power connector on the another

18 2005 - Year of Implementation! GDS Goals for 2006  Magnetic/Smart Card standard  Update GDS Toolkit to include all device standards

19 Q & A

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