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1 The eXtremeDigital (XD) Program Barry I. Schneider Office of Cyberinfrastructure National Science Foundation

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1 1 The eXtremeDigital (XD) Program Barry I. Schneider Office of Cyberinfrastructure National Science Foundation

2 XD Solicitation/XD Program  eXtreme Digital Resources for Science and Engineering (NSF 08-571) – eXtremely complex  High-Performance Computing and Storage Services aka Track 2 awardees and others become service providers (SP) for XD  High-Performance Remote Visualization and Data Analysis Services 2 awards; 5 years; $3M/year proposals due November 4, 2008 – Two awards funded in 2009 – RDAV (NICS) & Longhorn (TACC)  Integrating Services (5 years, $26M/year) Coordination and Management Service (CMS) –5 years; $12M/year Technology Audit and Insertion Service (TAIS) –5 years; $3M/year – Two awards funded in 2010 – Buffalo (TAS) and UIUC (TIS) Advanced User Support Service (AUSS) –5 years; $8M/year Training, Education and Outreach Service (TEOS) –5 years, $3M/year  two phase proposal process for IS pre-proposals November 4, 2008 final proposals due June 15, 2009 – Final project called XSEDE funded July, 2011 for five years with a possible additional five year extension

3 XD at a Glance  Technical Audit Service develops lightweight tools (XDMoD) to enable stakeholders to obtain information on the systems, performance, usage and other characteristics of the XD resources – extremely valuable for data collection – Aid users, system administrators and NSF Program Director  Technical Insertion Service evaluates software and middleware and makes recommendations for injection into project  XSEDE provides the integrating services for the project: Coordination and management, advanced user services and training, education and outreach  XSEDE is a comprehensive set of advanced heterogeneous high-end digital services, integrated into a general-purpose infrastructure.  XSEDE is about increased user productivity, not just high end resources  Increased productivity leads to more science at all levels  Increased productivity is sometimes the difference between a feasible project and an impractical one

4 Thanks to the XSEDE folks for permission to use material from slides used at the US-EU Summer School in computational science held at Lake Tahoe in early August 4

5 The Vision  Enhance the productivity of scientists and engineers by providing them with new and innovative capabilities  Facilitate scientific discovery while enabling transformational science/engineering and innovative educational programs  Develop a more sustainable approach to the national CI

6 XSEDE supports a breadth of research  Earthquake Science and Civil Engineering  Molecular Dynamics  Nanotechnology  Plant Science  Storm modeling  Epidemiology  Particle Physics  Economic analysis of phone network patterns  Brain science  Analysis of large cosmological simulations  DNA sequencing  Computational Molecular Sciences  Neutron Science  International Collaboration in Cosmology and Plasma Physics Sampling of much larger set. Many examples are new to TeraGrid/HPC. Range from petascale to disjoint HTC, many are data driven. XSEDE will support thousands of projects. From direct contact with user community as part of requirements collections

7 XSEDE’s Distinguishing Characteristics  Foundation for a national CI ecosystem – in sync with the NSF CIF21 vision  A comprehensive suite of advanced digital services  Federated with other high-end facilities, other providers of digital services here and abroad and importantly campus-based resources  Unprecedented integration of diverse digital resources  Developing an innovative, open architecture making possible the continuous addition of new technology capabilities and services – Achieve Seamless integration of resources at all levels

8 XSEDE: An Infrastructure Designed for Innovation & Evolution  An environment in which all resources, data and services relevant to a researcher can be embedded and shared  Campus bridging creating a single virtual system with interactive data transfer and resource sharing capabilities “make my data accessible everywhere I want to be”  Coordinated archival approach to ensure persistence of important datasets beyond the lifetime of particular service providers – Still needs fleshing out  An underlying infrastructure to support this  Open architecture with judicious use of standards designed to evolve in a non-disruptive way  Interoperability of XSEDE with other Cis – OSG, PRACE, DEISA NAREGI

9 XSEDE’s Distinguishing Characteristics - Architecture  XSEDE is designed for innovation & evolution  There is an architecture defined, but it is still evolving as a consequence of the review process based on set of design principles rooted in the judicious use of standards and best practices clearly defined transition plan from TeraGrid to XSEDE  Professional systems engineering approach  Responds to evolving needs of existing, emerging, and new communities incremental development/deployment model  New requirements gathering processes ticket mining, focus groups, usability panels, shoulder surfing  Ensure robustness and security while incorporating new and improved technologies and services  Process control, quality assurance, baseline management, stakeholder involvement

10 How XSEDE describes the architecture  A set of “views” examining the elephant from the perspectives of different stakeholders  Not (only) immensely detailed documentation!  Different stakeholders require different views, e.g.,  Service provider  System administrator  Power user  Occasional user  Gateway developer  Tell us what views you think are important – Security officer – NSF program manager – Campus CIO – Trainer –...

11 XSEDE’s Distinguishing Characteristics - Governance  World-class leadership from CI centers with deep experience: partnership led by NCSA, NICS, PSC, TACC and SDSC  PI: John Towns, NCSA/Univ of Illinois  Co-PIs: Jay Boisseau, TACC/Univ of Texas Austin Patricia Kovatch, NICS/Univ of Tenn-Knoxville Ralph Roskies, PSC/CMU Nancy Wilkins-Diehr, SDSC/UC-San Diego  Partners who strongly complement these CI centers with expertise in science, engineering, technology and education  Univ of Virginia Ohio Supercomputing Center  SURACornell  Indiana UnivPurdue  Univ of Chicago Rice  BerkeleyNCAR  Shodor Jülich Supercomputing Centre

12 Engaging stakeholders  Collection of stakeholder needs:  surveys, ticket mining, …  focus groups, usability panels, …  interviews, shoulder surfing, …  Prioritization of identified need and derived requirements  User Requirements Evaluation and Prioritization (UREP) Working Group broad participation across architecture, deployment, operations, users, and service providers  Assessing plans and deployments  through a variety of stakeholder-focused, facilitated workshops e.g., interactive ATAM sessions focused on identifying, quantifying, discussing tradeoffs  Representation in the management of XSEDE  XSEDE Advisory Board  User Advisory Committee  Service Providers Forum

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