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GSC-19 Meeting, 15-16 July 2015, Geneva Priorities of TTC Yoichi MAEDA CEO & VP of TTC, JAPAN Document No:GSC-19_019 Source:TTC Contact:Maeda, Yoichi

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Presentation on theme: "GSC-19 Meeting, 15-16 July 2015, Geneva Priorities of TTC Yoichi MAEDA CEO & VP of TTC, JAPAN Document No:GSC-19_019 Source:TTC Contact:Maeda, Yoichi"— Presentation transcript:

1 GSC-19 Meeting, 15-16 July 2015, Geneva Priorities of TTC Yoichi MAEDA CEO & VP of TTC, JAPAN Document No:GSC-19_019 Source:TTC Contact:Maeda, Yoichi Agenda Item:2.10

2 GSC-19 Meeting, 15-16 July 2015, Geneva Strategic standardization topics(1) Promotion of strategic standardization activities through technical working groups and advisory groups in TTC: e.g., IoT/M2M(including oneM2M), IMT2020(5G), upstream activities to ITU-T (SG2, SG5, SG11, SG12, SG13, SG15, SG16, SG17, TSAG & RevCom)  IMT-2020 (5G) - Started the study of IMT-2020/5G networking (Sept 2014 - March 2015) and developed White Paper on 5G networking URL: - The second phase of study has just started in July 2015 which is targeting to identify networking study issues such as network softwarization, mobile front/back-haul, mobile edge computing. - Support the Fifth Generation Mobile Communications Promotion Forum (5GMF) in Japan with keeping close collaboration with ARIB.

3 GSC-19 Meeting, 15-16 July 2015, Geneva Strategic standardization topics(2)  IoT/M2M - Promotion of oneM2M activity in Japan in cooperation with ARIB - Established a new adhoc group to contribute to the new ITU-T SG20, IoT and its applications including smart cities and communities (SC&C)  All IP networking including PSTN migration (year 2025) project in Japan (Suppl.-2) - VoIP/VoLTE interworking guideline between IMS (JJ-90.30) in cooperation with GSMA (GSM Association) - Number portability in VoIP/VoLTE age (JJ-90.31) (Suppl.-3) - VoLTE speech quality assessment guideline development (Suppl.-4)  Promotion of TTC standards and publicity activities for future topics ‐ Technical areas: SDN/NFV, Big Data, Industrial Internet, Disaster relief, Home networking, ITS, E-health and Accessibility etc.

4 GSC-19 Meeting, 15-16 July 2015, Geneva Challenges  Revision of the membership fee system - Increase participation from new and non-ICT industries to TTC - Introduce new rules for the member of SMEs and Academia. - Introduce discount rule for the member who is participating more than 2 WGs in the same technical area (Division). The new rules would facilitate the member companies to expand their participation in plural WGs in a Division flexibly. (Suppl.-1)  Strengthen collaboration with other SDOs - MoU with ITSCJ in Japan in ISO/IEC JTC1 technical area, e.g. cloud computing, security, big data. - MoU with OMG Japan branch on IIC (Industrial Internet Consortium) - Promotion of regional activities in APT/ASTAP as affiliate member and as the chairman and office bearers of ASTAP

5 GSC-19 Meeting, 15-16 July 2015, Geneva List of supplementary slide (Suppl.-1) TTC WG structure (Suppl.-2) TTC standards related to PSTN migration project (Suppl.-3) Common interconnection interface for carrier ENUM (Suppl.-4) VoIP/VoLTE Quality Measurement Guidelines

6 GSC-19 Meeting, 15-16 July 2015, Geneva DivisionsExisting WGs and future topics ICT Applications Platforms Protocols, Network Operation and Management Architecture Transport, Access and Home (Suppl.-1) TTC’s WG structure Future Topics 6 Multimedia Application BSG Media Coding Numberi ng Plan Network Managem ent Signalli ng Mobile NM 3GPP23GPP NGN&F N oneM2 M Enterpris e Network Next Generatio n HN ICT&Clim ate Change Optical Fiber Trans. Access Netwo rk Optical Transpo rt Securit y e-Health ITS Big Data IMT-2020 Accessibility SDN/NFV Expected Future Topics Existing Working Group

7 GSC-19 Meeting, 15-16 July 2015, Geneva Full transition of PSTN to IP based network. Most of existing supplementary services are also realized in IP based network. Full transition is planned in 2025 Remaining issues Roaming, settlement, emergency calls, alignment with international standard(e.g., GSMA) ( Suppl.-2 ) TTC standards related to PSTN migration project 7 IMS Operator A IMS Operator B UNI: User to Network InterfaceNNI: Network to Network Interface II-NNI: Inter-IMS Network to Network Interface : in preparation JT-Q3402: UNI JT-Q3401: NNI JT-Y1221: Traffic control/congestion control TTC-TS-1020: II-NNI(3GPP TS29.165based) → TTC standard Number portability others (Incoming call transfer)

8 GSC-19 Meeting, 15-16 July 2015, Geneva Recently, TTC has started a work on the carrier ENUM interface for the routing of SIP request over the NNI (JJ-90.30), which is going to be published as JJ-90.31. Main works are:  Specifying the detail of query/answer message (e.g. TLD of query, NAPTR RR) over the carrier ENUM interface, using the corresponding RFCs, and  Specifying the usage of the carrier ENUM interface in the originating IMS network. IMS (Originating Side) IMS (Terminating Side) Carrier ENUM (Tier 2) Fixed Network Mobile Network Carrier ENUM (Tier 2) 1. Initial INVITE 2. ENUM query/answer 3. Initial INVITE 4. Initial INVITE Update the Request-URI using the SIP URI received in the ENUM answer Target of standardization in TS-1021 8 (Suppl.-3) Common interconnection interface for carrier ENUM Number portability: JT-E164 Sup.2 DB: JT-E164 Sup.2

9 GSC-19 Meeting, 15-16 July 2015, Geneva 1.Quality measurement guidelines for 0AB-J type IP telephony: TTC-TR- 1054 Following quality regulation relaxation of 0AB-J IP telephony(removal of R-value 80 and change in packet loss ratio 0.1%→0.5%), speech quality measurement guideline was developed at the end of 2014. For each measurement item, e.g., end-end quality, network quality, call loss ratio, call establishment delay, the required measurement conditions, e.g., measurement point,measurement duration etc. are defined. (Suppl.-4) VoIP/VoLTE Quality Measurement Guidelines 2.Development of VoLTE speech quality assessment By March 2016 new guideline for VoLTE speech quality assessment will be developed.

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