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21 st CENTURY TEAMWORK Planning Powerful Professional Learning.

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1 21 st CENTURY TEAMWORK Planning Powerful Professional Learning


3 NRMPS STRATEGIC PLAN DISTRICT PRIORITY 1.0: NRMPS will be a high performing, technology- rich school district with leading-edge learning experiences that promote engagement, creativity, critical thinking, and achievement

4 NRMPS STRATEGIC PLAN DISTRICT PRIORITY 4.0: NRMPS will use cutting edge technology to enhance instruction and promote innovation.

5 GOALS SUPPORTING NRMPS DISTRICT PRIORITY 1.0 (1.1) Successfully implement Common Core / Essential Standards (1.5) Implement the Rigor / Relevance Framework (1.6) Develop and plan targeted professional development aligned to instructional needs

6 GOALS SUPPORTING NRMPS DISTRICT PRIORITY 4.0 (4.1) Plan and implement a 1:1 initiative for grades 4-12 (4.2) Establish expectations for technology integration (4.3) Implement sustained, job-embedded professional learning


8 Curriculum & Instruction Structure Assistant Superintendent Curriculum and Instruction E.D. Elem. E.D. Sec. E.D. Transf. Dir. E.C. Dir. Fed. Prog. Dir. P.D. Dir. C.T.E. Dir. Tech. Ed. Specs. Instr. Cchs. Ed. Specs. Instr. Cchs. Prog. Specs. P.D. Cchs. C.T.E. Prog. Specs. Instr. Tech. Spec / Cchs School Level Lead Teachers Core, Electives, ESL, World Languages, AIG, Art, EC, PD, CTE, Technology

9 Classroom Instruction Executive Director Secondary Executive Director Transformation Executive Director Elementary Educ Specialists: K-5 ELA K-5 Math Instruc Coaches: K-5 ELA K-5 Math P-K Coordinator Educ Specialists: 6-12 ELA 6-12 Math Instruc Coaches: 6-12 ELA 6-12 Math Educ Specialists: K-12 AIG/Arts ESL/WldLang SS/HlthLvg STEM School Level Lead Teachers: ELA, Math, PK, AIG, Art, ESL, Foreign Lang., Social Studies, Health/PE, Science

10 Instructional Technology Instructional Technology Specialist Inst. Tech. Coach Inst. Tech. Coach Inst. Tech. Coach Inst. Tech. Coach Inst. Tech. Coach Inst. Tech. Coach Inst. Tech. Coach School Level Technology Lead Teachers

11 Exceptional Children Director of Exceptional Children Prog. Sp Math Prog. Sp Behavior Autistic Prog. Sp Reading Prog. Sp Content Stands. Prog. Sp Pre- School Prog. Sp Transit. Coord. School Level Exceptional Children Teachers, Inclusion, Co-Teaching, Compliance

12 ProfessionalDevelopment Professional Development Director of Professional Development Professional Development Coach School Level PD Contacts

13 Responsibilities of the School Level Lead Teachers Meet four times annually with departmental specialists to receive information and PD Upon returning to schools, lead teachers are to communicate with administration and meet with staff in order to disseminate pertinent information Share PD received in lead teacher sessions with colleagues


15 To craft a professional development planning protocol that will intentionally and deliberately align departmental efforts to ensure (1)successful Common Core/Essential Standards implementation, (2)implementation of the Rigor/Relevance Framework, and (3)effective technology integration. INTERDEPARTMENTAL PD PLT PURPOSE



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