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Geneva, 14/05/2007 Introduction of the Digital Tachograph By Leo Huberts (EC-DG TREN) Introduction of the Digital Tachograph By Leo Huberts (EC-DG TREN)

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Presentation on theme: "Geneva, 14/05/2007 Introduction of the Digital Tachograph By Leo Huberts (EC-DG TREN) Introduction of the Digital Tachograph By Leo Huberts (EC-DG TREN)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Geneva, 14/05/2007 Introduction of the Digital Tachograph By Leo Huberts (EC-DG TREN) Introduction of the Digital Tachograph By Leo Huberts (EC-DG TREN) European Commission Directorate-General for Energy and Transport

2 Geneva, 14/05/2007 Scope of the presentation Introduction of the digital tachograph In the EU Member States In the EU Member States In the AETR contracting parties In the AETR contracting parties

3 Geneva, 14/05/2007 EU introduction Introduction of the digital tachograph in the EU Member States

4 Geneva, 14/05/2007 EU History  1992:Commission launches Tachosmart  1998:Council regulation (EC) No 2135/98  2002:Commission regulation (EC) No 1360/2002 (Annex 1B)  1 May 2006: mandatory introduction in the EU

5 Geneva, 14/05/2007 Regulation 2135/98 Council Regulation (EC) No 2135/98: Amends Council Regulation 3821/85 on recording equipment in road transport (analogue tachograph) Amends Council Regulation 3821/85 on recording equipment in road transport (analogue tachograph) Introduces basic provisions for new digital recording equipment with mass memory (VU) and smart cards Introduces basic provisions for new digital recording equipment with mass memory (VU) and smart cards Mandates Commission to define technical requirements, assisted by MS Regulatory Committee Mandates Commission to define technical requirements, assisted by MS Regulatory Committee

6 Geneva, 14/05/2007 Regulation 2135/98 Council Regulation 2135/98 – Objectives:  Improve enforcement  Enhance fair competition  Increase road safety  Maintain satisfactory social standards “Whereas blatant infringements and fraud present a road safety hazard and are unacceptable for reasons of competition for the individual driver who does respect the rules”

7 Geneva, 14/05/2007 Annex 1B Annex 1B (Commission Regulation (EC) No 1360/2002): Technical specifications for the digital tachograph Date of publication: 5/8/2002

8 Geneva, 14/05/2007 TimingTiming Council Regulation 2135/98 – Article 2:  24 months from the date of publication of techn. spec’s (Annex 1B): vehicles put into service for the first time must be fitted with the digital tachograph  21 months from the date of publication of Annex 1B: Member States shall take measures to ensure that they are able to issue driver cards  Date of publication Annex 1B: 5 August 2002  Mandatory introduction: 5 August 2004?

9 Geneva, 14/05/2007 TimingTiming Problems:  No type approved VU and/or cards available  Tests performed by vehicle manufacturers  April 2004: Commission moratorium until 5/8/2005  June 2004: Council includes 5/8/2005 as the new introduction date in proposal on new social rules in road transport (regulation 561/2006)  Certain Member States need more time to put in place legislation and practical arrangements  July 2005: Commission period of tolerance until 31/12/2006  August 2005: legal deadline of 5/8/2005 overtaken by events

10 Geneva, 14/05/2007 Final introduction  11 April 2006: publication of the new regulation on certain social aspects relating to road transport (Regulation (EC) No 561/2006)  including new date for the mandatory introduction of the digital tachograph: 1 May 2006

11 Geneva, 14/05/2007 Main characteristics  Records and stores drivers activities  Works with 4 types of smart cards  Is highly secured  Records data which can also be used for fleet management  Will be used by law enforcement authorities to control drivers on the road and in the companies

12 Geneva, 14/05/2007 ScopeScope  Trucks weighting more than 3,5 tonnes  Buses having more than 9 seats

13 Geneva, 14/05/2007 System components

14 Geneva, 14/05/2007 Enforcement – electronic downloading Control card Connector Cable Data can be downloaded by control officers if issued with control cards

15 Geneva, 14/05/2007 Enforcement - printouts Alternative for the control officers to get access to the recording equipment’s and card’s data : printouts 6 types of print-outs, which can be selected through the recording equipment :   2 relate to the drivers’ activities: one comes from the recording equipment, the other one from the driver card;   2 relate to the events and faults: one from the recording equipment, the other one from the driver card;   1 concerns the technical data (vehicle, recording equipment, etc…);   1 concerns the over speeding.

16 Geneva, 14/05/2007 Enforcement - printouts

17 Geneva, 14/05/2007 Member States obligations  To issue cards (for drivers, companies, workshops and control officers) – regulation 2135/98  To approve workshops (for calibration and repair of the digital tachograph) – regulation 2135/98  To train and equip control officers – directive 2006/22 by means of the adoption of the necessary legal and practical arrangements

18 Geneva, 14/05/2007 Member States obligations/tasks (derived)  To issue a security policy  To distribute security keys  To enforce the drivers’ hours’ rules  Data protection  Tachonet  System maintenance (risk management)

19 Geneva, 14/05/2007 State of implementation All EU Member States are ready, except GR, BG and RO  legal and practical arrangements  issue cards  approve workshops  train and equip control officers Focus on enforcement !

20 Geneva, 14/05/2007 Implementation support  MIDT project (Monitoring of the Implementation of the Digital Tachograph) – by SRA  The European Root Certification Authority (ERCA) – by EC-JRC  The Laboratory for Interoperability Certification – by EC-JRC  TACHOnet – by EC-DG TREN

21 Geneva, 14/05/2007 MIDT project Monitoring of the Implementation of the Digital Tachograph (MIDT): Website:   Legislation   Full description of the digital tachograph/tachograph cards   Implementation in Member States   Points of contact   News   FAQ   Help desk   Risk management procedure   Secure area for Member States’ experts

22 Geneva, 14/05/2007 EC Joint Research Centre  EC JRC manages, in association with EC DG TREN, two major services requested by the current European legislation on the Digital Tachograph: The European Root Certification Authority (ERCA) The European Root Certification Authority (ERCA) The Laboratory for Interoperability Certification The Laboratory for Interoperability Certification

23 Geneva, 14/05/2007 ERCAERCA Major tasks of ERCA (JRC) include:  Review and approval of the Member State Security Policies,  Root Key maintenance operations,  Key certification operations,  Security management activities,  Liaison with MS Authorities and participation in the MIDT project Task DG TREN:  Identification Member State Authorities

24 Geneva, 14/05/2007 Interoperability certification  one of three certifications required for type approval of digital tachograph equipment. (The other two certifications concern functional testing, and security evaluation.)  Interoperability certification ensures that equipment put on the market will work together with equipment produced by other manufacturers.

25 Geneva, 14/05/2007 TachonetTachonet EC created TACHOnet (in cooperation with EU Member States):  To ensure that a driver does only hold one tachograph card  To overcome this major issue between MS, it has been decided to create a network interconnecting all the MS national administrations create a network interconnecting all the MS national administrations in charge of issuing tachograph cards to their respective truck in charge of issuing tachograph cards to their respective truck drivers aiming at: drivers aiming at:  facilitating the data exchange between Member States;  guaranteeing the uniqueness of the driver card;  ensuring that the card is valid for instance during a road check  The TACHOnet system is owned by the European Commission

26 Geneva, 14/05/2007 Obligation of Member States – analogue tachograph Drivers ManufacturersType approval Fitters Workshops Transport companies Control bodies

27 Geneva, 14/05/2007 Obligation of Member States – digital tachograph DriversDriver Card Control Card Company Card Security Management Card Issuing Manufacturers Card / VU / Sensor Type approval Transport companies Control Bodies Data protection TACHOnet   (Security) Personalisation Workshops Fitters

28 Geneva, 14/05/2007 AETR introduction Introduction of the digital tachograph in the non EU-AETR Member States

29 Geneva, 14/05/2007 AETR history  2000: start of negotiations to incorporate EU legislation on digital tachograph into AETR  Oct. 2004: amendments adopted by UN-ECE Inland Transport Committee  June 2005: amendments sent for ratification to UN- headquarters N.Y.  Ratification process delayed due to communication NL: “acceptance of proposals as soon as conditions for such acceptance are fulfilled”  Acceptance proposals by NL on 16 March 2006  16 June 2006: entry into force of amendments

30 Geneva, 14/05/2007 Article 13 – introduction schedule 1. All the new provisions of the present Agreement, including its Annex and Appendices 1B and 2, relating to the introduction of a digital control device, shall become mandatory for countries which are Contracting Parties to this Agreement at latest four years after the date of entry into force of the relevant amendments resulting from the procedure specified in article 21. In consequence, all vehicles covered by this Agreement, put into service for the first time after the expiry of this period, shall be equipped with a control device conforming to these new requirements. During this four- year period, Contracting Parties, which have not yet implemented these amendments in their countries, shall accept and control on their territory vehicles registered in another Contracting Party to this Agreement, which are already equipped with such a digital control device. 2. (a) The Contracting Parties shall take the necessary steps to be able to issue the driver cards referred to in the Annex to the present Agreement, as amended, at latest three months before the expiry of the four-year deadline referred to in paragraph 1. (b)Pending the issue by Contracting Parties of the cards referred to in (a), the provisions of article 14 of the Annex to this Agreement shall apply to drivers who may be required to drive vehicles fitted with a digital control device in accordance with Appendix 1B to this Annex.” Timing

31 Geneva, 14/05/2007 Transitional provisions  Article 14 1. Pursuant to article 13, paragraph 2 (b) of the Agreement, drivers who are driving a vehicle registered in a Contracting Party and to whom the competent authorities have not yet been able to issue the driver cards and who, during the transitional period referred to in paragraph 1 of this article, drive in international traffic with a vehicle fitted with a digital control device in accordance with Appendix 1B to the Annex, must be able to produce, whenever an inspecting officer so requests, the printouts and/or the record sheets for the current week and, in any event, the printout and/or record sheet for the last day on which he drove during the previous week. 2. Paragraph 1 does not apply to drivers of vehicles registered in a country where it is obligatory to use a driver card. However, drivers shall produce printouts whenever an inspecting officer so requests. 3. The printouts referred to in paragraph 1 shall be marked with the details that enable the drivers to be identified (name and number of the driving licence), including their signature.”

32 Geneva, 14/05/2007 Summary introduction schedule As of 16 th June 2010, the digital tachograph will become mandatory for new vehicles registered in the non EU-AETR countries. Non EU-AETR countries have to start issuing cards 3 months before this deadline, i.e. 16 th March 2010

33 Geneva, 14/05/2007 Summary transitional provisions  Until 16 June 2010, non EU-AETR countries who have not yet implemented the system, shall accept and control on their territory digital tachographs and tachograph cards used by transport companies and drivers coming from a country where their use is already mandatory  During the 4 year transitional period, AETR countries have to accept drivers coming from non EU-AETR countries using digital tachographs without driver cards. Such drivers must produce printouts instead.

34 Geneva, 14/05/2007 Practical issues Non EU-AETR contracting parties have (only) 3 years to set up a digital tachograph system   MIDT work package: support of the UNO-AETR Secretariat and of the AETR Contracting Parties through the UNO-AETR Secretariat   CORTE: support of the UNO-AETR Secretariat and of some non EU-AETR Contracting Parties (experts’ visits to some of these countries)   Expectation: some EU Member States/private companies may help these countries to put in place a card issuing system

35 Geneva, 14/05/2007 Practical issues Non EU-AETR transport companies will buy vehicles equipped with digital tachographs (first or second hand) If they do, how to ensure that their digital tachographs are fully calibrated? Why calibration? Printouts produced to control officers during that period of time where cards are not available will not be considered as valid if coming from a non calibrated VU

36 Geneva, 14/05/2007 Practical issues Calibration of digital tachographs fitted in non EU-AETR vehicles:  No workshop card – no calibration – no use of digital tachograph Flexible approach:  First calibration to be performed during the first international journey of the vehicle in question in a (EU) country which is able to calibrate digital tachographs  Following calibrations (e.g. in case of breakdown) to be performed “en route during international journey

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